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The "so today" thread

Guest abusivegeorge

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Guest placidburp
he's alright guys, he's pushing on and doing his best, the support is appreciated. for now you can stop worrying and keep hoping!


Glad he is ok. Well done Essines mate!

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Guest abusivegeorge

Hi guys for today I am sober, I cannot type much, my body is shutting down now, and the withdrawal is set, I am with LUDD and my sister, I want to say that I love you all and cannot tell how much the support from here has helped, I didn't expect such a massive community of good people on an internet forum!


My fone number is 07502041247


I don't know whats going to happen to me, I hope this pain goes soon.

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Guest placidburp

Thinking about you all the time mate, you pulled through once so you can do it again! Stay strong George.

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Guest ms-dos

keep going george! get in a comfy chair and put selected ambient works on. it's helped to get me through some rough days.

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i feel embarrassed quite a lot. its only natural.




did everyone know abusivegeorge is a mathmatical genius? i didnt till the other day.. cool dude



sorry if you didnt want anyone to know, einstein :embrassed:



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i got a text back from george - he said he's still sober and going to stay that way! he has been to hospital, but is out now and doing a bit better...he thanks everyone for their support and friendship.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Hi everyone, just about mustered enough energy to get out of bed and come downstairs for 5 minutes, body is still very weak so I will make a proper post when I'm through the withdrawal., things are getting better, not as weak as yesterday and still sober, thankyou again to everyone, the texts I have recieved from so many members have helped no end, I even got one from Caretstik, I hope he can come back here soon.


I haven't read everyones pm's properly yet as I'm finding it hard to concentrate, thanks BCM and Essines for updating the thread.


Back with you soon guys, God bless (I am an atheist so my God is a term I use from AA which means "Good Orderely Direction").


Thankyou to all :).


lala, Russel? Don't big me up just yet lol ;).

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Guest abusivegeorge

Hi everyone, well I'm up and my mum is just cooking me vegetable casserole, the withdrawal to have almost gone in comparison to earlier, I've drunk a lot of water and Lucozade which I think has cleared my system a bit quicker, I've managed to get up and make a cup of tea and I'm feeling a lot better. Now I've just got to get back to my meetings and my daycare and get myself back on track. I've had so much support with phonecalls/messages and thats really whats kept me clean to be honest, along with being with my sis and LUDD.


I'm going to read the pm's now, can those of you that pm'ed me, remember if I replied or not? If not let us know in here, thanks watmm!

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