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j swift

Guest boo

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well, he both was and wasn't a troll ... i heart jswift.






i wish he'd come back really... seemed like there was a lot more interested discussion back then.


you mean not like the movie/poopy/track title threads or "hey my g/f is on WATMM lol lulzy lucy" circle jerk" cancer that is killing WATMM shit?








fuck yes! fuck this place now, seriously ... i remember in 2004-06, this was like my favorite site on the internet, lols and awesomeness everywhere


(though i do have more time now that i'm not posting 25-30 times a day)

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well, he both was and wasn't a troll ... i heart jswift.






i wish he'd come back really... seemed like there was a lot more interested discussion back then.


you mean not like the movie/poopy/track title threads or "hey my g/f is on WATMM lol lulzy lucy" circle jerk" cancer that is killing WATMM shit?








fuck yes! fuck this place now, seriously ... i remember in 2004-06, this was like my favorite site on the internet, lols and awesomeness everywhere


(though i do have more time now that i'm not posting 25-30 times a day)


you know, despite it all, this is still my fave site. Especially considering how supportive people have been today!

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Guest zaphod

he created a few personas and you have to understand that his posts were all wind ups (mostly). i last spoke to him in pm form a while ago, seems like he got banned from dogsonacid and posts on an offshoot site that's basically that site's beakdotcom. but that was almost a year ago. i've never figured out if he's totally lying or not but i can definitely say that he likes all the music you listed and he really likes wong kar wai as well, so he's cool in my book.

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Guest zaphod
fuck yes! fuck this place now, seriously ... i remember in 2004-06, this was like my favorite site on the internet, lols and awesomeness everywhere


(though i do have more time now that i'm not posting 25-30 times a day)


this i'm not convinced by. what was so great and funny about this site then? it's not that different now. given it's not exactly the same, skytree is gone and we don't have those topics at 3 am where everyone talks about the nature of love and how the warble ten seconds into roygbiv makes them cry, but i think the spirit is still the same.


and poop threads have always been the bread and butter of this place, i personally get hearty lols out of them.

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fuck yes! fuck this place now, seriously ... i remember in 2004-06, this was like my favorite site on the internet, lols and awesomeness everywhere


(though i do have more time now that i'm not posting 25-30 times a day)


i somewhat agree but it certainly doesn't help matters to bellyache about it.


I think the biggest killjoy has been the bannings.

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Guest Renivatio
bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky bluky
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Guest zaphod
i remember seeing a few articles written by him as well... in reasonably big publications. so i think that kind of shoots down some fo the doubt people had when he mentioned off-the-cuff that he was 'oh and i'm working on a piece for the guardian' :laughing:


lol what like the article in people or whatever that encey linked? i showed jswift that, it definitely isn't him. also lol at people on here thinking he was burial...


i would really take everything he said with a big grain of salt...i'm sure he does some kind of writing professionally, maybe, and it's possible he writes for well known publications, but he really was fucking with you guys most of the time. why do you think he let me have his account to post about articles he wrote for fake cheese magazines ffs

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Guest fiznuthian

what's wrong with ilkae exactly?

and lol at people getting worked up about forum participants..

who gives a fuck really, stop clicking threads if you don't like reading them.

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it seemed like he was a pathalogical something - maybe wannabe? When he talked about making video games I could tell his understanding was only half there. Interesting character nonetheless. Those pbn-skytree-jswift philosophical threads were epic.



Also, JSwift knew his shit when it came to Old Skool. I remember several long threads celebrating the whole scene and reminiscing. That was nice.

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this i'm not convinced by. what was so great and funny about this site then? it's not that different now. given it's not exactly the same, skytree is gone and we don't have those topics at 3 am where everyone talks about the nature of love and how the warble ten seconds into roygbiv makes them cry, but i think the spirit is still the same.


and poop threads have always been the bread and butter of this place, i personally get hearty lols out of them.




it's not just skytree, various other people are gone (rake, vik, jswift, planetoid, etc etc etc). i don't really miss the psuedo-intellectual topics, but i do miss the hilariousness; there really were funnier threads back then, i feel like.


but, as i typed those words, it occurred to me; i was 21 years old, then, and i'm 26 now. maybe i've just matured?






i somewhat agree but it certainly doesn't help matters to bellyache about it.


I think the biggest killjoy has been the bannings.




well, i don't often talk about it

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Guest Funktion
i would love to make a sitcom based on jswift, tftt, and ulillillalia sharing a small flat


add tarsier to that and you've got a winner

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