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lost season 5


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this was awesome episode! classical lost; plot moves nothing forward but leaves you craving for the next episode. also some self referential humour; the new losties asking a lot of questions.


well that new episode was a WTF moment...why did *you know who* do *you know what* at the end? what set him off?


at the end? or do you mean why did

ben kill locke?
probably because now he knew what had to be done, like he got all the info he needed from him.



but why did he still bring lockes body? something doesnt add up here, or im not seeing something in plain view.

also, abbadon sucks, i was hoping he would be a badass character, and hes just a fucking driver?


Experiment to see if the island can bring him back? Or he knew he needed him dead to get the others to come back?


maybe he just didn't expect his resurrection.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

not a great episode. only interesting bit was the end (as usual i guess) when ben was the bad guy again.


kate and lockes discussion made me retch a little in my mouth


so i guess the island doesnt want ben. it saved the rest from crashing it seems but left him on the plane. lol.


i like how now we're unsure who the bad guy is. because it shouldnt be black ad white anyway. maybe widmore and ben are both bad for the island and locke is the only good guy.


the locke reveal at the start was painful. yeah yeah hes jesus.


new losties!


and yeah





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Guest David R James

Anyone notice the hang knot john did, top lol. No one can actually say they know who the bad guy is can they. Would of always of thought it was Widmore but today just makes u think otherwise. Mr Zulu the driver is actually the guy i had for my driving test, fuck, im in LOST!!


I hate the fact that there seems to be those 2 new people off the plane who are like aljazeeras anwser to kate and jack, always there to protected and triumpth againt evil.


Lol at ur fowler avatar benedict.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch
I hate the fact that there seems to be those 2 new people off the plane who are like aljazeeras anwser to kate and jack, always there to protected and triumpth againt evil.


i'm not convinced that they are together as such. hes obviously working for widmore or ben or someone but she could just be a cop or whatever. they haven't discussed anything really. he was looking through some papers and she asked if he'd found anything, thats all.


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Guest David R James
hmm are john, kate hurley and dharma jin in the same time as locke and new losties? if they flashed away from the plane maybe not, if not, then when are they?


Very good point. That could cause some epic problems, for me the viewer, cos i dont think i could be bothered with that shit

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Guest catsonearth

that was a giant crock of bullshit. i can't believe that no one is mentioning the fact that it's the 5th season of this damn show and we're just hearing about this so-called war that's going to happen for the very first time...wtf is that all about? if that really is going to happen then that's pretty generic.


and now that i think i understand what's going on with all the weird "magical" stuff it just makes me that much more angry towards this show for totally ignoring the cool, interesting shit and playing only the most boring, trite moments in a totally paint-by-numbers fashion. how many people didn't know as soon as ben showed up at locke's that he would end up killing him? and how is it even humanly possible that someone would be as gullible as locke given all the experiences he's had with people taking advantage of him? it goes way beyond reason. he's already had an organ stolen and been thrown out of a window and crippled, amongst other things...you'd think a little skepticism would pop into his head every now and then. completely ridiculous.


i'm also not seeing how the newest plane would crash on the other island...if the magnetism drew the plane in like the first time then it would be drawn to where the giant magnet is, right? i can't see any other way the plane could get through the "time bubble" around the island. if all you had to do was fly into it then all the shit with whitmore, the tanker, the helicopter, etc. would have been completely pointless. am i missing something here?



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hmm are john, kate hurley and dharma jin in the same time as locke and new losties? if they flashed away from the plane maybe not, if not, then when are they?


I would guess not, cause otherwise dharma people would be swarming the offices when Caesar is in there rooting around for shit.

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what's wrong with you?


-the "war" could be lies, anyway it's pretty obvious who the two sides are. and the "conflict to come" has been mentioned before.

-who cares if you could tell if ben was going to off him, it was still a great scene.

-locke has always been an easy to manipulate idiot (hey john you're special, give me a blowjob). also, why gullible? it's not like you know who's is telling the truth and who's not. he showed plenty skepticism in the EP but as usual you chose to ignore it to come up with your criticism.

-re: plane. dunno, who cares? you really don't get what this thing is about. i mean really who the hell is left wondering about that.

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Guest catsonearth
what's wrong with you?


i don't know...maybe i'm just not easily impressed by the bare minimum of effort put into shit. it's cool if you don't have problems with any of this stuff, but for me, they pull me right out of the moment instead of getting me lost in it, which is the whole goal of creating film/tv in the first place. in my mind, the ultimate goal of a writer/director/whatever is to make something that the audience can watch and suspend their disbelief for as long as it's on the screen and become sucked up in the story they're telling. little shit like this makes it hard for me to do that.


-the "war" could be lies, anyway it's pretty obvious who the two sides are. and the "conflict to come" has been mentioned before.


you're right, it could be a lie, but something tells me it's not. to me it seems a little cliche because it's a premise that's been used so many times before. it's basically the plot to every damn season of heroes so far.


-who cares if you could tell if ben was going to off him, it was still a great scene.


how was it a great scene? great acting? great writing? unexpected turns? poignant moment? clever delivery? it wasn't a great scene to me because for me, a great scene is a scene that you can't predict the contents of just by seeing the first few seconds of it. if you already know what's going to happen then there's no point for the scene to be there. and if there's no point for it to be there then it's a waste of time.


