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James Cameron's Avatar


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there's some pretty wonky quotes on that list, people gushing over the same trailer we all saw makes me question their judgment.


As far as the 3D viewing goes, I think it'll fail or at least struggle until they can figure out a way that doesn't require any glasses at all. Not sure if there's any way to do that.


Only one quote refers to the trailer which is that Donnie Darko director...


And unless you have to wear eye-glasses as well, I really don't understand the complaints regarding wearing glasses... they are just like sun glasses, and once you sit down and start watching the movie you pretty much completely forget about them. At least I do. Maybe thats enough to turn people away, but that seems like a pretty lame excuse imo.

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its really just your opinion that is based on nothing but advertising.




Showing anticipation/excitement for something which warrants excitement (Cameron's track record, positive impressions, etc) is a bit different then calling something a piece of shit without seeing it. If you aren't interested in the film, fine... but you sure do share your opinion quite often in this thread, which comes across as pretty unnecessary. Are you going to see the film in theaters even?


yes of course i am going to see it, because of stupid shits like yourself who can't stop buying into the hype and replicating it, and I'm gonna hate you even more when all the movie is a 3d video game cutscene consisting of done to death hoollywood romantic and action scenes. just like that chase scene.


hhehe as i said before it is just the unjustified hype that angers me for some reason. last time it was "omg cameron built an almost replica of the titanic to shoot inside it!! omgomgomg!!!one!!".

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its really just your opinion that is based on nothing but advertising.




Showing anticipation/excitement for something which warrants excitement (Cameron's track record, positive impressions, etc) is a bit different then calling something a piece of shit without seeing it. If you aren't interested in the film, fine... but you sure do share your opinion quite often in this thread, which comes across as pretty unnecessary. Are you going to see the film in theaters even?


yes of course i am going to see it, because of stupid shits like yourself who can't stop buying into the hype and replicating it, and I'm gonna hate you even more when all the movie is a 3d video game cutscene consisting of done to death hoollywood romantic and action scenes. just like that chase scene.


hhehe as i said before it is just the unjustified hype that angers me for some reason. last time it was "omg cameron built an almost replica of the titanic to shoot inside it!! omgomgomg!!!one!!".


LOL you seeing it in 2D or 3D?

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Look forward to your passionate opinion sir. Just so you know I haven't been this excited for a film in a very very long time, so this doesn't happen often with me. I guess I just am seeing this differently then you guys cause I think it all looks fucking cool. Sure its got this 70's/80's oldness to it, but fuck this 00's bullshit, I wish I was born in 1971.

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I was on my phone earlier so I couldn't post this:




HitFix is reporting today that James Cameron's highly anticipated Avatar could be a shoo-in for a handful of Golden Globe nominations.


Although HF has not seen the film, and although folks who have are sworn to secrecy, a screening on Monday produced "very reliable sources" who said that the Hollywood Foreign Press Association was incredibly positive about the film.


HF says it's now very likely that Avatar could be nominated in both the Best Picture, Drama and Best Director categories when the Golden Globe nominations are announced next Tuesday.

HF surmises that an entry by Avatar could push expected Globe nominees such as The Hurt Locker or An Education out of the Best Picture, Drama race (which would be kind of ironic given that Cameron was once married to Hurt Locker director Kathryn Bigelow…).


Additionally, as HF notes, this could push Avatar into serious consideration for one of those 10 Best Picture Oscar slots.

With the Globes nominations coming out three days before the film, Avatar's presence among the nominees could also help put its debut weekend over the top. The film is already tracking at a $60 million plus debut, according to HF, and critical kudos could "boost interest among those on the fence about the genre flick."


Awards don't mean much, but its rare for science fiction films to be so critically successful.

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only worthwhile thing in this whole thread is that i now know ridley scott is making forever war. that could kick serious ass.

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I just want to know where the water that's pouring out of those floating rocks comes from.


