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Feedback on song


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Recorded this live today, while messing around with Ableton live 7 for the first time in about a year. It's a fun electronic song to accompany some innocent childhood happenings. I don't think its very good... but I do enjoy listening to it... and I would just really love some feedback on what people think...




Also where's the best place to upload songs for sharing?

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In before move.


Upload them to watmm. There's an uploader.


How does one do this?


If you make a new post, below the text field there should be a field called the Attachment Editor. To the far right is an area with a button that says "Browse..." and next to that is the upload button. After it's uploaded, click on the drop down menu that says "Manage Current Attachments (0)." Click on the filename for what you just uploaded, and it will add it to your post.

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i didnt like any of the sounds (particularly the drums) or any of the melodic or rhythmic elements.

and the playground sample feels tacked on and out of place

and it was too long



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Yeah definitely not diggin the sounds/reverb too much, but i very much enjoy the melodies especially the bassline. Almost reminds me of something that would be in a mario game.

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if you only had reverb on the snare, and gated it, it would sound better


Yeah this was really a sloppy put together, meant to be seen as something I made live... just wondering if maybe there is some potential... or if I am totally off when it comes to music creation...

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Guest Christoph

It pointless reviewing your first ever attempt at music really. Your first few (or 20!) songs should only be getting to grips with how things work and what sounds good. Focus on what it is about music that you really like - listen carefully to how it's made, and try and re-create it. Keep making music and you will develop your own style, it should come naturally.


As far as the track above goes, it's alright I suppose for a first try, but it's never going to amaze people. Hope this helps! :)

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It pointless reviewing your first ever attempt at music really. Your first few (or 20!) songs should only be getting to grips with how things work and what sounds good. Focus on what it is about music that you really like - listen carefully to how it's made, and try and re-create it. Keep making music and you will develop your own style, it should come naturally.


As far as the track above goes, it's alright I suppose for a first try, but it's never going to amaze people. Hope this helps! :)


A lot of it has to simply do with no traditional training in music and limited technical knowledge of the software used... I think I could make a good song, I just have to spend the time to add the complexities needed to give a song the needed depth, to make it interesting throughout and on repeated listens. At the moment, all I am doing is using the pre-existing samples found with Ableton and then mashing them together in different patterns with different effects. Unfortunately this makes for any sort of improvisation impossible, because everything is essentially being controlled and looped as apposed to a piano, which gives the artist infinite possibilities.


I know that the music I want to really make would be lo-fi sounding, and would probably be more ambient. I find that I get too hooked up on 4/4 when I am sequencing stuff... making it too predictable... which is what it becomes... dull and predictable


Its fun though overall, so thats all that matters really.



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Guest Christoph

Firstly, using samples is one of the most interesting and defining aspects of electronic music, but it takes time to figure out how to manipulate them and place them in the right context (or out of context). Don't get hung up on musical training, I doubt many electronic producers have had anything of the sort - just playing around with notes, sounds and effects can be remarkably entertaining, and you will soon figure out your own form of music theory. Traditional theory, afterall, is simply a way of transcribing and explaining what we all hear - there is no need to start with the theory and work backwords.


At the end of the day, if you have a grand vision and can hear what you want to create in your head then work at it until you have it. But, as you say, if you enjoy making music then who cares what anyone else thinks.

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Firstly, using samples is one of the most interesting and defining aspects of electronic music, but it takes time to figure out how to manipulate them and place them in the right context (or out of context). Don't get hung up on musical training, I doubt many electronic producers have had anything of the sort - just playing around with notes, sounds and effects can be remarkably entertaining, and you will soon figure out your own form of music theory. Traditional theory, afterall, is simply a way of transcribing and explaining what we all hear - there is no need to start with the theory and work backwords.


At the end of the day, if you have a grand vision and can hear what you want to create in your head then work at it until you have it. But, as you say, if you enjoy making music then who cares what anyone else thinks.


Oh no disagreement here... its more of the form I am doing it in, is the least interesting :P But someone like fucking DJ Shadow (Endtroducing) is fucking godly. Holy shit.




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