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Why no more EP's?

Guest texan whip

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Guest texan whip

After their 9th full length I was holding out hope for news of an EP9 of sorts. It would round things off quite nicely wouldn't it? Plus, I miss those 40minute+ EP's that they used to do. How long has it been since Grantz Graf? 6years I think.

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Guest cyphersum
i too am missing an autechre ep. they've always been the bomb. i might be as bold to say that they surpass the albums in quality.






Gantz Graf

Anvil Vapre

Peel Sessions


hmmm... i think agree with you (especially EP7 and Cichlisuite) but i still waver, just too many great tracks all round.

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Guest goodwillsidis
Probably no money in Eps


it's true,

also i think so many new bands are putting out albums now that EPs can get easily passed over by the press

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I will tell Sean to get on it.

You seem so sure about yourself with their concert tomorrow. "Don't worry, WATMM, I'll get you a soundboard recording of this tour. I will also ask Sean for an EP."



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Guest telikan

Yeah, it's hard enough to get people to buy a full length CD nowadays, much less an EP. There was that one recent interview though where Sean said there's going to be something else in the near future, but made a point of being secretive about it.

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Guest bitroast
There was that one recent interview though where Sean said there's going to be something else in the near future, but made a point of being secretive about it.


that interview was before the limited edition of the album was announced, so i presumed he was referring to the bonus disc. would be nice if there was something else, but i'm not really expecting anything.

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Guest Chogg
The ambient tracks off Quaristice would have made a nice little ep








20-minute version of paralel Suns, maybe :rolleyes:

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i dont see why they wouldnt do a bunch of EP's i mean... i cant see how there isnt money in them considering it costs autechre virtually nothing to actually compose the music now, and they must be aware of the fanbase that will buy anything and everything they release... i dunno.

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Back in the 90s, they used to release an LP with a few EPs every year. This is like... more than Venetian Snares usually does. Quality is more important than quantity for them as they slowed down production. At least, another 17-minute EP like Gantz Graf would be appreciated.

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