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recession kills jobs

Guest Franklin

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Guest Franklin

companies using time machines to travel back in time to lay workers off sooner




"WASHINGTON – The recession is killing jobs at an alarming pace, with tens of thousands of new layoffs announced Monday by some of the biggest names in American business — Pfizer, Caterpillar and Home Depot.


More pink slips, pay freezes and other hits are expected to slam workers in the months ahead as companies desperately look for ways to survive.


"We're just seeing the tip of the iceberg — the big firms," said Rebecca Braeu, economist at John Hancock Financial Services. "There's certainly other firms beneath them that will lay off workers as quickly or even quicker."



brace yourselves, you might be informed soon that you were let go weeks ago

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Guest Franklin

"There's certainly other firms beneath them that will lay off workers as quickly or even quicker."


you see the article is about large firms that have announced immediate lay-offs... so how can "other firms beneath them" lay off workers even quicker? Enter time travel.



2+2 = 5 (with the +1 added to the left side a day later)


Guys don't worry, time travel is pretty confusing



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Guest Franklin
good riddance i say


i hate those jobs



yes but When did you hate them LUDD. are you talking NOW, or are you talking in the PAST/FUTURE?

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  • 11 months later...

If they had a time machine why didn't they just go back and prevent it from happening.

Dude, I watched the movie, and the best reason I could figure from it's weird mutants is that if you go into the past to change something, the reason you went back won't exist in the future. And something about telepathy.

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Guest Helper ET

youre all so witty, not one of you comedians can tell me the reason why all the jobs are disappearing


in fact, you dont even care. thats why you think its funny in the first place. the time travel element was thrown in and you all got distracted like a shiny object in front of a baby


this is because your all being drugged and indoctrinated into a state surrealism, where reality seems far away, and you live your life in this constant psychological haze, where you feel powerless to make change, or notice or even care about real issues


you are the cattle. you are being drugged and controlled. you think you are free

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youre all so witty, not one of you comedians can tell me the reason why all the jobs are disappearing


in fact, you dont even care. thats why you think its funny in the first place. the time travel element was thrown in and you all got distracted like a shiny object in front of a baby


this is because your all being drugged and indoctrinated into a state surrealism, where reality seems far away, and you live your life in this constant psychological haze, where you feel powerless to make change, or notice or even care about real issues


you are the cattle. you are being drugged and controlled. you think you are free


ET, despite what your saying sounds like such utter shite, it may be, in fact, the truth.

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Guest Ivan Lennovitz

youre all so witty, not one of you comedians can tell me the reason why all the jobs are disappearing

1. Fire employees

2. ????

3. Profit

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Guest Helper ET

well of course you think its shit, every day you drink down glasses full of chemicals, drugs, and hard metals put in most public water supplies. you also shower in it. you also eat toxic waste and harmful food additives. youve been absolutely bombarded with propaganda your entire life. youve been taught to mock and ignore messages like these. youve been programmed like a computer.


of course im telling the truth jackass, now get out there and do some research, and find out how to protect yourself

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This is a clear sign that the monetary system must crash and fall - It is completely flawed and if it wasn't so flawed and poorly constructed, why do these redundancies occur? Things need to get worse in order for the public to wake up and consider their current social system. Do we seek other solutions/alternatives that are socially RELEVANT - meaning basing our ideas on living via the means of technology and resources, freeing us from mundane, boring, repetitive jobs, or do we stay with the current shit that we are all familiar with..?


I am confident to say that almost all repetitive jobs could become automated with today's technology. You don't need "money" or "employment". Banks, employers and job centres are all false institutions.

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Guest Helper ET

This is a clear sign that the monetary system must crash and fall - It is completely flawed and if it wasn't so flawed and poorly constructed, why do these redundancies occur? Things need to get worse in order for the public to wake up and consider their current social system. Do we seek other solutions/alternatives that are socially RELEVANT - meaning basing our ideas on living via the means of technology and resources, freeing us from mundane, boring, repetitive jobs, or do we stay with the current shit that we are all familiar with..?


I am confident to say that almost all repetitive jobs could become automated with today's technology. You don't need "money" or "employment". Banks, employers and job centres are all false institutions.


your on the right track but still not completely there. the monetary system is poorly constructed, but its not due to poor planning or a lack of a better idea. the system was set up to control the people, so the rich get rich and the poor stay poor. the collapse that we are currently in is completely deliberate, caused by a very tiny amount of incredibly powerful/wealthy people, with nothing in mind but the enslaving of you and your family


as for the technological aspect...your right. most of our jobs can be done by robots and computers, better than we can. the technology revolution though has not effected the workplace. this is because the system uses your job as a means to control you, and so if they robotized everything, you would be free, and the globalists would have less means to control you.


do you have any idea what kind of world we are supposed to be living in? they are hiding the most incredible, mind blowing technology that could absolutely revolutionize the world, and save lives. instead they make us slaves do all the work, and horde their life extension technology. i wont even begin explaining how the world would change if they publicly revealed thei flying discs technology. that alone would solve most of the worlds problems. and their disease destroying medicine/technology would raise life expectancy to over 100. maybe much more.


the only real problem this world has are these evil, murderous psychopaths, ruining it for everyone else

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Guest Ivan Lennovitz

ET, your ground work is solid, but on top of this you add a whole bunch of conspiratory bullshit that his hardly bearable in such a dose. Then again, you’re 16 or something.



This thread title needs to be changed into »Companies kill jobs«, though.

