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Why You All Hate BoC Fans


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okay, so basically every artist other than Vibert and maybe ambient rdj or ae, is about manic sounds, aggressive rhythms, basically energy. The listeners and energetic, aggressive, and very, very, cynical. BoC is very chilled and introspective, also somewhat mysterious with all the occult/lost tapes/redmoon/whatever...so the fans are obviously affected in that way. I think BoC fans are borderline social rejects and or hippie. (not implying anything)


So theres obviously a big difference between you guys.


Personally I find BoC fans nice people to converse the mystery of life with. It seems like the Watmm crowd would rather throw witty remarks around then actually go into philosophical matters, even if BoC's fans philosophic ideas are all unstructured and unfocused because of the inevitable truth that the fans are also fucked up from psychedelics.

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Guest earlgrey

I find Geogaddi very aggressive, and certain works by the other featured artists extremely relaxing/introspective/sublime. but, yeah, a person's preferred musical artist probably reflects a fair bit about their personality (or, at least, the personality they would like to have / represent themselves as having).

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Guest earlgrey
I think BoC fans are borderline social rejects and or hippie. (not implying anything)

hmmm, I would probably expect BOC fans to be the most "well-adjusted" of the lot - hell, their songs are constantly on "chill out" compilations and ads/documentaries/etc.


edit: fuck, i spent post #777 in the BOC subforum instead of the AE one

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I find Geogaddi very aggressive, and certain works by the other featured artists extremely relaxing/introspective/sublime. but, yeah, a person's preferred musical artist probably reflects a fair bit about their personality (or, at least, the personality they would like to have / represent themselves as having).


I truly think drukqs, although aggressive, is very introspective and thought-provoking, but when I say this, for some reason allot of people disagree. And Geogaddi is in a way aggressively unnerving. But I think people take this aggresiveness forgranted in most of the artists and percieve this as the normal emotion displayed...

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I think BoC fans are borderline social rejects and or hippie. (not implying anything)

hmmm, I would probably expect BOC fans to be the most "well-adjusted" of the lot - hell, their songs are constantly on "chill out" compilations and ads/documentaries/etc.


edit: fuck, i spent post #777 in the BOC subforum instead of the AE one


I'm talkin bout the REAL fans, not the ones who pick up a cd and listen to it quietly while they talk with their friends and drink port. :getlost:


You know, the REAL fans who spend every living second of their life listening to it, and doing creepy stuff like going out to middle of nowhere and devoting a night in a tent listening to shortwave radio, those kinds of people, they are fo real.

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Guest earlgrey
You know, the REAL fans who spend every living second of their life listening to it, and doing creepy stuff like going out to middle of nowhere and devoting a night in a tent listening to shortwave radio, those kinds of people, they are fo real.

Hmmm, yeah, I guess I just haven't met anyone like that so I can't relate. It amuses me that BOC generate that aura of mystery/occultness about them, I think it's a bit of fun like the over-the-top tongue-in-cheek bordering-on-camp theatrics that a lot of metal groups get into - 23 tracks, 66:06, and all that. I guess I forget that some fans take it all rather seriously.



screw u guys if your not REAL FANS


do u think Marcus and Michael care what a bunch of lossers on an internet think about them. Ya so they dont write gay techno like Aphex Twins but there better then your ever gonna be. Maybe u guys should open you're mind a little bit, retards


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seriously, after awhile, the behavior has absolutely nothing to do with BoC. I think its really becoming a subculture. I mean all the electronic music artists who emulate BoC, all the obsession, after awhile it will become a syle of its own.

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Guest Archrival
okay, so basically every artist other than Vibert and maybe ambient rdj or ae, is about manic sounds, aggressive rhythms, basically energy. The listeners and energetic, aggressive, and very, very, cynical. BoC is very chilled and introspective, also somewhat mysterious with all the occult/lost tapes/redmoon/whatever...so the fans are obviously affected in that way. I think BoC fans are borderline social rejects and or hippie. (not implying anything)


So theres obviously a big difference between you guys.


