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how i make a capuccino

Guest boo

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i put some cream in a mug, get the coffee machine goin, then get a straw and blow in the cream with the straw for a while (i whipped the cream earlier), then pour the coffee on.. it turns out better than capuccinos i've had before


edit: i have to put a hand over the mug to avoid getting cream allover my face

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Whatever floats your boat, right? :)


But still, if you want to make a real cappucino you'll have to use milk instead of cream and use espesso shots instead of regular coffee. Remember you want the majority of the milk (about half or so) to be froth whereas if you make a latté you only want a little.


Btw. if you put the milk in the refrigerator for a couple of seconds after it has been frothed the foam gets a lot more sturdy.

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(i gave up coffee for about 8 months, but i'm back on it as of three weeks ago. my productivity in work is up, but i've gone from a latte in the morning to two americano+2s before i touch a keyboard in that space of time. slippery slope :sad: )

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I drink my coffee black.



I used to drink iced black coffee because it was easy as hell to down 4 cups of it....but then I realized thats horrendously unhealthy, so now i do half coffee, half SKIM MILK tauboo....SKIM MILK.


its delicious, and you get your dairy in one go.

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I drink my coffee black.

same here. i just thought i'd experiment with cream because there was some left over from dessert.


i have done it a total of 1 times.


but fuck skimmed milk, or 'skim milk'

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there are these little things you can buy to froth your milk/cream and work surprisingly well.



if you let the froth sit for a minute or two, it will get firm... you don't need to put it in the fridge and cool it down... who wants a cold cappuccino?


using creme instead of milk is called a Breve Cappuccino.


Skim milk is absolutely not easier to froth than whole milk or cream. Not sure how you got that idea.



Also, if you are using regular coffee, instead of espresso and adding steamed milk to that... its called an Aulait. (pronounced Oh-Lay) If you do it with lots of foam... it's just an extra foamy aulait.



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