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The "so today" thread

Guest abusivegeorge

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I dont want to seem like a jerk or anything, but i doubt that going to stay with essines for support would be a good idea. Dont get me wrong, essines is great guy and im sure he'd be the best guy to talk to in a situation like this, but i just cant imagine a visit would help.

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I dont want to seem like a jerk or anything, but i doubt that going to stay with essines for support would be a good idea. Dont get me wrong, essines is great guy and im sure he'd be the best guy to talk to in a situation like this, but i just cant imagine a visit would help.



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Guest Iain C

For what it's worth you have my complete support. You have not failed. But don't replace drink with violence, towards Chloe S, itsmep or anyone else - it's just as insidiuous and destructive. Stay strong and keep it together mate. You're in my prayers.

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woah George - only just read this man.... fucking, shit. dunno what to say that hasn't already been said, apart from I'm here if you need to PM and talk and I honestly really hope things works themselves out. also, PUT THAT STRONGBOW DOWN!! it's horrible stuff anyway.


also, don't worry about chloe - for all her loveliness I think she had a real problem with anything drink or drug related (that's how it came across anyway) so probably found it very hard to understand you and what you're going through. she also used far too many smiley faces and exclamation marks.

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Guest A/D

george . . much love. sometimes what seems like a big step backwards is the final straw that will push you ahead. you gotta let go of your head, let it rage on and drive you crazy, but keep your body clean, and your head will slowly shut up.


essines man i feel the love in your posts . . i gotta ask you, if you host george, you think you can keep alcohol out of the house? this might be the best example of a life or death situation i can think of.

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Guest Etch

Stay true George.


Stay strong.


Dont let drink be what defines you.


Find George, be him and be better.


Love you man.





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Guest ezkerraldean

oi george. you're safe. and you own a renault 5. don't do anything shit/retarded, even if just for that reason

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Guest idrn

sympathy is often due, but right now mate, put that fucking drink in the bin. please don't be such a norman. it'd be incredibly rude for you to die on us. chin up and bin it, NOW.

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we love you man! fuck that itsmeP fucker, they will be offed by sundown!


Just keep it together as much as possible and maybe you sponsor can help, if you want their help....


You know you have a lot of support in here, I would help you out more if I could, I'm just not in a spot to do so but you will always have my moral support......


and any advice you ever need.....


I have had plenty of alcoholism around me in my family and friends and luckily I have never succumbed to it but I am addict as well, have not touched what I was into, which I have been into for a long time, in a while now and I feel really good.....


I am not disappointed in you, I just wish you the best and hope that you can overcome this part of your life and come out the other side feeling better, and happier as well....


Maybe you do need to get out of your surroundings for a while, this might help you to get sober where as being in the same place can sometimes make it to easy to relapse over and over again....


I will say more good words for ya man, best of wishes, pm me if you want to talk privately about anything!

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Guest Z_B_Z

stay strong man. been sober a couple of months now.. went to rehab etcetc. ive actually been battling cravings as of late so i understand the shit youve been going through. just find a way to hold on.

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Guest Drahken

Recently saw an old friend pass after years battling the same demon as you George. It was such a shame for all of us who knew him and failed to recognize how bad his condition was earlier on. The first year or two it seemed like good fun, that he just liked to have a drink with his mates and pass the time. When help was finally sought like you he was already at that event horizon and presented with a decision. But that decision didn't end at the moment he said to himself that he was done drinking and unfortunately after a couple years of being clean and playing right he surrendered and his decision was voided and retroactively taken from him.


Stay strong george and for god sakes put the bottle down.

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Guest Jimbob

I'm not going to state the obvious here but my mum lost her life to alcohol when i was 16.

At age 20 i've still got a lot of rebuilding to do after a really dark time in my life (education down the shitter, no permanent address, no self esteem etc)


Don't think these are your issues alone...they are hurting everyone you know and they will scar them for a long time.


whether this is what you want to hear or not it is the truth and it isn't pretty


PM me if needs be George

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Guest Z_B_Z

and your girlfriend is acting callous to protect herself from getting hurt. but im sure shes hurt and im sure she cares.

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Guest my usernames always really suck
and your girlfriend is acting callous to protect herself from getting hurt. but im sure shes hurt and im sure she cares.


I was just thinking this.


Maybe similar to how my dad would spaz and say "GO AHEAD AND FLIP BURGERS THE REST OF YOUR LIFE" every time I considered changing majors when I was in college to something I might actually enjoy.


Maybe Chloe was just speaking out of understandable frustration. Irrationally, yes, but humans are emotional beings.

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fuck sake george.


don't use something someone said as a reason to throw in the towel. latch on to one negative comment or event and let it snowball into an almighty life ending bender.


is there a chance she didn't actually mean what she said anyway? please remember it's fuckin tough for your loved ones and those around you. it can seem impossible to say or do the right thing... when they feel helpless, they'll try tough love. i might be wrong but it all sounds too familiar.


also visiting essines is a bad idea. talking to him isn't.


i hope you're feeling more resolved today.


love, keltoi.





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Guest analogue wings

was the shitty comment made before or after the relapse? - if after, it could be taken as her washing her hands of you. if before, it's just shitty really

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