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not surprised at all, thanks for posting the vid


it would be pretty hard for anybody to deny that the US is involved at least in some capacity of trying to destabilize Iran, there is ample evidence and many investigative reporters for years who have uncovered documents pointing to this fact.

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not surprised at all, thanks for posting the vid


it would be pretty hard for anybody to deny that the US is involved at least in some capacity of trying to destabilize Iran, there is ample evidence and many investigative reporters for years who have uncovered documents pointing to this fact.



and a handful of other nations trying to subvert iran, its not like the US has a sandbox to play in by itself over there.


and my point the entire time has nothing to do with whether the US should support the riots...its that the riots are for the most part genuine. personally i think we need to back the fuck off and let it handle itself.

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Smetty..the US has been trying to overthrow the Iranian governements since the revolution back in the 70s.

You can't seriously be trying to deny that the US would run black ops there.

What other countries would be playing "in the sandbox"? Russia? They've been good trading partners with Iran since the revolution (whereas the US has put strict sanctions in effect). England? Not enough clout in the middle east since ww2.


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Guest Ominous


Look at what happened in Venezuela! skip to the middle of this documentary to see some uncanny similarities. You can have genuinely upset people after an election; but that doesn't mean they have the right to invalidate them.

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Guest zaphod
and my point the entire time has nothing to do with whether the US should support the riots...its that the riots are for the most part genuine. personally i think we need to back the fuck off and let it handle itself.




people in this thread need to stop acting like authorities on this shit. black ops, lol.

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Guest zaphod

of course there's involvement, that's not the point he's making. the riots are genuine, read my earlier post. there's natural reasons for this, and there's actually plenty of realistic reasons for ahmadinejad to be reelected if you really want to argue that point.

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of course there's involvement, that's not the point he's making. the riots are genuine, read my earlier post. there's natural reasons for this, and there's actually plenty of realistic reasons for ahmadinejad to be reelected if you really want to argue that point.


Oh, ok. So there's involvement, so how do we determine how much o fthe rioting is genuine and how much is stirred up by agents provacteur?

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of course there's involvement, that's not the point he's making. the riots are genuine, read my earlier post. there's natural reasons for this, and there's actually plenty of realistic reasons for ahmadinejad to be reelected if you really want to argue that point.


Oh, ok. So there's involvement, so how do we determine how much o fthe rioting is genuine and how much is stirred up by agents provacteur?


well, if you want to disregard most of Iranian labor history since the Islamic Revolution, then I would say their citizens are more manipulated by the US than their own repressive government and their own free will...which makes complete sense to me.


so let me get this straight....everyone on here save for me and zaphod believes that none of these election protests are done of the Iranian peoples' free will? do you realize how nonsensical that is?


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so let me get this straight....everyone on here save for me and zaphod believes that none of these election protests are done of the Iranian peoples' free will? do you realize how nonsensical that is?


i think you are reaching there

all im saying is that it's rather suspicious that a lot of politicians who are getting involved in this, especially people from the right like John Mccain were just advocating 1 year ago for carpet bombing Iran, now they act like they deeply care about the Iranian people and their freedoms.

You can't just all of the sudden want to 'save' people that 1 year ago you were willing to kill.

Just like the Georgia/Russia thing thst just happened the coverage on the Iranian election especially from the western media has been deeply one sided. This could be completely organic and because everything the media is reporting is the same truth or it could mean there is some overriding agenda to be reporting on Iranian elections in this fashion. It is my natural reaction to become suspicious to and to seek out alternate views if a huge chunk of the media establishment is reporting on things in exactly the same way.

It is my very strong opinion that even by talking about it in the news on this scale the media is having a direct effect on the political landscape of Iran, so in a weird way all this media coverage is helping destabilize the country more. Im not saying that the CIA is controlling the media, just that the media is possibly inadvertently performing the same job the CIA set out to do years ago.

From my perspective it was the USA by putting Iran in the 'axis of evil' category that caused plenty of damage as well as excuses for the Iranian regime to to be more adversarial than they maybe would have been had we not basically officially put them in a category like the Nazis. I'm sure other countries have had negative effects on Iran as well them just fucking themselves up, but again the point remains that the USA has meddled over and over again into their affairs.

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Guest Ominous

About the other players and the possible synchronicity of events unfolding:“The concern is that the international investment in Iran’s oil and gas industries is giving confidence to the Iranian government, and that Iran is not paying much of a price for its defiance of the Security Council over the nuclear matter.”The United States says Iran would benefit from huge gas sales as a result of the pipeline. Washington fears the pipeline will reduce the West’s economic leverage over Tehran - economic leverage that is necessary to persuade Iran to abandon its nuclear ambitions. Pipelines™! (erase India (pussied out, erm I mean it's too costly for them) and add China and Russia to the benefactors of the pipeline.)

Moar Pipelines™!


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so let me get this straight....everyone on here save for me and zaphod believes that none of these election protests are done of the Iranian peoples' free will? do you realize how nonsensical that is?


i think you are reaching there

all im saying is that it's rather suspicious that a lot of politicians who are getting involved in this, especially people from the right like John Mccain were just advocating 1 year ago for carpet bombing Iran, now they act like they deeply care about the Iranian people and their freedoms.

You can't just all of the sudden want to 'save' people that 1 year ago you were willing to kill.


Uh. Yes you can, it's the reason why we're still in iraq, its the reason why we're friends with japan, france, germany and great britain. People might want to bomb iran for political or economical reasons, but that doesnt mean they fucking hate every last Iranian to death.

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so let me get this straight....everyone on here save for me and zaphod believes that none of these election protests are done of the Iranian peoples' free will? do you realize how nonsensical that is?


i think you are reaching there

all im saying is that it's rather suspicious that a lot of politicians who are getting involved in this, especially people from the right like John Mccain were just advocating 1 year ago for carpet bombing Iran, now they act like they deeply care about the Iranian people and their freedoms.

You can't just all of the sudden want to 'save' people that 1 year ago you were willing to kill.


Uh. Yes you can, it's the reason why we're still in iraq, its the reason why we're friends with japan, france, germany and great britain. People might want to bomb iran for political or economical reasons, but that doesnt mean they fucking hate every last Iranian to death.


uh the difference between japan/germany/uk and iran is that at one point the US was actually at war with the former. In the case of Germany and Japan, those countries declared war first and after WW2 countries realised tha communication and trade isn't such a bad thing.

You're still in iraq because you have no idea how to get out without the whole thing collapsing (GOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING BAGHDAD).


Smetty: Of course there are people in Iran that genuinely dislike Amahdinejad and didn't need any help from the US. But when they're telling Twitter to not perform maintenance so the rallies can be organized, umm it kind of points to a lot of political involvment.

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