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Clark - Growl's Garden

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they love the manchester gig tune from AFX and want to copy its style


That is good tho, but from what u can hear of it its used more like an instrument isnt it. This exile and clark stuff is abit like poo indy vocals.


Yeah, I don't really like when they come back in that second chorus or whatever in Growl's Garden, they sound very out of sync (and out of place for that matter) in my opinion

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Guest Glass Plate

I feel the added noise was really good, it just adds a lot to the movement of the tracks, and adds to the atmosphere. It helps point out what I feel he's kind of going for in his newer stuff which is just reworking past electronic music ideas and blending them with other musics and just loosening up it's formulas. Such as taking generic ravish drum patterns, but using a totally different tone, and letting it fall apart a bit more, it's just adding to possibilities to that style of composition that wouldn't have been acceptable at the time of it's creation. Kind of like when people first learned that the skip or the click and be a tool not just a mistake. It pushes us to a new realm of the possibilities of music, and makes the room for the broadness of the formulas of music making. I don't re-read my posts most of the time and it's total gibberish. This is a case of that. HAHA >:U I HATE YOU ALL.

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i really like this ep, although i find gonk roughage very irritating and i'm a little perplexed why it's included. in any case i'm still getting familiar with it and it's going very nice with my tea on the back deck in the sun right now.

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The first two tracks are addictive as fuck. Really fucking good production and a bass bitch bangin the drum. Last four tracks are a bit more in need of more compression. Still an excellent Ep and 10 times better than Smojphace by track ratio alone.

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this is not good. Chris Clark has always had a short shelf-life, good for a few listens but with little lasting appeal imo. Now that he's "Clark" it's even worse. These tracks aren't really music. The last track sounds like a rehash of his failed track Betty of ETBOY, which he admitted was an attempt to capture the sonic majesty of Ae's vletrmx21. First track is ok for pop music. Other tracks are varying degrees of dull or annoying.


ETBOY was a least a good album. Body Riddle and this are just lame.

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this is not good. Chris Clark has always had a short shelf-life, good for a few listens but with little lasting appeal imo. Now that he's "Clark" it's even worse.



The last track sounds like a rehash of his failed track Betty of ETBOY, which he admitted was an attempt to capture the sonic majesty of Ae's vletrmx21.

very wrong. show me where he says that


These tracks aren't really music.

:orly: lol what a joke

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So I've had this EP for a little while now and I've let it sink in and I think that it's a pretty good release. The track Growls Garden is an instant classic in my mind. I'm really into that synth melody and the drums are stomping. The bass synth explosion in the middle of the track is so extremely sick! I have to crank the volume here! Easily the best track on the EP and worth the price by itself.


I'm not really in to the way The Magnet Mine starts out. Not bad but nothing special. But then it shifts at 1:32, and this track really kicks off. The synth at 2:04 is nasty as fuck and has some really cool layering and effects work. Solid track.


Seaweed is a cool track. When I listened to the demos on Bleep I found the filtered noise fade ins to be really annoying. Right when I got the CD I blasted it and hearing it like that really changed my mind. This is a really cool effect and gets especially cool when the sound starts to evolve and adds those additional high frequencies and low filtered noise. Some cool effects work here. Trippy track.


Gonk Roughage can be kind of annoying, but it's growing on me. Still has its cool parts. Distant Father Torch is huge. A definite highlight of the album. It does sound a bit Autechre though doesn't it?


And of course Farewell Mining Town. This track is beautiful and haunting, but imo Clark has written better ambient pieces than this.


Growls Garden is uneven but overall this is a decent little EP. A major teaser for the new album.

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The last track sounds like a rehash of his failed track Betty of ETBOY, which he admitted was an attempt to capture the sonic majesty of Ae's vletrmx21.

very wrong. show me where he says that



in an interview somewhere.

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Guest Glass Plate

I feel you're being a little harsh. If he's making horrible electronic music now, who's making the good electronic music now?

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The last track sounds like a rehash of his failed track Betty of ETBOY, which he admitted was an attempt to capture the sonic majesty of Ae's vletrmx21.

very wrong. show me where he says that



in an interview somewhere.


Very early on, around the time of Clarence Park, in his bio on the Warp site:

Pavement's Slanted and Enchanted as well and Vletrmx (Check spelling) by Autechre which I reckon should become the eighth wonder of the world


Then recently:

You once referred to Autechre’s Vletrmx as “the eighth wonder of the world”. Has the ninth been created yet?

Jeez did I say that?? Not that I didn’t mean it at the time but (blush) my propensity for bombast must be kept in check. I’m not going to answer the second part of that question (see former statement).


Not to be picky, but there is very big difference in an artist talking about a song and claiming to copy it.

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I seem to remember reading an interview where vletrmx21 was referenced specifically in regards to betty of ETBOY. It has been a while though, I don't remember more than that.


In any case, I liked ETBOY and several tracks from Clarence Park, one thing I will say to Clark's credit is his music is always fun to listen to. However I don't find it has much staying power or emotional depth. And I'm one of those who preferred his music before he dropped the "Chris." Whatevs, different strokes for different folks.

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I seem to remember reading an interview where vletrmx21 was referenced specifically in regards to betty of ETBOY. It has been a while though, I don't remember more than that.


In any case, I liked ETBOY and several tracks from Clarence Park, one thing I will say to Clark's credit is his music is always fun to listen to. However I don't find it has much staying power or emotional depth. And I'm one of those who preferred his music before he dropped the "Chris." Whatevs, different strokes for different folks.



out of curiosity, did you like throttle furniture or throttle clarence at all?

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Holy shit I just gave magnetic mine another listen. Once you know about the insane part coming up around 1:30+, the first chunk actually sounds really good.. Clark is a genius. Even Growl's Garden is actually a pretty sick track considering I generally hate vocals in any kind of music.

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yea magnet mine is pretty dope. i hear what sounds like a vocoder thingy at around the 3:30 mark. it def sounds like a twisted up voice that he is uding to make that little melody there. in fact, i would not be surprised if he used voices one way or the other on every track on this ep.


for me seaweed is meh, i dont like it at all. gonk roughage is just so so, i find it awesome sometimes and annoying at other times. the rest is A+. nice teaser for an lp that im sure will be great and i would guess be released in september.

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To be honest I think this EP's not that good



the ambient track is pretty brilliant though, even though it doesn't fit the EP at all

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