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tell about a time you did something stupid on drugs

Guest tht tne

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nothing much on my end, drove on various psychedelics multiple times but that's about it how about you

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I don't do stupid shit on drugs because I don't give myself the opportunity.


my old roommate, on the other hand, ate a bunch of shrooms at a party, realized he didn't want to be at said party, walked across town to our house, climbed through yards so cops wouldn't see him on the streets, entered our house THROUGH THE FRONT BAY WINDOW WHICH DOES NOT OPEN, cut himself up real good and bled everywhere (including the ceiling). after lying on his bed for a while he got up, thought he was dreaming, and proceeded to smash his head and fists through various walls, break off and smash the glass cover of our oven, and even kick a huge hole in my other roommate's door. our front window was covered by cardboard and blankets for over a month (winter) and we didn't have heating either.


but to be fair, although that all sounds like stupidity in retrospect, under the context of mushrooms it is totally understandable.

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Guest Drahken

Several years back after eating some acid I decided it would be a good idea to ignite a pringles can full of homemade smoke powder in the parking lot of my apartment complex. Moments after lighting the dinky paper fuse I had made I realized the gravity of the situation. The can flashed as the powder ignited and a dense cloud of black smoke started filling the lot. I stood there with my buddy in shock trying to think of what to do next. The neighbor in the house next to us opened her door to stick her head out and see what was going on. As soon as she opened the door the smoke over powered her, flowing into the house like a vacuum. She slammed the door and let out a loud scream. No worries yet though, she was a rugby player and we had been more than understanding when they would get rowdy and eat peanuts. In the distance sirens began to scream and my friend and I thought for sure we were fucked. After about 5 minutes the can finally ran out of juice. The entire block was filled with a dense gray smog making it impossible to see. WE quickly swept the parking lot free of ashes and a made hastey decision to flee the scene before the fire department arrived to investigate. We darted out across the street nearly getting hit by a car, the driver unable to navigate the college streets through the hazy cloud we had just created. As we rounded the block we could tell the siren was almost upon us. Seconds later an ambulance comes blazing around the corner up the hill to some other destination. Our hearts sank as we realized we wouldn't have to provide some kind of explanation but we carried on anyways. Hours later we return home, the smog long since cleared by the summer winds. We investigated the parking lot and saw all that remained of the pringles can, its metal base permenantly melted into the pavement with a large black ring surrounding it.


It is still there, and a bit of a local legend as few people really know why an entire city block filled with acrid black smoke one summer afternoon.

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i tore off the 1st layer of skin on my lips when i was on a bunch of acid trying to do nitrous oxide. on acid i thought it would be 'neat' to try it without the balloon and quickly learned why people use balloons!

watching blood pour off of my face all over myself while tripping was definitely something i will remember forever

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Guest Coalbucket PI

laughed at something that wasnt funny when high

thought something was real that wasnt when on shrooms

thought everyone loved me when they though i was a cunt on e

slept with someone I shouldnt have when drunk

talked too much on coke

and so on

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Guest my usernames always really suck



When I was 17 and had my wisdom teeth pulled I was put under with some gas shit.


When I woke up from it I wasn't sure where I was and supposedly I was just spewing out every racial slur in the English language

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Guest pantsonmyhead

i cheated on my gf on mushrooms

easily one of the stupidest things i've ever done

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Guest maantecaaa!!!

stole a techno mixtape from a music booth run by 2 huge cholo's at a lowrider carshow. i REALLY wanted to hear their take on techno. it was pretty decent actually..

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Guest boo

the only time i had lsd i decided to make a full english breakfast, and thought it was the time to try black pudding, so i got black pudding. i didn't really like it.

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i was climbing up a large wooden staircase from the beach,. i was so fucking high (on pot) and i slipped, if i didn't catch myself i would have plummeted a good fall and definitely hurt myself.... climbing staircases isn't a bad thing to do, just be careful aight? word

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Rolling really hard on e, I put two latex gloves on, one full of ketchup and the other full of mustard and my friends helped me duct tape them on nice and tight.


thats the only decent story I can tell without spending a good hour typing.

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Guest idrn

if you don't count everything you do on drugs as stupid then either you have no shame or are intrinsically fucking banal...

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