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Tessier Ashpool

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Seriously, has this been a bad season for anyone else? Literally EVERY time we take the dog for a walk my girlfriend pulls at LEAST 10 tics off of her, and usually its more like 20. I didn't even know there were anything other than the "regular" tics (ones that look like little bastard spiders) but apparently there are also seed tics (little gray things that look like, well seeds - except they're full of YOUR BLOOD) and dog ticks (little bodies with a deflated sac which eventually fills with blood until its like 10x's the size of the body proper). Fucking gross little bastards.


The humorous upside is, we shaved the cat down to stop it from carrying tics in on her fur - gave her a lion cut, so she's got this RIDICULOUSLY skinny little ass and this huge mane, with the top of her tail a pooft of fur.


I'll try and get some pics and post 'em as it's friggin' hilarious.

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Guest Mr Salads

In middle school I lived in MN for two years. We had woods behind the house where Id go play with my friends. Then I learned about "wood ticks" and it fucking scared me to go outside. I always checked my skin when i got home because I was so damn terrified.

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Yeah, we also have Rock Mountain Spotted Fever which is communicated by ticks. Don't know if that makes it worse, or if its just that the fuckers attach themselves your body - like leeches with legs.


Just for you Iain C - not the clearest picture, but you can see my cat getting womanhandled and shaved at the Kennel where my girl works



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once after a camping trip i had a deer tick in my nutsack for about a day and a half. it was the size of a small pea (the tick not my nutsack).


freaked me the fuck out.

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The humorous upside is, we shaved the cat down to stop it from carrying tics in on her fur - gave her a lion cut, so she's got this RIDICULOUSLY skinny little ass and this huge mane, with the top of her tail a pooft of fur.


The only sure way to keep ticks off of your pet is to use a transdermal pesticide like Frontline. I know it costs but it's worth it if you have tons of furry creatures running in and out of your house. Plus, it will piss your cat off less because she will get to hold onto the complex fur structure that helps her regulate her own temperature.



Yeah, my girl's on top of this but, unfortunately, fleas et al are becoming immune to Frontline (at least in this region). The suggested thing to do is to alternate treatments between Frontline and other transdermal treatments but even with doing this they're still mobbing us like crazy. . . I'm considering drinking a daily supplement of DDT to take of the problem for good.


Rock Mountain etc is scary cause the symptoms arise way after the bite has ceased to be really noticeable - one day you feel a little flu-like and then BAM! you're FUCKED.


quick edit: @ Keltoi - oh man - I went to the bathroom at work last week and found a tick hanging offa my right nut - I know you're not supposed to just rip 'em out, but I couldn't stop myself. Something very, very, very wrong about bugs sucking the blood out of your nuts.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms
once after a camping trip i had a deer tick in my nutsack for about a day and a half. it was the size of a small pea (the tick not my nutsack).


freaked me the fuck out.


the same thing happened to me as a kid, except I believe the tick was even bigger when I discovered it.

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Guest Adjective

i also had a tick on my sack around age 4-5 for at least a day

i remember scratching at it and it didn't come off

i told my mom and she plucked it off for me, with a little blood

what followed was the look that D.A.R.R.Y.L had in Stand By Me, where he finds the leech and faints

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I noticed that there were a lot of ticks really early in the season this year, like my dog had ticks on him in freaking February or March, usually they don't come out until it's warmer.


For real on the Frontline though, that shit works, crazy to hear about the immunity though... kind of like the "super-bug" bacteria that can't be stopped by normal anti-bacterials. We are creating our own end!

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Guest tronicphace
wtf would Tick Birds eat then????


wow, I never even heard of those before....



*scraps tick genocide plan*

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Guest thanksomuch
wtf would Tick Birds eat then????


wow, I never even heard of those before....



*scraps tick genocide plan*







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Guest abusivegeorge

Is it only in the United States you guys are having this problem? Been pretty warm over here for a while and I don't know anyone with any tick problems nor does my ferret, who is frequently walked outdoors or any of my rats have any.

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