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I rescued a dog


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She's cute and big and clumsy, but she keeps whining periodically. I took her for a half hour walk and she didn't do her business an hour after feeding her. We found her outside our apt, and after half an hour of looking for her owners (and finding no food or water bowls nearby), decided to take her out of the complex.


Anybody in the SW Washington NW Oregon area want a dog?



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Cool on finding a cute dog. But I'd definitely put up posters in that complex.


She could be the ugliest fucking dog I've seen, I would still not offer to return her to whomever would leave a three-month old puppy outside alone with no food or water. They can go to hell.

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I just offered her to any local watmmer (read as "possibly untrustworthy near-stranger") that can raise a dog that will undoubtedly be larger than 25lbs.  How am I coveting?



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Guest Iain C

Did you consider that maybe the dog escaped, ran out of a back door or something, rather than simply being abandoned? It's a young dog, you said yourself, so it might not consider its home really home yet and have a hard time returning.


Long story short, you stole someone's dog you dickhead. Put some posters up.

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Did you consider that maybe the dog escaped, ran out of a back door or something, rather than simply being abandoned? It's a young dog, you said yourself, so it might not consider its home really home yet and have a hard time returning.


Long story short, you stole someone's dog you dickhead. Put some posters up.


I'm pretty sure we found where the dog was supposed to go; she actually laid down in front of the front door, whined at the back door (the patio of which had small chunks of what looked like shit), and when we knocked (more than once and loudly), nobody answered. And no one was walking around the apartment compound looking for a lost dog, either.

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Guest Helper ET




ya dogging is kind of like a new age sport, similar to fishing. players drive around cities kidnapping helpless dogs, only to release them back on the streets, traumatized, later in the night


sick bastards

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Guest Iain C

OK, you're making assumptions and you may well be correct. But you're not a policeman, you're not an animal control expert, and you can't miraculously read a dog's body language and know what it's trying to tell you - that's a really common anthropomorhpic fallacy people fall into. Just put some posters up. If anyone claims the dog and you have doubts about their ability to care for it, notify the SPCA (is that what you call it in America?). You are not the SPCA. Jesus.

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Guest Iain C

"I don't know if anybody knows what the apt's I live in are like, but it's basically like a three-story ghetto/nursing home."


Oh OK, everyone except you in your building is too poor/black to care for a dog. Get a load of yourself, man. Do you really live in such fear of your neighbours?

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OK, you're making assumptions and you may well be correct. But you're not a policeman, you're not an animal control expert, and you can't miraculously read a dog's body language and know what it's trying to tell you - that's a really common anthropomorhpic fallacy people fall into. Just put some posters up. If anyone claims the dog and you have doubts about their ability to care for it, notify the SPCA (is that what you call it in America?). You are not the SPCA. Jesus.

It's called the Humane Society here, and it's a misnomer for our local division.


I don't claim to be psychic, I asked a few people that were awake around the compund if they knew where the dog belonged, and they directed me to an apartment that the dog seemed to be comfortably familiar with, because she wasn't looking around sniffing everything like it was the first time she had been there.




Oh OK, everyone except you in your building is too poor/black to care for a dog. Get a load of yourself, man. Do you really live in such fear of your neighbours?


I didn't mention anyone's heritage, and I fear returning an animal to a cruel life. And I only asked if anyone in this region would be able to take care of her, and I didn't say I could. I actually can't.

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there's this hot creole woman that just moved in next door to me... her kids have a pit bull and he got loose... i grabbed the dog and rang her doorbell... she answered in a bathtowel and completely wet... i wanted to just go in there and do her... but her husband/boyfriend is a rather large fellow with flowing dreads and lots of tats... he probably would've jacked me up!

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Guest Iain C

Take the dog to the local animal shelter. If it's lost, people will be looking for it there.


It just makes sense.

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alternately, you could come up with a novel way to euthanize it and congratulate yourself on sparing it from needless suffering





one of my co-workers visited me in Shanghai and became some sort of pet saviour. The first week he picks up a stray kitten from a nearby park, brings it back to the office. A week later, he kidnaps a (clearly) stray dog that was just kind of trotting around sniffing garbage and minding his own business. So fastforward a few more weeks, the cat has been living in a cardboard box in my apartment, shitting and pissing in the box and stinking the place up. The dog also reeks of dog. My friend has this grandiose plan to return to the US with both the cat and dog. Of course he never bothered to check regulations BEFORE he "rescued" the animals from their fate - turns out it's a huge hassle and expensive to boot. So the kitten dies of some kitten disease, and before my friend leaves he forces the dog upon one of our Chinese employees, who says he has a friend who could take him in. Have no idea how the dog is doing now, and guess what, after returning to the US my co-worker never asked.

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