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Guest He Might Be Jesus

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Hello WATMM members its I B NEW! I made a video for the BOC remix of the Bubbahs Tum track Dirty Great Marble. I hope you all enjoy this delicious plate of visual BOCish brilliance.



You suck a mean dick, n00b. A mean fucker of a duck.

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Guest I B NEW

I was originally going to post a link to a rick roll video on april fools day but I never did so just think of this as a late april fools prank. I read this forum and the Twoism forum daily because I am a hardcore BOC addict like many of you. If any of you were offended by my retarded video I apologize and would suggest you never read one of my posts ever again. I must say Joyrex severely pwn3d Fred-E with his april fools day thread. SAGET IS LORD!!!

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I was originally going to post a link to a rick roll video on april fools day but I never did so just think of this as a late april fools prank. I read this forum and the Twoism forum daily because I am a hardcore BOC addict like many of you. If any of you were offended by my retarded video I apologize and would suggest you never read one of my posts ever again. I must say Joyrex severely pwn3d Fred-E with his april fools day thread. SAGET IS LORD!!!

lol? pwned in what sense? he made a bad april joke and i expressed my thoughts about his bad joke; that's all there is to. guess you need to lookup the definition of being pwned..

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Guest I B NEW

I just wanted to see if you would react to what I wrote Fredd-E. The point im trying to make here is you and others shouldnt get worked up over these hoaxers because we have seen quite a few of them the last couple of years. The first couple I came across bothered me but ive learned to accept the fact that the purpose is to upset fans. I know you had your hopes up because it was Joyrex this time around and that is understandable. Your BOC pages were a blessing when I first discovered the group and I thank you for that. BOC + DRUGS = :")

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i dont get it thers no boc in the vid y do u post this dumb crap on here ur dumba nd you can go to hell i'm leavign


ya, and what's with the kkk guy and the jew+9/11 thing? that video is retarded.

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Guest I B NEW

Since you all were not pleased with my video of epic proportion ive decided to post a link to an even better video of mine titled evil cosby 666. My videos are only meant to be understood by a few and those people are the ones who hacked my computer when I use to frequent the race relations room on yahoo chat. Most of the voices that are heard in my videos are the voices of people who are from race relations. Im also posting another link to a top notch comedy video titled the amazing racist which I found not to be full of fail!...........................................[...]




...............................................[...][...]i listened to skyliner twice in one hour and then three times the next hour...I NEEED MOAR BOCCCCC :'(


Evil Cosby 666 > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Q0eKW2C7aY


The Amazing Racist > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIczJ_IILQA

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