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crime fighting experiences

Guest Franklin

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Guest Franklin

recently, I was on my way to an appointment with a client when I was met with 4 oncoming police cruisers. They turned left in front of me, forcing me to slow. So I checked out what was happening on my right as they headed into a shit looking cluster of welfare homes. Just as the last cop pulled in I noticed a rustle of one of the bushes and some scary-looking dude jumps out and starts booking down the street beside me, looking behind him every few seconds. This guy is clearly running from the cops. So I make my next turn, almost right beside the guy. He turns into a field for about 100 meters and hops a fence into another welfare subdivision. So i slow right down to an almost stop in the turning lane with my four-ways on and pull out my large map book and track the guy to see where he's going. About a minute later he reappears coming towards me so I put my windows down and ask him what part of Hamilton we're in-- motioning to my map book. He's super out of breath and really sketchy looking. doors are locked and i'm ready to peel rubber if he tries anything. Anyway he says he doesnt know and crosses in front of me. So I pull out my cell phone, phone police and follow the guy into another subdivision, driving with my map book up in the air. The dude doesnt suspect a thing even as I'm like 20 feet behind him. Cops are re-routed to my location and suddenly there are a dozen squad cars blocking all the exits. The guys takes off down some alleys and one of the cops stops me and shows me a printout of the dude. I say, "ya that is definitely him"


I never saw him in cuffs or anything because I was a tad late for my appointment and I had to go, but I'm sure they got him. Cop told me "good work man"


I'm still feeling like a bad-ass crime-fighter

anybody else?

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Guest dese manz hatin

you are a snitch blad


better not come round my endz then or you gonna get merked


roland n wesley just got out last week also, watch the ride, prik face

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Guest Franklin

Dese I don't exactly understand you but it does seem like you're down on crime-fighting.


the idea that people get angry at "snitching" is loltastic. I spose there should just be anarchy and everybody defends for themselves.


get a life.


seriously though they had a printout of the guy and upwards of a dozen cruisers, must've been a fairly bad dude.

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Guest idrn

that was actually theocide legging it after being caught jay-walking and in possesion of a twelfth of soapbar. now his plump rear is going to get violated in prison. i hope youre happy.

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Guest Franklin
You are a filthy grass and I can only assume you are middle-class.


who here isnt?


i'll assume that you're 16 and listening to N.W.A.

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Guest tv_party

come on you don't have real criminals in canada. guy probably didn't return a harry potter dvd.


edit: buddy



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Guest Franklin

i guess you missed the story of the dude on the bus stabbing some young guy in his sleep, cutting his head off and then eating him all in front of the passengers and police.


igloos buddy!



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you're not my buddy, friend!


He could have been a bad ass could have not. Yesterday as I was walking my daughter to kindergarten, a woman was walking in front of me, she turned around and said "that guy (indicating some dude) just showed me a gun, should I call the police?" I replied that I didn't know, but it might not hurt....

She did, they replied with 3 or 4 squad cars so there were about 8 cops motioning this guy to get down on the ground. All because he flashed a piece an dthen started rummaging through some garbage bins...

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Guest Franklin

you're not my friend, guy!


seriously though I wonder why everybody is so hesitant to get involved in shit. Everybody seems to shy away from it. just this morning my wife comes running in saying that this dude was hitting his girlfriend in the middle of the street and she didnt know what to do so she ran to tell me (the crime-fighter i guess). I went back out there to break it up and luckily the chick got away before i needed to get involved.


get involved in your community people.


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Guest chax

the only experiences i've had is in fighting thought-crime


ie: fighting scientology.


holy fuck i've had some fucked up experiences but unfortunately can't talk about it due to an agreement i have

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

i'm calling you next time my neighbors turn their stereo up too loud

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Guest Franklin
the only experiences i've had is in fighting thought-crime


ie: fighting scientology.


holy fuck i've had some fucked up experiences but unfortunately can't talk about it due to an agreement i have



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the only experiences i've had is in fighting thought-crime


ie: fighting scientology.


holy fuck i've had some fucked up experiences but unfortunately can't talk about it due to an agreement i have





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Guest ms-dos

Good job Franklin. We need more heroes like you. What do you wear to conceal your identity?


Snitches get bitches.

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Guest theSun

i'm gonna go ahead and say that Franklin is white.


like carlton from fresh prince of bel air white.

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Guest Franklin
get involved in your community people.


Fucking Canadians. :laughing:


Dude Baltimore could use a bit of Canadian spirit!


Good job Franklin. We need more heroes like you. What do you wear to conceal your identity?


Snitches get bitches.


map books, i thought that was clear in the story


i'm gonna go ahead and say that Franklin is white.


like carlton from fresh prince of bel air white.


mmm not quite that white



nobody else with crazy stories or am I just here all alone fighting the good fight?

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Guest joshier

it's better to stop the crime before it happens by helping each other.


reminds me of a house leak, sure you can put a bucket under the leak but until you fix the leak itself in the roof that will keep happening.

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