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A Naked Dwarf with an AK47?


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looks like one of the pictures to be used as master guideline pictures or textures for 3d modeling they often have unusual looking people - they are naked so the proportions can be sculpted and later any kind of clothing can be assigned


they are also most of the time in strange poses like this cause this pose will be used in the game as one of the many charters emotional poses that are morphed in between


there is also a website with dozens of pictures like this

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Guest abusivegeorge

fucking lol, she looks like she is morphing them into weapons like that guy in Terminator 2.

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Guest tv_party

I've seen pictures of models posted on here with legs at least that thin. anyway maybe I just can't spot a shop.

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Guest Coalbucket PI


sadly a fake. look at her legs.

lol? the text is manipulated but i think her legs are okay

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