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Guest The Vidiot

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Now reading every single thing Lovecraft wrote about Chtulhu.

This is incredible.


never get sick of lovecraft; i own everything he's ever written


currently reading this


it's schlocky postapocalyptic horror, but surprisingly good for what it is.

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will be wrapping it up in ~125 pages—thinking of either going to michael chabon or thomas pyncheon afterwards.

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Pulp - Charles Bukowski


Giving this one a second read after 6-7 years. Having just gone through a few heavy readings, I need something a bit mindless.

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Guest Z_B_Z

Reading Tokyo Vice due to a recommendation in this thread. Really entertaining however it all seems fake, especially the dialogue.


i didnt get that impression. maybe it might have something to do with certain things being lost in the translation from japanese to english, i dont know.. shit gets pretty harrowing towards the end, so i cant see him adding dramatic flair just to sell books. the material is way too personal.

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Guest Z_B_Z

The dialogue is impossibly dramatic, people don't talk like that in real life.


yeah, for some reason i didnt get that impression. well, if you can looks past that, i highly doubt the end will leave you unaffected.

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really just a fantastic book. an american goes to work for japans leading newspaper on the vice beat. you learn all sorts of stuff about the yakuza and japansese culture. it gets quite gripping towards the end.. the yakuza are ruthless.


Reading Tokyo Vice due to a recommendation in this thread. Really entertaining however it all seems fake, especially the dialogue.


i didnt get that impression. maybe it might have something to do with certain things being lost in the translation from japanese to english, i dont know.. shit gets pretty harrowing towards the end, so i cant see him adding dramatic flair just to sell books. the material is way too personal.


The dialogue is impossibly dramatic, people don't talk like that in real life.


yeah, for some reason i didnt get that impression. well, if you can looks past that, i highly doubt the end will leave you unaffected.



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Guest Iain C

really just a fantastic book. an american goes to work for japans leading newspaper on the vice beat. you learn all sorts of stuff about the yakuza and japansese culture. it gets quite gripping towards the end.. the yakuza are ruthless.


Reading Tokyo Vice due to a recommendation in this thread. Really entertaining however it all seems fake, especially the dialogue.


i didnt get that impression. maybe it might have something to do with certain things being lost in the translation from japanese to english, i dont know.. shit gets pretty harrowing towards the end, so i cant see him adding dramatic flair just to sell books. the material is way too personal.


The dialogue is impossibly dramatic, people don't talk like that in real life.


yeah, for some reason i didnt get that impression. well, if you can looks past that, i highly doubt the end will leave you unaffected.





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Guest Z_B_Z

heh, smartass. ive never been a writer (obviously). but the book is great, and the end is indeed GRIPPING AND HARROWING (blow me)

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will be wrapping it up in ~125 pages—thinking of either going to michael chabon or thomas pyncheon afterwards.


I love Murakami. Kafka on the Shore and After Dark are just awesome. Very prolific person, need to check his other novels.



Oh and by the way I'm discovering Scott Pilgrim. Already read 3 volumes and it's one of my favourite comics ever so far. Ultra fun stuff running here !

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Guest Z_B_Z



some thought provoking observations, some aimless hand wringing, and some patronizing words of advice. all in all, not enough of "how to take it back." i miss the younger ruskoff of 'coercion' and 'media virus' (the latter predicted current medias viral nature with eerie accuracy all the way back in 96).

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Guest disparaissant

just read "anansi boys" by neil gaiman. it was okayish. but i compare everything he's written to "american gods" and it wasn't even close. good read, but just nowhere NEAR the quality he's capable of.

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