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Neil Armstrong

Guest Lady kakapo

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Guest Lady kakapo
"The music he took on the mission to the Moon was deeply eccentric," says Smith. "Most astronauts took one classical piece, and one country and western.


"Armstrong took Dvorak's New World Symphony. But the other was theremin music - that eerie, wavy sound associated with sci-fi movies that goes 'woo woo'. On one hand it was the most perfect thing he could take, on the other it is massively eccentric - and that's kind of him."



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Guest mrcopyandpaste

Unfortunately, no one can be told what IDM is.


You have to see it for yourself

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Hmm it's a close one, but if I gotta give my most IDM to one Armstrong it's:




* Hon. Mention to Lance Armstrong for beating cancer with one ball and getting away with doping

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as far as astronauts go, ed mitchell is pretty IDM. from a summary of one of his books . .


As he hurtled earthward through the abyss between the two worlds, Mitchell became engulfed by a profound sensation-“a sense of universal connectedness.” He intuitively sensed that his presence, that of his fellow astronauts, and that of the planet in the window were all part of a deliberate, universal process and that the glittering cosmos itself was in some way conscious. The experience was so overwhelming Mitchell knew his life would never be the same.


The direction his work would take for the next twenty-five years was another journey of sorts, one that would carry him inward as he explored the ineffable mystery of consciousness and being. Having been reared in a Southern Baptist family and gone on study the revolutionary sciences of the day a MIT, he felt the need to reconcile what had always been thought of as separate in his life and in the Western mind-science and religion. Consequently, in the early 1970s, Mitchell left NASA to found the Institute of Noetic Sciences. The Institute allowed him to initiate research in areas of study previously neglected by mainstream science. Through his work, Mitchell began to construct a theory that could explain not only the mystery of human consciousness, but the psychic event as well-what the spiritualist refers to as “miracle” and the scientist dismisses altogether.


His story culminates in a new “dyadic” model of reality that brings consciousness into the equation of how our self-aware universe works. What he reveals through this model is that we live in a universe that is not predetermined by the laws of physics, nor preordained by deities, nor infinitely malleable. While human intentions are generally subject to the laws of physics, these laws are also influenced by mind.

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Unfortunately, no one can be told what IDM is.


You have to see it for yourself



My memories of the entire Matrix thing is starting to fade out, but was this rock/mountain set really in one of the movie?

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

That's probably a production photo. In the film, I think you can see those rocks, but the background is a CG shot of the wasteland.


Maybe that angle wasn't used though.


hmmm that TV looks wrong though. Maybe because I recently saw Videodrome again.

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Yeah but isn't that the blue/red pill scene? The chair he's sitting is the same. I,m not a fan of those movies at all, but that production shot seems... odd Perhaps the scene in the movie was a reshoot.




fucking "other styles" not working... ARGH goddamn




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Guest Coalbucket PI

neil armstrong is extremely IDM, the only thing working against his IDMness is his success

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He is very IDM, yes, but I think the most IDM man in the world is David Attenborough. That guy has worked tirelessly his whole life to reveal to the world everything that is IDM about the world. Well, not everything, but like 50% of it.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

Why would a rational, scientific person put his hand on a book of superstition and lies?


It should be legal to punch Christians all day long.

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This article mentions numerous times how Neil Armstrong is mysterious and never makes public appearances. It is obviously because he has never landed on the moon! Stanley Kubrick secretly directed the fake landing, so everybody thought that was real.

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norman mailer reported that armstrong was extremely banal. so it's surprising that he picked dvorak ...


Yes, while it's not exactly Stravinsky, it's towards the idm end of the spectrum of classsical music.

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Guest 277: 930-933

well if he was REALLY wholesome he would have had no problem swearing on the bible that he walked on the moon


see -


Lance, not Neil.




I didn't see you put a youtube in your post until I qouted it, I thought you just stopped in your tracks, see-

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