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being recognized on the street

Guest petr

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Guest hahathhat

once, i was getting on the subway, and a guy was wearing a t-shirt for some obscure blog i read. i asked him about it, and he was blown away that some guy just randomly read his blog and spotted him on the street. it was rad

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

i'm still looking forward to my first encounter meeting someone i knew from long ago on the streets of chicago...


this has only happened to me once, last year in DC on NYE, i met a friend of the guys who lived upstairs from me. we both did double takes in astonishment at the randomness of it.

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Guest Pete is your friend

I had the opposite experience recently, I recognized a guy but couldn't remember where or why, and didn't want to think about it really - nor did I make any attempt to flag him down. It's quite difficult to walk perfectly straight behind someone's peripheral vision for a block.

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a dude i know in cali that looks like he'd be my little brother was stopped by a dude in a squarepusher show who thought the dude was me!

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Guest margaret thatcher

beno spotted me in a club in nottingham. he was mashed and dancing his head off to girls aloud. good lad.

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i've had some people recognize me as "that crazy rapping guy" from nights during last summer where i'd be bored drunk and walking around aimlessly whilst maintaining a freestyle flow in order to build up rapping stamina for the epoch when i'm going to put on shows of 15-60mins of str8 rapping on a stage walking around gesticulating pointing quasi-dancing head nodding yes y'alling and all of that. i can't say i'm gonna have a fully rehearsed off-mic hand pre-coreographed number like sluggo from atmosphere, but i can say i'm not gonna be some boring monotone fuckwit like ludacris or just about any top-40 rapper on stage =D


when i was drinking pretty damn heavily out and around bars in the city last year, i spose i did kind of get noticed as a resident "crazy dude" because i'd often realize the hopelessness in my social drinking plights, in other words that night wasn't gonna be the one where i tripped fell over and banged a wannabe/model/calibur/type, so when people would approach me and try to have normal conversations i'd start making up all kinds of crazy shit in order to entertain myself with their perpetual wtfing to all of the bullshit i was pumping out en masse. one night they told me that they weren't gonna sell me any more beer cuz i was "too erratic" in their words, namely cuz i was embellishing whilst telling this one boring mundane yuppie/quasihipster chick that i was a time traveler, as opposed to talking about her job for another five miniutes... that cracked me up cuz i was just like "me?! erratic?! in an aphex twin shirt?!@ what the fuck are you talking about, esse?!@"

Almost thought it wasn't going to make the story.





ive noticed that as well.


sini likes him some afx

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i've had some people recognize me as "that crazy rapping guy" from nights during last summer where i'd be bored drunk and walking around aimlessly whilst maintaining a freestyle flow in order to build up rapping stamina for the epoch when i'm going to put on shows of 15-60mins of str8 rapping on a stage walking around gesticulating pointing quasi-dancing head nodding yes y'alling and all of that. i can't say i'm gonna have a fully rehearsed off-mic hand pre-coreographed number like sluggo from atmosphere, but i can say i'm not gonna be some boring monotone fuckwit like ludacris or just about any top-40 rapper on stage =D


when i was drinking pretty damn heavily out and around bars in the city last year, i spose i did kind of get noticed as a resident "crazy dude" because i'd often realize the hopelessness in my social drinking plights, in other words that night wasn't gonna be the one where i tripped fell over and banged a wannabe/model/calibur/type, so when people would approach me and try to have normal conversations i'd start making up all kinds of crazy shit in order to entertain myself with their perpetual wtfing to all of the bullshit i was pumping out en masse. one night they told me that they weren't gonna sell me any more beer cuz i was "too erratic" in their words, namely cuz i was embellishing whilst telling this one boring mundane yuppie/quasihipster chick that i was a time traveler, as opposed to talking about her job for another five miniutes... that cracked me up cuz i was just like "me?! erratic?! in an aphex twin shirt?!@ what the fuck are you talking about, esse?!@"

Almost thought it wasn't going to make the story.





ive noticed that as well.


sini likes him some afx


as long as it's from '96.

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