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Bon Voyage


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I feel as though I've not really had a truly close friend like that. I've had acquaintances, lovers, friends, "best friends", and coworkers over the years, but I was never particularly heartbroken to see any of them go

that's exactly it. i do feel kind of heartbroken. not in the sense that I'm in love with the guy, but just i found him so remarkable that his absence leaves a void.


I should add that at the party, a lot of people got up and said things similar to what i'm saying now. he's such a wonderful guy and everyone that gets to know him comes away with that same conclusion.






also the good thing about being 34 and a member of this board for 8 years is that I have enough confidence to not give a fuck what any of your insecurities lead you to say. the sad people in this thread are revealing themselves as such. thanks for the warning.

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Guest assegai

You've posted more about docking than I ever thought possible. And your avatar is two bare-chested bearded hairy men grazing each other ever so gently. The very possibility that you'd even be offended at a "gay" joke is grounds for immediate lols in itself.

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the only thing that's offended me is the crack about my daughters which is bullshit.




the other childish crap doesn't offend me. i just recognize it as being stupid.

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In the last seven months eight of my closest friends have fucked off to the other side of the world leaving me with the worrying prospect of finishing university, returning home with a massive debt hanging over me and very few friends that I actually like. Fuck you all.

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sorry blicero. i'll start a thread making fun of some poor girl with disabilities instead.




is jim moving anywhere near me? i want a friend


Come out tonight. I live in the damn sunset. You can probably hear my shouting at my tv at night.


I put my penis into my best friend, I'll tell you that much.


That's an odd and strangely beautiful thing to say.

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i had one friend for as long as i can remember. i had to move when i was about 11 and it left a void like alzado's wimpering about. they, completely by chance, last year i'm on my way to victoria, because i am moving there for uni. i decide, as i'm sitting on the ferry, that i'd give her a call, just for shits. so she answers and we do all the plesantries and she asks me "where are you?" and i'm all like "oh, just on the ferry heading over to victoria". then she's all "NO FUCKIN' WAY! I"M IN VICTORIA BLAH BLAH" and it was all very happy and exciting. so we meet up a couple times, talk and it's awesome, like old times, except now she has a boyfriend so i can't have an 11 year old's crush on her any more (but i still do, for old times sake). anyway, it turns out with me moving here and how awesome it is here, she decides to move down as well. we plan to get a place together with her friend. it doesn't work out at first, which is fine. after about 10 months and trying hard to get a 3 bedroom place together, we just give up. then, out of the blue, the tenants that live below her get evicted for not paying rent and being stupid lesbos. so we meet with the landlords and snare the place up. few months go by, we live downstairs with a weird and absolutely terrible roommate, and it turns out that everyone up stairs is moving, except for my friend and her boyfriend (who is now my friend also, awesome guy). so finally we move up stairs. after all this i'm finally living with my truest friend that i've yet met. it's almost surreal. thinking i'd never see this person again, and now i'm living in the room across from her. we used to talk about taking trips to jamaica and things like that, things that kids would talk about. but not once ever did we think we'd end up like this.


that's kind of a ramble but that's my best friend story. and yeah, if we hadn't kept in touch this never would have happened, so keep the fuck in touch with jim.

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Guest Franklin
You'll find it a big relief when you pull your dick out of your ass alzado


silence while the comedian laughs at his own joke

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I put my penis into my best friend, I'll tell you that much.


That's an odd and strangely beautiful thing to say.


not odd if best friend is your wife/girl


I know what he's suggesting, guy. It's an odd way of saying it.

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Guest glasse
Wait... What happened to the Danzig thread?





heh what do you mean? Exactly as in it you just are as miffed as us that it was moved, or exactly as in you were miffed at it being derailed with pisstake remixes, jim morrison jokes, etc? kind of like this thread is being derailed discussing it..



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Guest abusivegeorge

I have one best friend that is more of a friend than any of the others, and he may as well be family, the rest of my friends have been "disposable" I don't mean that in a horrible way, more of an autopilot way, but if I ever lost him that would kick shits out of me for years.


I don't mean you LUDD, you're more of a boyfriend, lolgayfags.


So yeah I totally understand where you're coming from, I should imagine its strange what with him being work related as well. Like others said, stay in touch with him.

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I have one best friend that is more of a friend than any of the others, and he may as well be family, the rest of my friends have been "disposable" I don't mean that in a horrible way, more of an autopilot way, but if I ever lost him that would kick shits out of me for years.


I don't mean you LUDD, you're more of a boyfriend, lolgayfags.


So yeah I totally understand where you're coming from, I should imagine its strange what with him being work related as well. Like others said, stay in touch with him.

i think ludd would have been quite disturbed if you did mean him

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