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trance remix + rooftop access ep


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This EP is AWESOME, absolutely beautiful. If I was to offer any kind of criticism, it'd be that track 3 slows things down perhaps a little too much (it feels like a REALLY long 11 minutes) but even that almost has a certain appeal in context with the rest... like it makes you feel a little lost or something, then the beginning of retrofit is like giving up hope, before seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and it's like FWAAAAA by the end.


I love the mix of glitchy electronic music sounds and post rock vibe on the first track too.


And the second track is quite pretty... is that you singing?


I am REALLY looking forward to your album!

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thanks for listening guys! i guess it's a bit of a teaser for what's coming up on the new album.


This EP is AWESOME, absolutely beautiful. If I was to offer any kind of criticism, it'd be that track 3 slows things down perhaps a little too much (it feels like a REALLY long 11 minutes) but even that almost has a certain appeal in context with the rest... like it makes you feel a little lost or something, then the beginning of retrofit is like giving up hope, before seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and it's like FWAAAAA by the end.


I love the mix of glitchy electronic music sounds and post rock vibe on the first track too.


And the second track is quite pretty... is that you singing?


I am REALLY looking forward to your album!


thanks! nah that's not my singing, that was luke, he wrote and recorded pretty much all of that track except for some of the piano and sound effects (like the scrunching paper, keys jangling and guitar feedback at the end) which were my doing.


yeah the album is going to be something special, i've been working on it for almost a year now, some tracks have been floating around in my head for a couple of years. there will be no luke vocal tracks unfortunately, but let's just say there will be some recorded voices, and plenty of live guitars.

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Guest hellomynameis

fuck the second track is good, makes me want to play some acoustic again!


I had to give it a second listen, tell Luke he has good tunes.


Your Trance remix is fucking cool as well, well done

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I really liked the original acoustic track, but I didn't like the trance remix. I just don't think trance is my style of music.

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yeah the trance track was just a bit of a joke really, i've never made any trance/ebm/whatever before!


also if anyone wants to check out luke's normal solo stuff, he's got some tracks here.

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ooh also also, here's luke playing falling from the north by himself:



glad you guys like his stuff, he's a great songwriter/musician and he definitely knows how to make the most of cheap equipment - he pretty much recorded all of the acoustic stuff on this ep using two battered shure sm57s and a cheap boss mixer going into cool edit.

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hahah great! glad you didn't like it. it was more of a "LOL LISTEN TO THIS" than a "hey guys i made a serious trance track" type thing.

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