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Dust Covered

Guest placidburp

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Guest placidburp

I wish I could make something as good as this again. Not to parp my own trumpet, but I do think its a pretty good track! Please tell me if you like it or not, and if not why not. also any suggestions to make it bettar! pleasethanksbye!

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Guest tht! tne

this really is very good

all the elements are there

and it progresses satisfactorily

good show

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Guest placidburp
this really is very good

all the elements are there

and it progresses satisfactorily

good show

Cheers mate as always!


sounds like wisp but the drums are weak

How can it sound like Wisp if the drums are weak? Please explain an i'll try and make 'em a bit stronger. Cheers. :)

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Guest Chris Martin
sounds like wisp but the drums are weak


I do hear the Wisp-influence but I think that it also has distinct originality to your credit which sounds great! I wouldn't say the drums sound "weak" as much as I would say that they could be tweaked a little (e.q. the drums a bit because the kick sounds very loud) or this could just be the way it sounds on my speakers.


Everything else is spot on!

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I think the weak sounding drums can be accredited to the tinny and non-affronted sound they have, as well as the repetitive areas. But overlooking the drums, it is quite a great track.

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Guest greenbank

really nice melody, all of it, and quality tune in general but i agree that the drums sound a bit funny, i wouldnae say 'weak' in terms of the individual sounds or the structuring but they sound a bit squashed up rather than fully up-front in the mix as a whole.

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Guest Promo

I thought the drums were interesting. They have a weird sort of crackly stretched feel to 'em. Good to hear punchy drums that aren't amen! Yeah sort of big epic tear jerker type of melody in here also. Dunno if I was instantly feelin' it on a musical front but I know its good .. if that makes sense. Prolly another day I'll be like totally feelin' it melodically. Overall I reckon it'd been good if the drums lasted a bit longer and also if there was say a transition to make it a bit more interesting as it does get a little repetative. Production as always seems tight to me. :)

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Well delightful.

The melody just soaks into the empty space in my skull and coats it in a beautiful yet slimy substance as though it will be there forever. The subtle stabs of distortion and the high pitched little noises against the melody. The drums are there, they are there and seem like they should be there the way they are, beautifully disgusting and yet the strings sound like a choir of water, disgruntled children who are hungry and want supper, the song is like sledding, like sledding away for ever down the ice coated hills, against a night sky full of stars.

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Guest Ominous

this is my favorite track from that "falty & friends" compilation!

more of this please, nice use of different rhythms throughout the song.

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Guest placidburp

Thanks everyone for the comments/suggestions. And cheers Pod! That review was ace! :D

Some very mixed comments about the drums I see so I have done a different version with completely new drums, I went for a Wisp feel! Hahaha!

Thanks again for listening!



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