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Imagine a life without gonk steady one. Not for me lolmao!
I must have been listening to this in its entirety for at least a 100 times in my life so far. 2 more times have just been added.

Pointing out some highlights here:
00:00 From those first few seconds, you know it. There's no way something that starts like this isn't absolute fucking killer.
There's this thing rattling throughout the track, I've described it as a big shimmering robotic moth elsewhere here, and I'm luvin' it luvin' it luvin' it.
But that's only what I am seeing in my mind here; What I am hearing, however, is an extreme form of what the vengAe boys did on ccec: Create something unintelligible that starts rhyming and rapping, in what I assume must be ancient Egyptian hexadecimal code. But now, it's not derived from a human voice anymore. Shit is wild!
02:34 What's this? Sounds like something outside in the distance is shooting up into the skies. Some thin and beautiful threads. Or traces/trails of objects that are being fired off towards the clouds? Might be fireworks (or spider silk).
04:05 - 04:38 For a short while, the incessantly chaotic motion stabilizes a bit. Is this the chorus??
06:14 - 06:25 I always scat along here lel, I'm 100% serious btw. Makes me think Scatman John (R.I.P.) should have gotten the chance to do a cover version of gonk steady one.
07:31 Sorry, can't type right now, busy headbanging + playing air guitar.
10:45 WHAT THE FUCK??? How can this one simple note be so beautiful?? Now that's a drop. In the literal sense: A massive blob of honey just dropped right into my pleasure centre. Even my goosebumps are bumping now.
I think that it's night time all of a sudden. These honeydrops are actually big signal lights lighting up in the distance. Colours: Between red and purple.
12:00 Oh look/listen, the spider silk fireworks are back, but now they're going horizontal somehow, in unstable lines.
12:23 I love it when you stutter for me baby.
15:58 4 seconds of intense transformation as the snare was getting somewhat restless, and wanted to have its parameters changed. Wish granted!
16:45 Although it took a step to the side of the stage, the rapping robot moth is enjoying itself a lot here, as it momentarily starts to giggle.
17:55 Will wonders never cease? It's that melody from the 2016 live sets!! I'm not asking, I'm telling; Don't @ me.
18:39 What a session. No more rapping or giggling. Just exhausted wheezing in pure bliss over all the beauty that has unfolded since 00:00.
19:30 The snare hasn't told you but it dropped some acid at the start of the track. It's looking into a mirror now, to the usual results.
20:13 Robot moth suddenly caught in a fit of laughing until it's crying. I think the snare might have spiked its drink with some of that acid, all in good fun between friends ofc. Snare tells robot moth and they're hugging and laughing.
22:22 Our work here is done. Beam us up Sean + Rob!

22 minutes. 25 seconds. Millions of new neurological pathways formed. This track fucking rules. It's so alien and futuristic, yet so visceral and funky-groovy. It's as if you're watching Arrival but suddenly, the aliens start rapping and breaking. Sounds to me like a proper block party if thrown by Autechre. The way the entities are taking turns feels so much like they're having some sort of breakdance battle or freestyle session going. One after another, everyone is showing their moves, with the other guys standing in a cipher, bopping their heads, clappin' and snappin'. A prime example of Autechre showing their Electro roots without ever being trapped within the confines of any genre. Fuck yeah, I'm pressing PLAY again.

Edited by BlockUser
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On 2/16/2024 at 5:39 PM, BlockUser said:

This track fucking rules. It's so alien and futuristic, yet so visceral and funky-groovy. It's as if you're watching Arrival but suddenly, the aliens start rapping and breaking. Sounds to me like a proper block party if thrown by Autechre. The way the entities are taking turns feels so much like they're having some sort of breakdance battle or freestyle session going. One after another, everyone is showing their moves, with the other guys standing in a cipher, bopping their heads, clappin' and snappin'. A prime example of Autechre showing their Electro roots without ever being trapped within the confines of any genre.

yeah that's it man, well spotted.

On 2/16/2024 at 5:39 PM, BlockUser said:

Fuck yeah, I'm pressing PLAY again.

well now you have me pressing play , crank up the volume, and open a beer instead of starting the shit I have to get done in the house :whistling:

awesome track for shure. had this track a lots of plays too.

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  • 1 month later...

Fuck the haters, I'm glad you made this thread OP. This is what a fan forum is about. Personally I always found this track to be a bit annoying and overstay its welcome, but this thread helped me enjoy it a little more. Ae truly is the gift that keeps on giving. Cheers 

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The title is an anagram of 'ne geskon today', so named after the conversation tween rarb and stan when booting up the maxbox.

rarb: we do nu autekka today sam?

steam: ne. geskon today, ralf

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Might be my favourite from the entire NTS sessions. 6 years on, and I still have no idea what its doing!

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