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Worst accents

Guest ward

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Guest ward

Personally, I hate the Stoke accent in England.



Note, this guy is putting this voice or accent on.

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Guest ZeroHour

hate the accent that people have who are from birmingham

i cant complain that much tho, i'm a geordie :p

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Guest ward
hate the accent that people have who are from birmingham

i cant complain that much tho, i'm a geordie :p


my family are originally from durham, and pretty girls sound cute with that accent

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Guest theSun

the western new york (the state) accent can be rough at times, but it's usually when people add elements of that awful boston accent. car = cah and it's the nasaliest shit you've ever heard.


i had a c++ professor who said logic like lAHHHjik and i couldn't help but laugh every time.

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I love Welsh accents, and Southern England as well. That being said, I love Northern England's accent too!


*waits for somebody to post YouTube of woman doing 21 accents*

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Guest Adjective

whatever you call it when someone says "warsh" instead of "wash"

i know texans that do that but it's not the norm, so i'm not sure what region that's associated with

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whatever you call it when someone says "warsh" instead of "wash"

i know texans that do that but it's not the norm, so i'm not sure what region that's associated with


I think that's more Alabama/Arkansas - dem back woods folk.


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Fuckin guy.




He's saying 'park.'


I was drivin my cah tru de area[r] and sawr some kids skatebawdin unda a sign that specifically said NO SKATEBAHDIN. Wicked stupid kids ease days.

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Guest Adjective
whatever you call it when someone says "warsh" instead of "wash"

i know texans that do that but it's not the norm, so i'm not sure what region that's associated with


I think that's more Alabama/Arkansas - dem back woods folk.

i've never really needed a list of reasons to never visit alabama or arkansas but i'll make one now just in case

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sarah palin's


Oh fuck yes - it's a mixture of Canadian (and I mean Stereotypical Canadian) and New England. But not only that, her vocal mannerisms are just atrocious.


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whatever you call it when someone says "warsh" instead of "wash"

i know texans that do that but it's not the norm, so i'm not sure what region that's associated with


I think that's more Alabama/Arkansas - dem back woods folk.

i've never really needed a list of reasons to never visit alabama or arkansas but i'll make one now just in case


Arkansas is pretty (driving though the Ozarks is really wonderful), but you feel your chromosomes begin to fade the longer you're there...


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