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songs that ruin albums


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the drumming on ticks and leeches is disgusting. great tune. but lateralus is so fucking good.


disgusting as in fucking disgustingly good. he's won awards for it, and rightly so.

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what's wrong with ticks and leeches? 100% of lateralus is fantastic.


personally, i don't hate it or anything, but it's too long, the singing sounds painful (and it is, that's why they don't do it live very often), and... lateralus is right after it. parabola straight into lateralus is fantastic.

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Guest theSun

heh, yeah i heard maynard blew out his vocal cords while performing that either in practice or whatever. it is a little long, but my danny carey boner never dies down once during it.

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I agree that ticks and leeches is a little out of place, but I love it and think it stands out from all the other songs on that album for people that enjoyed the more raw song styles from opiate and undertow.


Check this guy out, very good, but danney would be pounding about 75% harder with his freaking huge guns.


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Guest theSun

that guy was kind of bad.


ok drummer, but that song is juuuuuust within his playing ability.

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that guy was kind of bad.


ok drummer, but that song is juuuuuust within his playing ability.


*waits for you to get behind the kit and show us something*


seriously. i agree he didn't do it near perfect, but goddamn danney is in such a class of his own I applaud anyone who comes close.

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Guest theSun

i'm not going to get into this argument, but i don't have to be better than a musician to know what their relative skill level is. i can't even afford toms or more than 1 cymbal so tool is pretty hard for me to practice.


and yes, danny is pretty much a god of drums, he goes crazy a lot, but it's fairly tasteful unlike other rediculous drummers like portny and peart.

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he goes crazy a lot, but it's fairly tasteful unlike other rediculous drummers like portny and peart.


very much agreed :)


I've been playing drums as a secondary instrument for about 10 years now and every time I've attempted to learn even a small section of a tool song i end up flipping out and just wanting to drum along to disco tracks ;)


I've also met many fantastic drummers and seen them play tool songs and am always very let down knowing that their skill level in other realms is so awesome, but they just can't seem to get his style down. And his size is also a huge advantage and something that is hard to replicate w/o being a giant like he is.


Anyways, as far as ticks and leeches goes aside from the drumming, I still think it fits the album, and yah it's too long, but it is a Tool song so there's not much purpose in stating that it is too long b/c i think that's not something they prioritize (making songs compact and trimming off excess time).

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Anyways, as far as ticks and leeches goes aside from the drumming, I still think it fits the album, and yah it's too long, but it is a Tool song so there's not much purpose in stating that it is too long b/c i think that's not something they prioritize (making songs compact and trimming off excess time).


i normally don't mind length (third eye is my favorite tool song, 14min of pure eargasm), but ticks and leeches is just so "meh" for me that it drags on and on. i like every other song on lateralus though. ticks and leeches is the only one i usually skip (and faaip de oaid... sometimes).


it also doesn't really fit in with the rest of the album, lyrically and stylistically. you're right about the comparison with their earlier stuff.

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Guest theSun

that long ass part with just the guitar/bass playing the same thing over and then the crazy drums and maynard come back in reminds me quite a bit of ae. it lulls you into thinking it's just a chill end of the song, then BAM it's back. it helps if you just listen to it and don't pay attention to where in the song it is (ie 50% thru)


it does sound a bit like early tool, but it's def pretty different as well. this song would be very out of place on opiate or undertow.

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im going to listen to the album and leave it out of the playlist and report back on my experience. I'm starting to get convinced that maybe it should've been a bonus or b side. also i just watched some live recordings of it and they were not very good at all.


this song would be very out of place on opiate or undertow.


agreed with that too...perhaps it wouldve been better on 10,000 days as the flow of that album is def. not smooth.

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It is so interesting too how this idea of "songs that ruin albums" works because i think it can be very objective, but very true in many cases. But i've had some recent experience with it in my own music as i've been finishing up my album there was one song, probably the one i spent the most time on, worked the hardest, and it's original concept and completion is what made me want to release and album instead of just an ep. BUt i have cut the song from the album, b/c as time went on everything that was constructed around it, completely obscured it and i have no idea how that happened.

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i think that Ultravisitor, I Fulcrum, Iambic 9 Poetry, Andrei, 50 Cycles, Menelec, C-town Smash, Steinbolt, Telluric Piece, District Line II, Circlewave, Tetrasync, Tommib Help Buss and Every Day I Love really disrupt the flow of An Arched Pathway

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Guest hahathhat

It is so interesting too how this idea of "songs that ruin albums" works because i think it can be very objective, but very true in many cases. But i've had some recent experience with it in my own music as i've been finishing up my album there was one song, probably the one i spent the most time on, worked the hardest, and it's original concept and completion is what made me want to release and album instead of just an ep. BUt i have cut the song from the album, b/c as time went on everything that was constructed around it, completely obscured it and i have no idea how that happened.


well, when working on a huge building, construction workers will build scaffholding along the sides in order to work high up. then when the building is done, they tear it all down, leaving the finished building. i'm sure the scaffholding is a lot of effort, but it makes it much easier/less dangerous to work on the building...

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Guest mrcopyandpaste

dunno if this has already been mentioned, but




talk about ruining the flow.

dude. vacuum garden is amazing.




juicy luke vibert is shit shit shit like a shit

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Guest hahathhat

i didn't like vacuum garden, but it didn't negate the entire album or anything either...


can somewhat agree on juicy luke vibert. it's funny, but i usually skip it.

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and yes, danny is pretty much a god of drums, he goes crazy a lot, but it's fairly tasteful unlike other rediculous drummers like portny and peart.


fuck portnoy, jesus he's a cunt


anyway, i admire danny carey cause the dude doesn't hold back when he's playing, he plays at his level and he fucking does it well. he doesn't get too convoluted and he gets me so fucking hard.


then you have a drummer like tim alexander who doesn't get as big and crazy all the time but his playing is so damn tight. My Name Is Mud is so simple but his little fills and nicks and nacks make that tune what it is. so simple but so perfect. i fucking love tim alexander as well


fuck im gay.

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fuck portnoy, jesus he's a cunt


anyway, i admire danny carey cause the dude doesn't hold back when he's playing, he plays at his level and he fucking does it well. he doesn't get too convoluted and he gets me so fucking hard.


then you have a drummer like tim alexander who doesn't get as big and crazy all the time but his playing is so damn tight. My Name Is Mud is so simple but his little fills and nicks and nacks make that tune what it is. so simple but so perfect. i fucking love tim alexander as well


fuck im gay.


god im so hot for tim alexanders' playing....wowowoowowowooooooooo



badabadababahbahbadadabadadadahda my name is mud


love his style


very tight as you said... but technical....but stylistic and not overly technical ....

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