Rain clouds... and the rocks float because they contain a magnetic energy, the energy that the humans are harvesting. Yeah its far-fetched but its sci-fi/fantasy and hypothetically could be possible.

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I just want to know where the water that's pouring out of those floating rocks comes from.


Rain clouds... and the rocks float because they contain a magnetic energy, the energy that the humans are harvesting. Yeah its far-fetched but its sci-fi/fantasy and hypothetically could be possible.


Karmakramer - Just wanted to say it's nice to have a pro-Avatar voice here. I'm doing my best to avoid the rollercoaster ride of expectations, but since mine are pretty low for the movie at the moment, it's nice to have a pro-Cameron voice providing details and some positive vibes (particularly liked the comments you listed from other directors).


The core of me wants to be blown away and love this movie - it's saying, "It's JAMES FUCKING CAMERON doing Sci-FI with groundbreaking tech. . . how could this go wrong?!!!"


but, then I catch a trailer for the movie and it leaves me feeling totally empty. You're right, you totally can't judge a movie based on trailers (especially something like this), but I wish that the trailers inspired the excitement that I want it to inspire.


Regardless - Imax 3d at first possible opportunity - and likely many viewings thereafter.

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I just want to know where the water that's pouring out of those floating rocks comes from.


Rain clouds... and the rocks float because they contain a magnetic energy, the energy that the humans are harvesting. Yeah its far-fetched but its sci-fi/fantasy and hypothetically could be possible.


Karmakramer - Just wanted to say it's nice to have a pro-Avatar voice here. I'm doing my best to avoid the rollercoaster ride of expectations, but since mine are pretty low for the movie at the moment, it's nice to have a pro-Cameron voice providing details and some positive vibes (particularly liked the comments you listed from other directors).


The core of me wants to be blown away and love this movie - it's saying, "It's JAMES FUCKING CAMERON doing Sci-FI with groundbreaking tech. . . how could this go wrong?!!!"


but, then I catch a trailer for the movie and it leaves me feeling totally empty. You're right, you totally can't judge a movie based on trailers (especially something like this), but I wish that the trailers inspired the excitement that I want it to inspire.


Regardless - Imax 3d at first possible opportunity - and likely many viewings thereafter.


Thanks man, its nice to have someone else in here with a bit of optimism regardless of their mixed feelings from trailers... heres ANOTHER POSITIVE REVIEW from a Russian critic who also coincidentally didn't think it was going to be good because he didn't like the Alien designs etc... (same kind of complaints I keep hearing in this thread)-


Translated Article


One translation from Human:


James and the Giant Peach


The movie on letter A, like we could guess, isn't movie of future, but postcard from the past - kinda "Dance with wolves" meeting familiar by "Aliens" concept "movie about Vietnam in space" (also nowadays it's not Vietnam but Iraq, more similarity because of mineral resources). Can't tell details because of silly embargo, but good news that director Cameron didn't turn into Lucas (Roman doesn't like new SW, also as I) and whats good he had 15 years ago nowhere disappear: only one bad thing after two and half hours is credit song. And Steven Lang is now officially coolest dude in the world.


And BTW I understand why cameron's blue aliens looks very similar to minimoys (reference to Besson movie "Arthur et les Minimoys"). Because they both divers and it seems something similar happened with their heads on the depth (it's sorta joke)."


One translation from Google:


Movies with the letter "A" as the cost to guess, it was not the future of film, and Valentine from the past - such "Dances with Wolves" is a memorable encounter on the "alien" format "a movie about Vietnam in space" (now, of course, is not Vietnam already, and Iraq, moreover, that all revolves around minerals). For more details until the act kind of silly embargo, but the good news is that director K. Lucas does not become all that it was a good 15 years ago, utterly worn away: I personally do two and a half hours winced once, - from the song on the final credits. Well, Stephen Lang (Dillinzhera murderer of "Johnny D." and General of the «The Men Who Stare at Goats») is now officially the steepest uncle in the world.




So there has yet to be ONE negative review for this...




