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Guest Iain C

Here's a good one I got from WATMM's Gary C on Sunday night:


I just shat and vommed at the same time. Love you from chloe, jab, callum, nick and emma too. And piss cock partridge.
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(214): dude. I'm so drunk.

(972): pete, this is bryce's mom

(214): I can't wait to have my cock in your ass

(972): pete, this is still bryce's mom


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haha americans have text messages now


yeah, we also have dental hygiene - perhaps NHS will offer that to you guys someday


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Guest boo
haha americans have text messages now


yeah, we also have dental hygiene - perhaps NHS will offer that to you guys someday

i'm slightly disappointed that you didn't say "you lot"

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This one's a lol:


(508): hdsncx Gizmo asnqw toilet blanasdi

(214): ok, stay where you are, be there soon


haha americans have text messages now


yeah, we also have dental hygiene - perhaps NHS will offer that to you guys someday

i'm slightly disappointed that you didn't say "you lot"


Well, Ah wuz tryin' to be moar 'merican, y'know?


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Guest boo
haha americans have text messages now


I've had them on my service since 2003.



we were text messaging at the peak of idm

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haha americans have text messages now


I've had them on my service since 2003.



we were text messaging at the peak of idm




Many companies have claimed to have sent the very first text message, but according to a former employee of NASA, Edward Lantz, the first was sent via a simple Motorola beeper in 1989 by Raina Forteni from New York City to Melbourne Beach, Florida using upside down numbers that could be read as words and sounds. The first SMS typed on a GSM phone is claimed to have been sent by Riku Pihkonen, an engineer student at Nokia, in 1993.
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Guest abracadabra
(619): i miss you so much

(858): i miss you too

(858): oops, did i send that to you? i meant to send it to the money you owe me

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Guest boo
haha americans have text messages now


I've had them on my service since 2003.



we were text messaging at the peak of idm




Many companies have claimed to have sent the very first text message, but according to a former employee of NASA, Edward Lantz, the first was sent via a simple Motorola beeper in 1989 by Raina Forteni from New York City to Melbourne Beach, Florida using upside down numbers that could be read as words and sounds. The first SMS typed on a GSM phone is claimed to have been sent by Riku Pihkonen, an engineer student at Nokia, in 1993.


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jesus what a pissing contest.

Just remember, every cell phone in the world uses US technology. Qualcomm and Broadcom pwn you.

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my jibe was more about social stuff than technology


which of course brings up the very important question...does technology drive society?

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(314): Dude, I just woke up on the floor of some random chick's floor with puke in my hair and a posted note on my forehead that said "It's over." Dude I wasn't even aware I was in a relationship...



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