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lost season 5


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Yet another episode that didnt really tell us anything, it was obvious it was ben who wanted to get aaron off kate so he could use him to get kate on board, the only vague suprise i had was seeing jin, but u knew when u heard french people it was gona be russo.

Would like to know who the people shooting them from the other boat when saywer and that were in the paddle boat.


This time travel thing is getting really shit, i hope it ends quite soon, but i have a feeling that john probably wont leave the island b4 the end of the season, i can almost imagine its just gona be a continuous battle to get to the orchid or something like that.


your avatar is a bit dali... from about six feet away it looks like a diseased asshole.

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we see it, we just don't care.


why the fuck would you try look at a show objectively?


i don't try to look at it objectively, but i can't really help it when a show is constantly taking me out of my suspension of disbelief by revealing it's messy seams. then i can't help but take my interest out of the equation and look at it as a whole object - is that object particularly well made? not really...it's complicated, but that's not necessarily a sign of quality. is the writing believable? not really. is the action intense? not at all because nothing is ever at stake. are the characters interesting? a few are, most are pretty 1 dimensional plot devices with names. are the effects good? despite the budget, they're some of the cheapest looking on tv. is the acting good? eh...for the most part it's passable, but no one on the cast is outstanding. so what's left? all the abstract concepts that the show touches on, but ultimately isn't really about on an episode-to-episode basis. to me, that's the only thing that sets lost apart from any other lame drama on network television and it's only really there about half the time when they're not constantly cutting to closeups of ben's crazy eyes.


once i get over the tiny little subjective things about the show that i'm interested in, there isn't much left to like about it. i would probably cut them a lot more slack if it seemed like the writers and producers took active measures to improve the quality of the show, but they haven't. i don't think they believe the writing is cheesy or that they are focusing on the wrong aspects of the story, frustrating viewers who don't give a fuck about jack/kate/sawyer/juliette's back and forth. i don't think they notice that if any of these characters would just sit down for 10 minutes and have a conversation together that 99% of the pointless shit that happens on the show would never come to pass. i think they think they're totally hitting it out of the park, week after week. the only reason i feel the need to comment on it is that everyone else seems to agree, while i'm just sitting here like...are you guys serious?


as I told you before, the same kind of shit happens in BSG all the time but for some reason you choose to ignore it and cut them so much slack.


yea, i do cut them a lot of slack because i understand that making television, especially for a horribly shitty backwards ass network like sci-fi channel, is a process that you can't always maintain control over. there are concessions that you have to make that don't always allow you to put your work out there the way you'd like it to be. but even with that, i think they are still able to put out some truly amazing stuff and though they might be forced to make things slightly less graceful than i'm sure they'd prefer because of logistic limitations, i don't think they ever let those limitations muddy up the core focus of the series.


I'd say cheese is a requirement to be on primetime.


in any case... we don't care. you're like that friend who ruins every movie by telling all the bad shots where YOU can see the presence of the camera.

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It's TV, you can't bring on the reality of 24 hours in a day on any show. Sitcoms, drama, etc.. or else there is no tension. That's why you don't see them go "Hey dudes, let's take half an hour and talk about this whole thing, instead of always trying to move forward without any reason". It never happens, it's the reality of script making. The writers have to do it that way, or else the series has no reason. You got to take this out of your mind.


Same for movies, two hours to compress situations that for the most could be easily avoided if anybody took time to talk about it.

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Guest David R James


why do boats also time travel???


The time machine in back to the future was actually a boat

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Guest awkwardsilence

Discussing the specifics of the time travel is kinda beside the point though.

The time travel is possible because IT'S A TV SHOW. Any logic behind it is pure makebelieve. :sorcerer:

Just go with it. It's a storytelling construct with no basis in reality, just like redemption and happy endings.

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I guess CoE must be a real masochist, cause he watches the show week in week out while hating the fuck out of it.


The assploded boat wasn't in the radius, remember when sawyer and Juliette saw it vanish after they time traveled?


Then what about Jin? He was on the boat...non?

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Guest awkwardsilence
why do clothes time travel?!?!?

Clothes time travel because they're sentient beings. Haven't you seen those washing detergent ads?


i wonder if we'll get to see henry gale

Oh that I'd like to see. How and what the hell was he doing when he ran across the island and got caught in Rosseau's net. Or, do you mean the "real" Henry Gale and his balloon? Because that could be interesting too.


The assploded boat wasn't in the radius, remember when sawyer and Juliette saw it vanish after they time traveled?

Then what about Jin? He was on the boat...non?

Remember, the boat exploded some time before the island disappeared. I guess Jin must have gotten thrown out of reach or dived into the water somehow, or "the island wasn't done with him yet TM".

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Guest awkwardsilence

Some black guy that came to the island in a balloon, which Benjamin Linus stole the identity of, when he was held prisoner and interrogated in the weapons room in the swan station / hatch.Henry_Gale_MN_License.jpg


Looking back at it now though, it seems the balloon had signs of being made by and/or connected to the Widmore corporation. Perhaps this was one of Charles Widmore's earlier attempts at finding the island.

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Guest beatfanatic

well with time traveling happening , they can pretty much go to any of the events that were shown hapeening in Season 1 -4 and address it.

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