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Guest boo

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this is a forum for people who LIKEEEEEEE autechre, aphex twin, boards of lameada.



get the fuck out of here.


nobody here likes that shit any more. we all like dubstep, sunn o))), and ariel pink now

jeez get with the times brooke

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I woke up this morning with a splitting headache, and a text message open on my mobile phone. It was from my cousin, Gary C.


We only managed to finish one side. Take a picture for watmm. Lol.


It took me a moment or two to remember what it was all about. I took a glance at my sent messages:


I look like a cat you Bastard


It all came back to me. A friend and I had gone out drinking in Gary's pub after I finished my shift at work, and against my better judgement we'd gone back to his house to get pissed. After a long day at work, quite a few beers, a couple of glasses of wine and a large whiskey and coke, I'd passed out dead-to-the-world in our friend's conservatory. After a couple of hours, I woke up at about 4am and fucking panicked, as I have work this afternoon. I hurriedly slurred my goodbyes, put the Velvet Underground on my iPod, lit my last cigarette and staggered homewards. As I was leaving, our friend (Callum C, no relation) said "Don't worry about missing work, don't bother showering, just get up and go."


When I got home I saw why. I had a nose and half a set of whiskers. I looked like a cat. Those bastards.


And of course I took a picture for watmm before I went to bed!



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