Personally I find BoC fans nice people to converse the mystery of life with. It seems like the Watmm crowd would rather throw witty remarks around then actually go into philosophical matters, even if BoC's fans philosophic ideas are all unstructured and unfocused because of the inevitable truth that the fans are also fucked up from psychedelics.


True indeed and very well said. Most of my friends can relate to BOC but have a very hard time getting into people like venetian snares, its too aggressive and cynical (most friends of mine are very timid, respectful and quiet). Well BOCs TCH is more commercial than all of the stuf from the other artists on this site ofcourse, but I get your point.


lol alzado is being a disrespectful cunt as always.

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when reading some of the posts by some people around this forum, they look to me as a little bit naïve (like: "what would you do if there's no boc"). no offense to anyone in particular.

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You know, the REAL fans who spend every living second of their life listening to it, and doing creepy stuff like going out to middle of nowhere and devoting a night in a tent listening to shortwave radio, those kinds of people, they are fo real.


On international dawn chorus day I listened to dawn chorus over and over again. But I'm not a crazy BOC fan because on April 14th I listened to Avril 14th over and over again (the drukqs version as well as the Acoustica version).

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Guest earlgrey
You know, the REAL fans who spend every living second of their life listening to it, and doing creepy stuff like going out to middle of nowhere and devoting a night in a tent listening to shortwave radio, those kinds of people, they are fo real.


On international dawn chorus day I listened to dawn chorus over and over again. But I'm not a crazy BOC fan because on April 14th I listened to Avril 14th over and over again (the drukqs version as well as the Acoustica version).

you're right, that definitely means you're not a crazy BOC fan.

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Guest skytree

I thought everyone snuck into the woods after twilight every so often and did odd, inexplicable things in tents.


This apparently is not the case...?




:: places bag of marbles, spirograph, and bag of ram's blood back in closet; sulks away sullenly ::

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i'll sneak into the woods for a good fuck or something, but not to play boc tunes backwards and try pick up stray radio transmissions on my cv in hopes that it all fits together in some gigantic gay puzzle full of anal sex.

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Guest earlgrey

experiments in social psychology have shown that divison into groups, even arbitrary ones, creates inter-group conflict and sterotyping:

A now-famous study with 11- and 12-year-old boys at a 3-week camping program in Oklahoma's Robbers Cave Park [...] To establish two groups, the researchers divided the boys into two separate cabins ... within a few days, with little adult intervention, each cabin of boys acquired the characteristics of a distinct social group. Each group had its own leaders, its own rules and norms of behavior, and its own name - the Eagles and the Rattlers...

[...the kids took part in competions and games and shit ...]

As Sherif had predicted from previous research, the competitions promoted three changes in the relationships among the boys within and between groups:

1. Within-group solidarity: As the boys worked on plans to defeat the other group, they set aside their internal squabbles and differences, and their loyalty to their own group became even stronger than it was before.

2. Negative stereotyping of the other group: Even though the boys had all come from the same background (white, Protestant, and middle class) and had been assigned to the groups on a purely random basis, they began to see members of the other group as very different from themselves and as very similar to one another in negative ways. For example, the Eagles began to see the Rattlers as dirty and rough, and in order to distinguish themselves from that group they adopted a "goodness" norm and a "holier-than-thou" attitude.

3. Hostile between-group interactions: initial good sportsmanship collapsed. The boys began to call their rivals names, accuse them of cheating, and cheat in retaliation. After being defeated in one game, the Eagles burned one of the Rattlers' banners, which led to an escalating series of raids and other hostilities. What at first was a peaceful camping experience turned gradually into something verging on intertribal warfare.

moral of the story: perhaps the mere division of the board into subforums generates "intertribal warfare" - negative stereotyping and name calling - between, say, the General Banterers and the BOC-o-philes.

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