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Yeah man - nice to hear someone comment that Cameron didn't turn into Lucas, because you figure something like that is lurking in the back of everyone's mind. It's an interesting point, too, because I remember being SO hyped for the new Star Wars and then being totally pissed at the self-indulgent, poorly acted, clusterfuck of digital effects that was the Phantom Menace.


One wonders - had the new Star Wars movies been ridiculously awesome (or, for that matter, the later Matrix films) would I hold the same fears I do about Avatar? Maybe so, maybe not.



And. I mean. Come on. I rewatched Aliens this year and still loved it. And guess what? It was an Epic Sci-Fi adventure by James Cameron with some cheesy Marine dialogue, Sigourney Weaver, and kickass special effects/design.



No real reason I should be worried.

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Yeah man - nice to hear someone comment that Cameron didn't turn into Lucas, because you figure something like that is lurking in the back of everyone's mind. It's an interesting point, too, because I remember being SO hyped for the new Star Wars and then being totally pissed at the self-indulgent, poorly acted, clusterfuck of digital effects that was the Phantom Menace.


One wonders - had the new Star Wars movies been ridiculously awesome (or, for that matter, the later Matrix films) would I hold the same fears I do about Avatar? Maybe so, maybe not.



And. I mean. Come on. I rewatched Aliens this year and still loved it. And guess what? It was an Epic Sci-Fi adventure by James Cameron with some cheesy Marine dialogue, Sigourney Weaver, and kickass special effects/design.



No real reason I should be worried.


Cameron ensured he wouldn't go down that route when he designed performance capture technology that would allow him to focus just on "directing" the actors first, and then after he got the performances and everyone had left the studio, he goes back and chooses the best takes and THEN does all the cinematography/shots for the scene. His virtual camera also lets him see the spacial design and characters as he is directing the actors...


This movie will have the most impressive CG tech in a film ever, and it will certainly be a fun ride just like Aliens, Terminator, and True Lies.


I do wish Kubrick was still alive to use this kind of tech for something of his own, but does that make Cameron's offerings any less impressive? No, he simply offers a completely different experience compared to Kubrick. He offers something easier to digest and easier to escape in... something a bit more fun. It just depends on the kind of mood I am in...

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Heres a nice IFC blog on the backlash this film is getting, really capturing some of my thoughts hehe:


I'm getting sick and tired of hearing about how much "Avatar" is going to suck because the trailer is loud and has silly dragons and it looks like "Delgo" or something. It seems like whenever I talk to someone about whether or not they're looking forward to the film, their response is "It looks stupid."


You know what else looked stupid? "Terminator 2: Judgment Day," a movie about a woman trying to destroy a bunch of computers to short-circuit a future computer/human war, alongside the world's most annoying kid, the charmless young Edward Furlong, teaching Arnold Schwarzenneger how to say "dude." It's all voice-overs about being a single mother.


Let's be honest here: pretty much all of Cameron's movies look/sound basically stupid if you only, you know, read about them, and not just in a "genre movies have different rules" way. Like, "The Abyss" is (SPOILER ALERT) about aliens who want to destroy us with a gigantic tidal wave. "True Lies" has a punchline where a nuclear bomb going off is supposed to be funny. "Titanic" has all those moronic Celtic pipes on the soundtrack.


Cameron's obsessed with feminism and nuclear weapons without thinking too hard about either; I won't be surprised at all if "Avatar" is a soggy allegory about why colonization and the war in Afghanistan is bad Cameron's been worried about for the last 12 years. And that's perfectly fine, because his script deficiencies have always been compensated for by godhead levels of organization in the action sequences, which are without exception perfectly organized, beautifully shot and ridiculously exciting.