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Guest Franklin

youre all so witty, not one of you comedians can tell me the reason why all the jobs are disappearing


in fact, you dont even care. thats why you think its funny in the first place. the time travel element was thrown in and you all got distracted like a shiny object in front of a baby


this is because your all being drugged and indoctrinated into a state surrealism, where reality seems far away, and you live your life in this constant psychological haze, where you feel powerless to make change, or notice or even care about real issues


you are the cattle. you are being drugged and controlled. you think you are free


first, you mean "you're." Second, there are so many crazy statements in here I don't even know where to start. I was going to, but then I realized that this would be like arguing against KarmaKramer and his desire to leave society, except for a few friends he hasn't met yet and hunt animals with automatic weapons and pistols for sustenance.


This is a clear sign that the monetary system must crash and fall - It is completely flawed and if it wasn't so flawed and poorly constructed, why do these redundancies occur? Things need to get worse in order for the public to wake up and consider their current social system. Do we seek other solutions/alternatives that are socially RELEVANT - meaning basing our ideas on living via the means of technology and resources, freeing us from mundane, boring, repetitive jobs, or do we stay with the current shit that we are all familiar with..?


I am confident to say that almost all repetitive jobs could become automated with today's technology. You don't need "money" or "employment". Banks, employers and job centres are all false institutions.


your on the right track but still not completely there. the monetary system is poorly constructed, but its not due to poor planning or a lack of a better idea. the system was set up to control the people, so the rich get rich and the poor stay poor. the collapse that we are currently in is completely deliberate, caused by a very tiny amount of incredibly powerful/wealthy people, with nothing in mind but the enslaving of you and your family


as for the technological aspect...your right. most of our jobs can be done by robots and computers, better than we can. the technology revolution though has not effected the workplace. this is because the system uses your job as a means to control you, and so if they robotized everything, you would be free, and the globalists would have less means to control you.


do you have any idea what kind of world we are supposed to be living in? they are hiding the most incredible, mind blowing technology that could absolutely revolutionize the world, and save lives. instead they make us slaves do all the work, and horde their life extension technology. i wont even begin explaining how the world would change if they publicly revealed thei flying discs technology. that alone would solve most of the worlds problems. and their disease destroying medicine/technology would raise life expectancy to over 100. maybe much more.


the only real problem this world has are these evil, murderous psychopaths, ruining it for everyone else



I was in line at the bank the other day, late for an appointment, and there was this mentally challenged dude trying to fucking cash some cheque or something and was taking FOREVER. I was getting so goddamn upset but then realized that he's fucking retarded so it's not his fault. Then I calmed down.

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Guest Helper ET

youre all so witty, not one of you comedians can tell me the reason why all the jobs are disappearing


in fact, you dont even care. thats why you think its funny in the first place. the time travel element was thrown in and you all got distracted like a shiny object in front of a baby


this is because your all being drugged and indoctrinated into a state surrealism, where reality seems far away, and you live your life in this constant psychological haze, where you feel powerless to make change, or notice or even care about real issues


you are the cattle. you are being drugged and controlled. you think you are free


first, you mean "you're." Second, there are so many crazy statements in here I don't even know where to start. I was going to, but then I realized that this would be like arguing against KarmaKramer and his desire to leave society, except for a few friends he hasn't met yet and hunt animals with automatic weapons and pistols for sustenance.


This is a clear sign that the monetary system must crash and fall - It is completely flawed and if it wasn't so flawed and poorly constructed, why do these redundancies occur? Things need to get worse in order for the public to wake up and consider their current social system. Do we seek other solutions/alternatives that are socially RELEVANT - meaning basing our ideas on living via the means of technology and resources, freeing us from mundane, boring, repetitive jobs, or do we stay with the current shit that we are all familiar with..?


I am confident to say that almost all repetitive jobs could become automated with today's technology. You don't need "money" or "employment". Banks, employers and job centres are all false institutions.


your on the right track but still not completely there. the monetary system is poorly constructed, but its not due to poor planning or a lack of a better idea. the system was set up to control the people, so the rich get rich and the poor stay poor. the collapse that we are currently in is completely deliberate, caused by a very tiny amount of incredibly powerful/wealthy people, with nothing in mind but the enslaving of you and your family


as for the technological aspect...your right. most of our jobs can be done by robots and computers, better than we can. the technology revolution though has not effected the workplace. this is because the system uses your job as a means to control you, and so if they robotized everything, you would be free, and the globalists would have less means to control you.


do you have any idea what kind of world we are supposed to be living in? they are hiding the most incredible, mind blowing technology that could absolutely revolutionize the world, and save lives. instead they make us slaves do all the work, and horde their life extension technology. i wont even begin explaining how the world would change if they publicly revealed thei flying discs technology. that alone would solve most of the worlds problems. and their disease destroying medicine/technology would raise life expectancy to over 100. maybe much more.


the only real problem this world has are these evil, murderous psychopaths, ruining it for everyone else



I was in line at the bank the other day, late for an appointment, and there was this mentally challenged dude trying to fucking cash some cheque or something and was taking FOREVER. I was getting so goddamn upset but then realized that he's fucking retarded so it's not his fault. Then I calmed down.


i can see that my cavalcade of truth has made you uncomfortable. on one level, it surprises me to see someone of your profession, deal with cognitive dissonance in such a childish way. i offered you a different, more realistic, and uncomfortable reality, and you know damn well that everything im saying is true, but the dissonance is too great, isnt it? instead of ignoring me, or even just saying you disagree, haha, you resort to calling me a retard. im such a loon! and in all actuality, youre the one drinking poisoned water that lowers your IQ and brain damages you, so technically, youre more of a retard than me. fucking lol dude

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