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the wire appreciation

Guest Idrn

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i love mcnulty the character, but he does fudge the accent quite a few times..especially when hes supposed to be passionate or angry.



which is all the more funnier, considering how my British friends never stopped complaining about how Americans did shit British accents.



to save myself the trouble, British and people from former/current British colonies.


This is what makes the whore house scene with McNulty's atrocious fake English accent all the more brilliant.





remembered the "Fuck" murder scene analysis between Bunk and McNulty....i was sure at that point that this was amazing television.

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Guest hahathhat

yeah, you can hear it poking through....


i think the flip side is more important -- i wasn't analyzing accents until someone proposed i do so. don't overanalyze TV! all you'll do is aggravate yourself finding flaws you won't be able to un-notice.

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i wasnt aware of it until about halfway through the series, where i realized "this guy is doing a really shitty bmore accent", then i realized he wasnt doing a bmore accent at all, then i realized some of what he said wasnt even in an american accent...now repeated viewings make that clearer.


i think Elba did pretty well covering up though.

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Guest Z_B_Z

David Simon makes some very good points on the arrest. My link


we believe the war on drugs has devolved into a war on the underclass, that in places like West and East Baltimore, where the drug economy is now the only factory still hiring and where the educational system is so crippled that the vast majority of children are trained only for the corners, a legal campaign to imprison our most vulnerable and damaged citizens is little more than amoral. And we said then that if asked to serve on any jury considering a non-violent drug offense, we would move to nullify that jury's verdict and vote to acquit. Regardless of the defendant, I still believe such a course of action would be just in any case in which drug offenses—absent proof of violent acts—are alleged.


Both our Constitution and our common law guarantee that we will be judged by our peers. But in truth, there are now two Americas, politically and economically distinct. I, for one, do not qualify as a peer to Felicia Pearson. The opportunities and experiences of her life do not correspond in any way with my own, and her America is different from my own. I am therefore ill-equipped to be her judge in this matter.


damn, simon is so incredibly on the mark. the guy should run for office or something (seriously)... of course a politician can never get elected saying things like that so... fuckit

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Guest the anonymous forumite

Got to watch this until the beginning of Season 4. Then I stopped. three seasons in two weeks was maybe a bit too much. It was pretty good, but I still can't say it's the best tv show ever. I don't like its 90s aesthetics and frankly, what is this "oh it's so realistic" bullshit ?

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Guest Z_B_Z

its the way that the show is constructed that i find so admirable. how theyre able to juggle multiple plot lines while still keeping it interesting and (mostly) unconvoluted. plus millions of people live in the ghettos and slums of america, and as simon said, their story is rarely told. for that alone its important.

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This show is just different from a lot of other cop shows because it actually is more mainly focused on an overarching plot line rather than a formulaic pack up and do it again the next day type of law and order type of thing. As such it can be more deep and realistic and we can become more attached to the characters. Same thing that made lost a great show. Same thing that made twin peaks a great show. Although the latter 2 a great in that they are also great mysteries. More shows should focus more on the main plot rather than sub-plots, you will have more followers who actually give a shit if they miss an episode.

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wait, who is the fan?


can someone explain to me why the wire is only watched by white people? or the perception thereof?


because ive lived in bmore and there are plenty of black people that enjoy the show as well.

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This show is just different from a lot of other cop shows because it actually is more mainly focused on an overarching plot line rather than a formulaic pack up and do it again the next day type of law and order type of thing. As such it can be more deep and realistic and we can become more attached to the characters. Same thing that made lost a great show. Same thing that made twin peaks a great show. Although the latter 2 a great in that they are also great mysteries. More shows should focus more on the main plot rather than sub-plots, you will have more followers who actually give a shit if they miss an episode.

Also the way that very small (almost insignificant at the time) details have a huge impact for characters and for the future arc of the story. I can't remember exactly but things like Herc and Wallace? Something minor but then major happens with Randy, the FBI mole and how the Major Cases unit didnt quite realise it until it was too late for Frank, and also

when keema gets shot

how Bubs relapses because no one gets in touch with him. These kind of things are both realistic, and also superb writing.

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  • 5 weeks later...

just finished season 3. HOLY SHIT! Fucking nuts is all I can say. I have no idea what season 4 is going to be about. I have some ideas but really can't guess. Today I watched the last 3 episodes of season 3. Coming off of the shock of the Presbalewsky incident I didn't exactly expect the stringer bell twist to be so cutthroat. It's easy to get invested in the characters and what they are doing and what they are planning to do. Season 2 was so fucking crazy too, I'll have to start in on season 4 tomorrow evening.

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Guest hahathhat

Yeah I like how they switch it up every season. The theme song is kind of annoying though and way too long, i always skip it.


some seasons, yes. but i usually let three play through... some of the others sometimes as well.


i've been meaning to do my own version, or perhaps a mashup of all six !

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Guest Dirty Protest


herc fucks up hampsterdam by calling the papers in on it... how it kind of ALMOST worked out as the major couldn't argue with the stats and everything. could've worked out in someway if it could've just stayed away from the papers for a while. but also how herc gives them a massive leg-up right at the end by giving carver marlow stanfield's number. kind of clever i thought





Herc's the reason the case falls apart as well, when he tells the lawyer that its got to be one of Lester Freemans wire taps


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I think Herc was just a guy who tried to show off and play with his ever-increasing power in every way possible. It's funny he's one of the most "dumb" guys in The Wire but he gets so far in the hierarchy.

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