And to the CGI haters: oh be quiet. "Avatar" probably won't truly LOOK LIKE NOTHING YOU'VE EVER SEEN BEFORE, but I can almost certainly guarantee it'll be plausible and enveloping: from "The Abyss" onwards, all the effects in Cameron's movies have aged near-flawlessly. (And if you don't think that's a major achievement, go back and look at, say, "Jumanji.") This is a guy who, for whatever reason, feels his narratives can't be realized without creating entirely new technologies and systems. That's his mental block and curse, but whatever it takes to bring action cinema's greatest technician back is fine by me.


So keep that all in mind while you watch this admittedly spot-on burgeoning viral sensation, which cuts "Team America: World Police" to the "Avatar" trailer. It's funny, but it kind of proves my point: Cameron's skills with story may be pretty rudimentary, but his ridiculous technique and technical advances push way beyond the same old blow-shit-up-hero cycle nonsense.




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James Cameron On AVATAR's Naysayers (Hint: No Worries)


"I know there's been a lot of talk and speculation about it, but it's kind of like the generic Oscar buzz out there—it's pretty ridiculous when people haven't even see the movie. All anyone has seen is the 25 minutes of various scenes we showed at Comic-Con—and that's not the movie! How can fans judge it by that?"


Cameron insists that the mix of sky-high expectations and negative fan buzz isn't freaking him out. "No, it's good, as we had to sell a movie that wasn't a sequel or remake or part of a franchise or based on a best-seller. It had no brand awareness, and I was more worried about people not even knowing about the film than them kind of arguing about it or having high expectations or having those dashed."


"(once) even hard-core sci-fi fans see the whole movie, they'll get it, because the film will speak for itself. If I can just get 'em in the damn theater, the film will act on them in the way it's supposed to, in terms of taking them on an amazing journey and giving them this rich emotional experience. And it's not really like any other film, and I think that's its greatest asset—and its greatest deficit. You can't compare it to something else."


The Second Coming



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James Cameron On AVATAR's Naysayers (Hint: No Worries)


"All anyone has seen is the 25 minutes of various scenes we showed at Comic-Con—and that's not the movie! How can fans judge it by that?"

I dunno, nearly half an hour of footage should give you a pretty good judge if a film's shite or not I would've thought....

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James Cameron On AVATAR's Naysayers (Hint: No Worries)


"All anyone has seen is the 25 minutes of various scenes we showed at Comic-Con—and that's not the movie! How can fans judge it by that?"

I dunno, nearly half an hour of footage should give you a pretty good judge if a film's shite or not I would've thought....


Well from my understanding the people who saw the preview back in August were all pretty much very positive towards the film... so I think his point is more or less, if you've only seen bits and pieces of the 25 minutes of the movie on the net, how can you really judge it? Especially when its something fresh/new where one has no place to ground themselves in this reality.


When you are paced into this new world as intended by Cameron, you will accept it.

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German Station ZDF says: "The showdown is too long, otherwise it's a perfect movie"


by showdown they mean final battle.






Total Film have pretty much stated that they're giving the movie 4 stars out of 5 via their twitter.



Seeing Avatar tonight but can't talk about it until next week. Not directly anyway... ;) -A



Phwoooar! We're off home now. What for? To watch Channel Four. Be-FORE bed!!! Do you seeeee? -A


Keep in mind that they also gave Up, District 9 and Inglourious Basterds 4/5 and Paranormal Activity 5/5 (LOL)...



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After reading that Cameron retort I'm a little more excited than previously.


I'm by no means backing this film though. If someone I know sees it and recommends it to me, I'll go see it. I'm going to be a sheep with this.


Also, anyone know whether this is this going to spin into a saga? Cameron's not known for it, but I have a feeling. In making a 'world', he might want to expand upon it...

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After reading that Cameron retort I'm a little more excited than previously.


I'm by no means backing this film though. If someone I know sees it and recommends it to me, I'll go see it. I'm going to be a sheep with this.


Also, anyone know whether this is this going to spin into a saga? Cameron's not known for it, but I have a feeling. In making a 'world', he might want to expand upon it...


The actors are signed up for a trilogy, and I think it depends on how successful this one is before they consider moving onto sequels.

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