-locke has always been an easy to manipulate idiot (hey john you're special, give me a blowjob). also, why gullible? it's not like you know who's is telling the truth and who's not. he showed plenty skepticism in the EP but as usual you chose to ignore it to come up with your criticism.


really? he showed skepticism? you mean when he was blindly believing anything whitmore said to him? or when he spilled his guts to the totally trustworthy ben whose already tried to kill him a few times? when he just went along with abbadon without even questioning it even though it's a pretty fucking strange coincidence that the guy who told him to go on the walkabout all those years ago was suddenly back driving him around town and working for whitmore? when whitmore was telling him about this supposed war that's coming and he couldn't even be bothered to ask a follow up question?


it's true that nobody knows who is telling the truth and who isn't, but at the same time, the dude has had one of his internal organs stolen from him in an elaborate con that scarred him psychologically. and on top of that, he was then conned again by the same guy and thrown out of a window leaving him crippled and wheelchair bound. then he was conned by another guy and wound up dying in a ditch full of petrified bodies. even the most inbred of podunks at that point would take a step back and be like "wow, you know, i seem to really have a problem blindly trusting people that usually ends with serious traumatic injury to myself...maybe i need to work on that a bit". it's like on star trek when no matter what happened in an episode, by the next episode the crew was fine, the ship was in perfect condition, everybody is happy and care free again. that kind of thing is forgivable in a show made up of standalone episodes, but with an ongoing story it just isn't realistic.


-re: plane. dunno, who cares? you really don't get what this thing is about. i mean really who the hell is left wondering about that.


i don't get it? just because i'm not buying it, doesn't mean i'm not aware of what's taking place. my whole point is, if none of this shit is important and i shouldn't be wondering about it, then it shouldn't be in the damn show. if the giant super magnet isn't important to the story, then don't fucking mention a giant super magnet over and over again. if you can get to the island just by flying into it, then don't waste a bunch of episodes telling me that you can only get through the damn time bubble by going through a specific set of coordinates or being drawn in by the magnet. i have a problem with them stating something very strongly for so long and then completely disregarding it when it isn't convenient for the story. yes, i'm fully aware that they probably landed on the second island because the writers wanted to be able to tell 2 parallel storylines and then later merge them together at the end of the season and that's fine...but if you absolutely need to do that, is it too much to ask to make the circumstances surrounding it believable? there's no reason they couldn't have except laziness.

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Guest catsonearth
I dont think i would ever strain my brain thinking about this shit that much :omg:


i'm not straining my brain at all, this is just what i think when i watch it. granted, i come from the perspective of someone who studied film in high school and college and writes a lot of stuff myself, so i'm very conscious of the hand of the creators and the techniques they're using to tell their story because it's something that generally interests me. honestly, one of the reasons i continue to watch the show is because it helps me with my own writing by showing me what not to do. and hearing what people like and don't like about the show, what they can forgive and what they can't is invaluable to me. so even though i find the show frustrating as hell sometimes, it's still taught me a lot.

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Guest David R James
I dont think i would ever strain my brain thinking about this shit that much :omg:


i'm not straining my brain at all, this is just what i think when i watch it. granted, i come from the perspective of someone who studied film in high school and college and writes a lot of stuff myself, so i'm very conscious of the hand of the creators and the techniques they're using to tell their story because it's something that generally interests me. honestly, one of the reasons i continue to watch the show is because it helps me with my own writing by showing me what not to do. and hearing what people like and don't like about the show, what they can forgive and what they can't is invaluable to me. so even though i find the show frustrating as hell sometimes, it's still taught me a lot.


Not criticizing man, i just cant think about it too much cos its like a week till the next episode.

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Guest catsonearth
I dont think i would ever strain my brain thinking about this shit that much :omg:


i'm not straining my brain at all, this is just what i think when i watch it. granted, i come from the perspective of someone who studied film in high school and college and writes a lot of stuff myself, so i'm very conscious of the hand of the creators and the techniques they're using to tell their story because it's something that generally interests me. honestly, one of the reasons i continue to watch the show is because it helps me with my own writing by showing me what not to do. and hearing what people like and don't like about the show, what they can forgive and what they can't is invaluable to me. so even though i find the show frustrating as hell sometimes, it's still taught me a lot.


Not criticizing man, i just cant think about it too much cos its like a week till the next episode.


it's cool, i didn't think you were dissing, just explaining my insanity to those who may not be hip to it because i understand if you're reading my rants without knowing where i'm coming from they can seem a little anal or nitpicky.

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i could add hundreds of things to the list of things you complain about cats. almost every aspect of this show makes me sick to very core while ensuring i still want to find out what the fuck is going on.

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Guest assegai

why didn't jack ask ben why he got fucked up before he boarded the plane?

why do the cops never get involved in anything?



who fucking cares?

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Guest we_kill_soapscum
I sure as hell don't hope that we get to follow the new Losties because they were absolutely horrible. More Locke and 4 toed statues, please.




that being said, i thought the last three episodes were actually concurrently better. i buy that locke is still malleable even after getting a kidney taken. if anything that points out how malleable he is.

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