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Everything posted by rixxx

  1. Better watch out for Brian Tregaskin. He'll blame you for Jewish IDM conspiracy. Heterotic has pro jew subliminal messages in the bass line
  2. I blame the fact I'm half Jewish and dyslexic (Jews are rude which can sometimes seem as if autistic, I think it's all the inbreeding) Yeah Im not autistic......
  3. My god. You expect to wake up tomorrow? I'll give you one question. Have you seen Jessica hyde? No. I'll give you 3 choices. Chillies, sand, bleach. Have you seen Jessica Hyde? SPOON rixxx is in so much danger right now OMG. We watched it and went up to bed and just as i was falling asleep THE TV DOWNSTAIRS TURNED ITSELF ON. OMG. I was terrified.
  4. my arm hurts from a student doctor fucking up the cannula
  5. I want to go in chatmm cause Dan C is there, but I have an early start.
  6. rixxx

    Now Reading

    Highly recommend this book, only 1/4 way though but really well written thus far.
  7. the quality is low cause I've used the facebook versions, the originals are massive
  8. This is a really good book that explains how we become depressed or psychotic and how everyone is 'at risk' of mental illness.
  9. Here's a picture of our bengal, she has a super long tail. Bengals are awesome. Here's a video of her trying to wrestle the dog
  10. FUCK YEAH EXTREME ABORTION HA HA MY FAVORITE TWO POSTS IN THIS THREAD maybe I'll go see it now Sometimes I think YO303 and Rixxx are the same people
  11. Why she kicked off is because women are constantly compared to their other female counterparts, the media doesn't allow female producers to be 'their own' person or to have the music stand on its own merit.
  12. I've got a much bigger nose than that.
  13. Also I just realized how much rixxx looks like the LSD girl. Who?
  14. The tate modern is fun and it's free entry!
  15. Not sure how I feel about Grimes, there's some really nice bits but then there's bits I don't like.
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