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Teabagging and Janeane Garofalo

Guest No Pomo

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Sooo.. if you feel like you are being overtaxed, you're a racist? right, I get it. :confused:

these teaparty wingnuts who also think women suffrage is a bad thing among other thing.


good use of nuts

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Sooo.. if you feel like you are being overtaxed, you're a racist? right, I get it. :confused:


no, her point is that when bush was running up the deficit and spending they were quiet, but now when obama is spending it's all of a sudden a bad thing. thus the reason they are protesting is because of racism. not a completely out there thought considering these teaparty wingnuts who also think women suffrage is a bad thing among other thing.

Did you watch that HBO special by pelosi's daughter too? :wink:


Well, someone contact Janeane for me, and let her know that some of us (although I didn't attend a tea party, personally, I'd rather have the tea bags and make iced tea tyvm) aren't racists, we're just fed up with taxation in the country, mismanagement of government funds, and wasteful spending (whether it was the black asshole OR the white asshole). I'm just one of those people that in general thinks that government is too big and too intrusive, and I really don't care what color the guy in charge is... if it's a conservative or a liberal, a democrat or a republican - it's all the same to me - I'd like to see a little common sense and forethought into the decisions they make. quick FYI though - I live in the 2nd highest taxed county in the country - so I have a reason to complain, I'd like to see some of these idiots at the tea parties, who don't even pay 1/10th of what I pay in property taxes, tell ME they're overburdened with taxes. Some of these tea parties took place in some of the lowest taxed areas of the country, I mean people that pay less than $1000 a year in property taxes, and they're complaining... I pay almost $9000 a year in school/county property taxes.. then I have to add in town taxes, and then village taxes... I'm forced by the government to maintain certain insurances (which I agree to my benefit), however FEMA decides what these insurances are to be rated at, and forces me to carry a minimum policy, this pressures me into spending (according to my latest escrow withholding) over $15,000 a year in state, county, town, village taxes and mandatory insurances...


So, yeh, that was a longwinded tangent, my point is, some of us that disagree with government action and taxation have ligitimate, valid concerns and complaints.. and it doesnt have anything to do with the color of anyones skin.

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dude Edgy you're not serious right?

these people who are involved in the teabagging protests let bush for 8 years spend us into the fucking ground and only now that a democrat is in office they complain. it's pretty damn pathetic

sure its one thing to be anti high government taxes, but only under one particular political party? thats what the teabaggers are and it' sad.


if it's a conservative or a liberal, a democrat or a republican - it's all the same to me - I'd like to see a little common sense and forethought into the decisions they make.


most truthful thing said in your post, but if you believe this how could you in any way shape or form take the fox news promoted tea bagging protests as a legitimate anti tax protest?

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I'm fairly certain that the "success" of the tea parties was almost solely due to foxnews promotion of it.


I can't speak on behalf of the people that went to them, but I do know that I catch myself saying "didn't we throw tea in the harbor over this shit already?" fairly often. So whatever their motivation was for attending, I don't know... I know my motivation *would've* been a protest against the state, in specific regards to taxation, but tbh I don't think protests have any effect on public policy, and you likely won't ever catch me at one. Fighting against government-will is akin to smashing your face into a brick wall.


My point wasn't in defense of those who attended the tea parties. My point is that some of us have valid legitimate complaint against our government, and it doesn't have anything to do with the color of the bosses skin.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

They protest excessive taxes but will probably keep voting in big-government Republicans who give lip service to "small limited government".


Whoever doesn't vote for Libertarian candidates, or Ron Paul, is part of the problem.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

Your opinion is null and void, you're Finnish.

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libertarians are as nuts as these teaparty people, probably many of them are libertarians.

Libertarians are great!


The thing about the libertarian party is.. while "other" parties are busy oppressing the minority (yay democracy!), the libertarian gives people the freedom to make choices themselves, so, *if* someone wants to follow a particular political idealogy, the libertarian ideal gives them the freedom to oppress themselves! HUZZAH! :wink:


Liberals want the government to be your Mommy. Conservatives want government to be your Daddy. Libertarians want it to treat you like an adult.

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libertarians are as nuts as these teaparty people, probably many of them are libertarians.


first of all most of them are not libertarians, but why are libertarians nuts in your eyes?

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Guest theSun

lol there are no more parties for small government. the only candidate that came close in 08 was mitt romney and he's the wrong sect of christianity to hold that high of a public office.

