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Kontakt 3 now out


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they release too many products, with too many bugs, and then release entire new versions, without fixing previous bugs.


they seem to be focusing way too much on presets and making quick tracks... seems for suited for commercial production, then actual creative expression. I mean, fair enough, but I think it sucks.

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they release too many products, with too many bugs, and then release entire new versions, without fixing previous bugs.


Eh, all companies do that to some extent. New versions make more money than upgrades and they need a revenue stream. I give Native Instruments an 8 on 10 for fixing their shit before releasing new versions.


I'm not suffering from any showstopper bugs in the stuff I have (Reaktor and Massive). I understand there are problems with the RTAS or AU plugin versions or something, basically problems that don't affect me...


they seem to be focusing way too much on presets and making quick tracks... seems for suited for commercial production, then actual creative expression. I mean, fair enough, but I think it sucks.


It's what sells. You don't have to use the presets. The underlying products are good sounding and amazingly versatile for creating your own sounds. I'm thinking of getting Kontakt 3 and if I do I'll probably barely touch the enormous sample library. I prefer fucking around with field recordings and samples from vinyl. It's the flexibility of the tool I'm after.

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I think that Kotakt blows.






so does everyone else. I have had a really hard time finding a simple goddamn sampler. All the professional level soft samplers out there are wwaaaayy to complicated. Who needs 80 effects in a sampler when you cant even trim the end or play a sample backwards. I mean really. Do they not realize how a DAW works? Dumbasses.

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I think that Kotakt blows.






so does everyone else. I have had a really hard time finding a simple goddamn sampler. All the professional level soft samplers out there are wwaaaayy to complicated. Who needs 80 effects in a sampler when you cant even trim the end or play a sample backwards. I mean really. Do they not realize how a DAW works? Dumbasses.



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the new Mach 5 ver 2 looks really fucking awesome. I enjoyed using version 1 when I first got it... it was simple, everything was easily accessible.


BUT. They didnt support it well, it was buggy when Logic 7 came out (I eventually could use it, it was so bad, so I got Kontakt) and then they announced version 2... but they never said when it would be release, so I, and many others, sat, waiting for news. TWO YEARS go by, and then it is released. No word from MOTU for 2 fucking years.


So even though the sampler looks fucking sick... I just dont trust MOTU enough to get the upgrade.



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It's really weird to me to see soft sampler discussions, since a tracker is like a hybrid sampler/DAW so I've never really had a reason to use one.



When will tracker users stop waving their dicks around on this forum??

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It's really weird to me to see soft sampler discussions, since a tracker is like a hybrid sampler/DAW so I've never really had a reason to use one.



When will tracker users stop waving their dicks around on this forum??


Eh? I was just syaing its kind of weird. I mean technically I was using a soft sampler on an Amiga, athough not very fully featured. It's an alien technology to me because since I was 13 I was using a soft sampler without really realizing it until much later.


But now that you mention it, it is very nice to not have to find one. Why can't they just include sampling in your DAW? I mean just have a little pop out window with the basic sampler features and then sequence it like any other MIDI track?

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It's really weird to me to see soft sampler discussions, since a tracker is like a hybrid sampler/DAW so I've never really had a reason to use one.



When will tracker users stop waving their dicks around on this forum??


Eh? I was just syaing its kind of weird. I mean technically I was using a soft sampler on an Amiga, athough not very fully featured. It's an alien technology to me because since I was 13 I was using a soft sampler without really realizing it until much later.


But now that you mention it, it is very nice to not have to find one. Why can't they just include sampling in your DAW? I mean just have a little pop out window with the basic sampler features and then sequence it like any other MIDI track?


well, the exs is included in logic... and its nice. and uses like .0000000000000001% of your cpu... its just a bit of a pain to edit. but this new program seems to help a lot

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Ah, well that makes sense then. I dunno, sampling seemed like such as simple operation to me, I wasn't ever really sure what something like Kontakt could add to the equation, and as others have mentioned, who cares about effects and crap, that's what other plugins that do those better are for no?

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i love kontakt, and motu. but then i never get why you kids like the stuff you like anyway.


kontakt just feels bloated to me, kid.


MOTU though, I have real problems with.


1. Mach 5 v1 worked fine in Logic 6. Logic 7 comes out, and it's unusable. MOTU makes un update, and while it technically now "works" in Logic 7, it is next to unusable. You have to click DIRECTLY in the center of a knob or slider etc, for it to respond at all. It crashed like hell too.


2. MOTU announces Mach 5 v2. Everyone waits anxiously. And waits some more. Almost TWO YEARS go by, before it comes out, and in that time MOTU didn't say a fucking word about a release date, or a delay, or anything. What the fuck?


3. I own a 828 mkII. While I do enjoy the interface, over the 3-4 years that I've had it, its gone apeshit 3-4 times, resulting in me having to send it to MOTU for repairs. That is way too often. Additionally, I have to pay shipping and a $50 charge. Why? I didn't do ANYTHING wrong. I wake up one day, and it is just dead, or making static bursts a 0 bB. And if you check out user forums, there are reports of their hardware dying ALL THE FUCKING TIME. So obviously its a widespread problem. I dont see why I should be paying for them to fix their shitty workmanship.


My 828 just died again this week, and I have to send it off for repair, putting me out of an audio interface for a nice 2 weeks, not to mention the $50 plus shipping. Why do I do it? Well, I dont have the money to buy anything else, at current. I can scrap up 50 bucks, but not enough to invest in a different interface.


I Hate MOTU.

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I'm really a big fan of Short Circuit (hardcore electronic music sampler) and Reaktor's resynth module.


Kontakt takes up about 100 megs too much of ram for me.

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