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lost season 5


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im reading this theory...and it seems to make a hell of a lot of sense, especially regarding the smoke monster.....but why could Ben summon or control it earlier last season?

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the first hour was awesome, second one not so much.




nice little foucault's pendulum at the end of e02 though


anyone know who that lady in the end was? , she was wearing a robe , i think her name was Ms Hawking...


desmond encountered her on a jaunt through time in the episode 'the constant' last season

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anyone know who that lady in the end was? , she was wearing a robe , i think her name was Ms Hawking...


desmond encountered her on a jaunt through time in the episode 'the constant' last season


actually on flashes before your eyes in season 3

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Guest awkwardsilence

And here I thought the time-skipping "The Constant" last season would be kind of a high point of the series, only it looks like this season will actually be crazier than anything you could have dreamt, which makes it the most awesome show ever.


Here's hoping, with the island now time travelling, they bump into a young shipwrecked Rousseau. They kinda need to though, with the abrupt and unresolved way she was shot down and killed last season. It sort of just dawned on me that I guess we know now what "the sickness" she was talking about is too. She lost her entire scientific boat crew in this crazy sickness, I bet they all nosebled and timeskipped in their heads.


Also, I bet the Others' baby problem is related to the timetravel no-change thing.

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Guest awkwardsilence

Michael was redeemed by freezing down the explosives on the freighter for just so long that the helicopter with the Oceanic Six could take off and get the hell away from there. And by doing that, Jack's dad as a stand-in for Jacob popped up to tell him he was allowed to die now finally. So the freighter exploded, and he did.

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Michael was redeemed by freezing down the explosives on the freighter for just so long that the helicopter with the Oceanic Six could take off and get the hell away from there. And by doing that, Jack's dad as a stand-in for Jacob popped up to tell him he was allowed to die now finally. So the freighter exploded, and he did.



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Guest David R James

Any one remember that faith healer that the old black lady married to bernard went to in the out back in australia. Im sure his name was jacob.

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Guest David R James

Yeah i know i just looked up the episode, darnit. Both biblical tho


Gen 27:1-40 - Isaac blesses Jacob


I dont read any theories on lost or anything so im sure its all been talked about

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Yeah man I,m kinda pissed they went the time-travel way on the island. That Desmond episode was really enough, I wanted a sense of reality I did not get in that two hour premiere. I,m just wondering how the fuck they can wrap up every fucking thing in 2x23 episodes while still keeping a sense of moving forward.




In a way I'm hoping they flash forward to a fucked up Jack that suicide himself, so that we know how it ends : ON A DOWNER!

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Guest David R James

The first episode gave u the impression that things were gona stay hot, move fast, then i watched episode 2 and that had nothing it was completely lame.


I dont know if i can handle this going in and out of time on the island, i hate story lines where u cant convince people of ur innocence, so this is gona be painful in that respect cos theyre gona keep meeting people that dont believe them.

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I,m just wondering how the fuck they can wrap up every fucking thing in 2x23 episodes while still keeping a sense of moving forward.


after these two episodes there are 32 left. they are having less episodes in the final two seasons, which means less filler. which is good.

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Guest David R James

Short season, long waits, completely gay


edit: i would rather of waited till the summer so they could finish it and make it into one big season of 32 episodes.

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Guest blicero
was good to see anna lucia back. as a cop!


her character was always a cop.



im reading this theory...and it seems to make a hell of a lot of sense, especially regarding the smoke monster.....but why could Ben summon or control it earlier last season?


he never controlled it.




That lost theory site has a lot of great ideas, but the 108 minute theory about the hatch has too many holes in it. if every 108 minutes the island went back in time, it would never be night... or the camp would have to be rebuilt every 108 minutes... etc...


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i am thinking the numbers that were entered in the computer every 108 minute kept the island at a certain position in space. however the hatch was blown up at the end of s2 and it still remained at the same place, afaik.

screencap of the computer screen in the last episode, the one place with the most lines seem to correspond quite well with the spot if they were entered in googlemaps.


4815162342 in googlemaps



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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

so people that die on the island aren't really dead they are semi dead as they still exist in another timeline. kind of makes sense with claire and eko and

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

so people that die on the island aren't really dead they are semi dead as they still exist in another timeline. kind of makes sense with claire and eko and

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Guest catsonearth

the episode did nothing to really change my opinion of the show. for every thing i like/admire about it (playing with time, unconventional storytelling, etc.) there are just as many things that i really find annoying (bad writing, too much wankery, too much time wasting on lame, unimportant storylines, etc.), so it ends up coming out a wash.


it's always the same with lost. on one hand, i'm happy they're revealing some of the mysteries, but on the other hand, i'm not really satisfied with the way they're doing it. case in point, the dr. candle scene where he very frankly goes into an uncharacteristic (for lost) bit of exposition as to the massive energy source and that they're trying to harness the power to travel through time. it's like they can't find the fine line between revealing nothing and just putting it all out there in plain sight like you're talking to someone with alzheimers.


personally though, i wouldn't mind if the island folks continued time jumping for the rest of the season, but as long as it's not a situation like somebody mentioned earlier where it's just a device for the characters to narrowly escape danger. could be interesting and it would definitely be a good way for them to show us things without the lame exposition - like the 4 toed statue, the black rock, etc.


one thing that's been bothering me though - if the island isn't actually traveling in time and it's just the characters, then why did the island disappear? doesn't really make any sense.

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