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Everything posted by Zooluus

  1. That's not enough for the past few years. We're gonna need a new BoC album and maybe some new Aphex, and then MAYBE we will be even, as long as all three have a trio tour together where they play in my house.
  2. I got an autograph with my stimulus check. Should I sell it on ebay and make bank? It's over my fireplace rn.
  3. i'm all for voting the asshole out, but on the other hand, it's come to my realization that even the people i interact with everyday who seemed like decent people, our complete fucking morons. if he wins it might send america further down into collapse, and that may be more fulfilling then watching america claw itself out of hopelessness while being attacked on all sides by it's dumbfuck citizens. i'd say it's had a good run, might as well call it quits now. it's that or biden wins, sets the path back on somewhat of a better course for a few years, and then the republicans swoop in for more years, taking all credit for the repaired economy, the peaceful times, etc. i'm fucking tired of living in america, i'd much rather see it's demise then the back and forth between morality and stupidity.
  4. i've never used it, i would though, seems it's always empty now.
  5. I don't support Spotify's capitalistic and greedy ideas but I can't say spotify is complete garbage. I don't have a shit ton of money to spend on new music each year. There are top favorite artists of mine that whenever a release comes out, I'm buying it. But spotify is 15$ a month. Divide that by three people I use it with, makes it 5$ a month. 60$ a year. That's, what, maybe 8 full album purchases if I paid directly to the artist? And how much of that goes to them after a record label gets their cut. Spotify this year, I've added over 400 new songs to library. Probably at least 30 new artists that are new this year. I don't find all my music on spotify, but listening gives 30 new artists + stuff from previous years some revenue as opposed to 8 artists if I bought their record. An yes it is measly pennies, but it's better than no pennies. I'm not against anyone who opposes spotify but I think if you're gonna spend 60$ a year, it's not much worse for the artist than throwing 8$ to 8 artists. If I actually bought each album that I've found over the years on spotify, it would be a lot of fucking money.
  6. this one's my favorite, but they're all great. i love that kind of style
  7. That's pretty much it exactly. If it's not that, it's mostly people who are too unaware of common human decency to realize they side with a bunch of selfish people. Most people who I deal with who are like that (family, coworkers) aren't necessarily complete pieces of shit but they only care about politics in how it affects how much money they make.
  8. we're all fucked anyway, at least planet earth won't discriminate when kicking our ass into extinction kinda silly if it truly happens, right now we're all fighting over which way we steer the ship, but we're actually on a river headed towards a waterfall.
  9. self-portrait with pencil. made my forehead smaller than it actually is.
  10. Zooluus


    sennheiser momentum 3's
  11. I took a video and motion graphics course this year, finally learned a little on how to edit video. I've been making some music videos using free stock footage (and some with my own footage) if anyone wants to check em out.
  12. Zooluus


    I was pretty much forced to purchase an expensive pair of headphones because of this release. I'm not in control anymore. The bass is in these sets is insane.
  13. Zooluus


    I kinda enjoyed the yelling in between organ blasts on the bootlegs. Sounds less intense on the release. One thing that sucks about the sets is they aren't kind to my car speakers. They can't handle bass so a lot of it just sounds like shit. But on headphones, omg.
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