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i guess it comes to what kind of libertarian you are. it just seems a bit too right-wing and laissez-faire to me. i just don't feel it. i'm more a left-wing sort of type.

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Guest theSun

i would be a lot more left wing and a lot more in favor of the obama spending spree if i had an ounce of confidence that the government will put the money in the right places.

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They protest excessive taxes but will probably keep voting in big-government Republicans who give lip service to "small limited government".


Whoever doesn't vote for Libertarian candidates, or Ron Paul, is part of the problem.


He wants to overturn Roe vs. Wade

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Guest my usernames always really suck
They protest excessive taxes but will probably keep voting in big-government Republicans who give lip service to "small limited government".


Whoever doesn't vote for Libertarian candidates, or Ron Paul, is part of the problem.


He wants to overturn Roe vs. Wade


Because abortion isn't an issue the federal government has any authority to be involved in.


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i disagree, and i am a ron paul supporter


it's really a shame that he is christian and lets his religion take away a woman's right to have an abortion which imo is heavily hypocritical if you believe in personal freedoms

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Guest my usernames always really suck
i disagree, and i am a ron paul supporter


it's really a shame that he is christian and lets his religion take away a woman's right to have an abortion which imo is heavily hypocritical if you believe in personal freedoms


Where did he say he's against Roe vs Wade specifically because of his religious convinctions?

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i disagree, and i am a ron paul supporter


it's really a shame that he is christian and lets his religion take away a woman's right to have an abortion which imo is heavily hypocritical if you believe in personal freedoms


Where did he say he's against Roe vs Wade specifically because of his religious convinctions?


he hasn't literally said his opinion on Roe Vs Wade is because of his christianitybut if you've paid attention to him as long as i have he has many double standards that clearly come from his christian background on where to draw the lines on personal freedoms. He has however talked about how he is morally opposed to abortion and uses a lot of christian like rhetoric to defend his position and he rarely ever advocates for birth control or contraception. Being a medical doctor i would expect him to take a more rational approach like 'well i am morally not for abortion but since people get them regularly we need to take other steps to prevent abortions like education on birth control' Like he will never say he believes gays should be allowed to get married because 'the fed should stay out of marriage' while a true principled point, marriage remains in control of the federal government and he seems to be unable to see it a 'separate but equal' jim crow style law and rarely if ever elaborates


I wish we had someone other than Ron Paul, who's not christian and still very libertarian to be the figurehead of the party. like Harry Browne (RIP). Even azatoth might find Harry Browne appealing, his ideas while technically libertarian are very mainstream and i think broadly appealing to a lot of people who appreciate freedom.


Ron Paul also has been known to back peddle and or distort his own beliefs to cater to different political groups. After he started running as a republican in 2007/8 he disassociated himself with the 9/11 truth movement, one that he honestly helped prop up by giving it legitimacy by saying the official story was a lie and many other provocative things.


i donated money ron paul and i kind of regret it so its a little personal for me


edit: i will give Ron Paul this at least, he's the best damn republican by a long shot currently serving in the house

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Guest my usernames always really suck

Thing is I remember reading Harry Browne's book way-back-when and he pretty much had the same stance on abortion as Ron Paul -- that, Constitutionally speaking, it's meant to be up to states to decide. Some states will allow it, some states won't, and ideally America would resemble a "patchwork quilt" of policies (not just abortion but any policy/law) due to the different cultures and values people have in different regions, rather than one where the federal government imposes its whim uniformly from coast to coast.

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Guest abusivegeorge
Sooo.. if you feel like you are being overtaxed, you're a racist? right, I get it. :confused:

these teaparty wingnuts who also think women suffrage is a bad thing among other thing.


good use of nuts


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Thing is I remember reading Harry Browne's book way-back-when and he pretty much had the same stance on abortion as Ron Paul -- that, Constitutionally speaking, it's meant to be up to states to decide. Some states will allow it, some states won't, and ideally America would resemble a "patchwork quilt" of policies (not just abortion but any policy/law) due to the different cultures and values people have in different regions, rather than one where the federal government imposes its whim uniformly from coast to coast.


it's true that Harry Browne had this stance but its not the same as Ron Paul's

Harry Browne would never form an alliance with christian pro-life protest groups and speak at their rallies

that's a little farther than normal libertarianism, that's when Ron Paul's socially christian conservative side creeps out.

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