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so let me get this straight....everyone on here save for me and zaphod believes that none of these election protests are done of the Iranian peoples' free will? do you realize how nonsensical that is?


i think you are reaching there

all im saying is that it's rather suspicious that a lot of politicians who are getting involved in this, especially people from the right like John Mccain were just advocating 1 year ago for carpet bombing Iran, now they act like they deeply care about the Iranian people and their freedoms.

You can't just all of the sudden want to 'save' people that 1 year ago you were willing to kill.


Uh. Yes you can, it's the reason why we're still in iraq, its the reason why we're friends with japan, france, germany and great britain. People might want to bomb iran for political or economical reasons, but that doesnt mean they fucking hate every last Iranian to death.


uh the difference between japan/germany/uk and iran is that at one point the US was actually at war with the former. In the case of Germany and Japan, those countries declared war first and after WW2 countries realised tha communication and trade isn't such a bad thing.

You're still in iraq because you have no idea how to get out without the whole thing collapsing (GOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING BAGHDAD).


Smetty: Of course there are people in Iran that genuinely dislike Amahdinejad and didn't need any help from the US. But when they're telling Twitter to not perform maintenance so the rallies can be organized, umm it kind of points to a lot of political involvment.



if twitter is a major part of a CIA operation, then I don't know what to think about anything anymore.

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Twitter isn't a part of the operation, of course not. But when the government is telling private companies what to do in the area of foreign policy, it clearly points to a lot of investment politically.

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Twitter isn't a part of the operation, of course not. But when the government is telling private companies what to do in the area of foreign policy, it clearly points to a lot of investment politically.



Right, I am not in disagreement there.....my whole point from the very beginning has nothing to do with whether the US has or wants a stake in the situation, I am simply saying that the riots are more legitimate than they are manipulated...they have been fermenting for years and they would have happened with or without external forces...I dont get how this doesn't make sense to anyone here...its extremely frustrating.

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People might want to bomb iran for political or economical reasons, but that doesnt mean they fucking hate every last Iranian to death.


yeah maybe they don't openly 'hate every last iranian to death' but what do you call advocating for bombing thousands of targets from the air with heavy explosives in a country populated with millions of civilians ? I mean it isn't exactly love is it, or even like for that matter. I doubt many Iranian people took kindly to Mccain's song of 'bomb bomb iran' and he's not alone in this recent two-face quasi humanitarianism there are a lot of people like Mccain (all of the sudden caring about the well being of the iranian civilians) and they all seem awfully disingenuous to me.

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Night of the living neocons

The shameless fools whose Iraq folly empowered Iran's hard-liners are back, smearing Obama as an appeaser

That these neoconservative pundits have the gall to talk about Iran at all, let alone pose as defenders of the Iranian people, would be stunning if it were not so familiar. For it was their own policies that were largely responsible for the rise of the hard-liners in Iran. As Islam expert Malise Ruthven notes in an essay on Iran in the current New York Review of Books, "external factors, driven by U.S. policies, were decisive" in thwarting Iran's nascent democratic movement. And of those U.S. actions, none was more consequential than the very "axis of evil" statement that the neocons are now tumbling over each other to glorify.


"George W. Bush's notorious 'axis of evil' speech in January 2002, linking Iran to its enemy Iraq and the maverick Communist republic of North Korea, undermined many of Khatami's achievements in improving Iran's international profile, and convinced the hard-liners that the Islamic Republic would become the next target in Bush's 'war on terror,'" Ruthven writes. "The build-up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq provided them with strong public support. In the local council elections of February 2003 -- one month before the invasion -- conservatives regained nearly all the seats they had lost in 1999 at the peak of the reformist movement. This was not a rigged poll: for unlike the parliamentary and presidential races, candidates for municipal elections are not vetted for 'Islamic suitability.' The right-wing victory was sealed two years later with Ahmadinejad's election as president."



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Guest blicero

just when i thought they might do the right thing... the leader blesses the results, and the world laughs at him for accepting the most obviously rigged election results.

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Guest ezkerraldean

let's airdrop ebola-infected flies on Iran and the USA. then the British Empire can rise anew

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I had a dream my dad took me on vacation to Iran last night. I remember being pissed that I didn't bring my camera.

The weird thing was, there was no sign of conflict or protest. Just a bunch of normal street vendors and shit. People were all super friendly. I was in a hotel at one point and had to take a piss and ended up in the women's room (naturally). I then got attacked by a parrot who stared me down for quite some time before biting me on the head and not letting go. I then walked outside and met up with a gang of kids who escorted me to a beach with a huge slide that looked to be a mile long. I pussed out and didn't get on the slide.

I then had a dream about a man with powerful farts.

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That parrot was a CIA operative.


Wait was the dream about the man with powerful farts within the first dream? Or was it sequential?

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That parrot was a CIA operative.


Wait was the dream about the man with powerful farts within the first dream? Or was it sequential?


It was sequential.


btw, a friend of mine posted this on facebook and I thought it pertinent to this topic:


If anyone is on Twitter, set your location to Tehran and your time zone to GMT +3.30. Security forces are hunting for bloggers using location/timezone searches. The more people at this location, the more of a logjam it creates for forces trying to shut Iranians’ access to the internet down. Cut & paste & pass it on.

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That parrot was a CIA operative.


Wait was the dream about the man with powerful farts within the first dream? Or was it sequential?


It was sequential.


btw, a friend of mine posted this on facebook and I thought it pertinent to this topic:


If anyone is on Twitter, set your location to Tehran and your time zone to GMT +3.30. Security forces are hunting for bloggers using location/timezone searches. The more people at this location, the more of a logjam it creates for forces trying to shut Iranians’ access to the internet down. Cut & paste & pass it on.


if i were on twitter i'd be happy to, but wouldn't it be safer if the iranians changed their location/timezone?


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That parrot was a CIA operative.


Wait was the dream about the man with powerful farts within the first dream? Or was it sequential?


It was sequential.


btw, a friend of mine posted this on facebook and I thought it pertinent to this topic:


If anyone is on Twitter, set your location to Tehran and your time zone to GMT +3.30. Security forces are hunting for bloggers using location/timezone searches. The more people at this location, the more of a logjam it creates for forces trying to shut Iranians' access to the internet down. Cut & paste & pass it on.


if i were on twitter i'd be happy to, but wouldn't it be safer if the iranians changed their location/timezone?




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wow that's pretty fucked up.

A question though....will Iran-US relations be any different with Mousavi in power?

I imagine things will be better for the iranians, as Mousavi actually has some idea of how to run an economy; but Mousavi also supported the US hostage taking, was in favor of the fatwa on Salman Rushdie and has been described as a hardliner...


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wow that's pretty fucked up.

A question though....will Iran-US relations be any different with Mousavi in power?

I imagine things will be better for the iranians, as Mousavi actually has some idea of how to run an economy; but Mousavi also supported the US hostage taking, was in favor of the fatwa on Salman Rushdie and has been described as a hardliner...

To me... thinking mousavi is a "revolution" is the equivalent of thinking obama is a "revolution". he's not a radical revolutionary hellbent on changing the direction of the country, removing the human rights violations, and working towards a better future for iran, overthrowing the oppressive religion zealots... he's just another puppet figure following the lead of the last guy, but he does with a nicer smile.


now the people on the other hand - they seem ripe for revolution.

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Guest ezkerraldean

bloomin'eck this is some dodgy shit


will be interesting to see how obama reacts to all this, after his initial olive-branch offering stuff.




on a related note, has anyone ever seen the film Persepolis?

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