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anybody playing FFVII?


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out on PSN NETWORK TOOK ME a fucking week to download but it finally finished....YESSSS


love this game...heading into the Shinra building now....the first few hours are the worst...once you are out on the map, fucking breathtakingly amazing GOD I JUST JIZZED FFFFFFFUCK

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Guest countchocula

and aeris is such a slut...doesn't know what the fuck shes talking about.


i wish she was dead.


I don't know why, but this made me lol. I think it was finishing it with I wish she was dead.

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Guest tbio2007

Yeh mate just downloaded it myself, took much quicker though, I'm trying to defeat the mega bosses for the first time.

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FFVII: The last good FF game.


But, the ending is too easy.


When you get the final boss in a game, you're supposed to get your ass handed to you. It should leave you saying "wow, holy shit, how the fuck am I supposed to beat that?!"


In FF7, there's no such experience. You just do Knights of The Round a couple times, and the game is over, first try.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

My PlayStation 3 gets hot after about half an hour even with adequate ventilation, and since the Audio/Video cable connects right next to where it gets the hottest, the video quality degrades with these banding lines going up and down, and the sound develops this noticable buzzing sound.


I'll stick to playing FF7 on my PS2, the last good PlayStation console, or on my computer.

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FFVII: The last good FF game.


But, the ending is too easy.


When you get the final boss in a game, you're supposed to get your ass handed to you. It should leave you saying "wow, holy shit, how the fuck am I supposed to beat that?!"


In FF7, there's no such experience. You just do Knights of The Round a couple times, and the game is over, first try.

not if you'd never played an RPG before


i didn't even get the vincent character and didn't realise breeding chocobos was necessary for beating it. i was completely fucked at the end (took me like 3 months to get there), so i leveled up as much as possible, tried again, and i think i stayed alive for around 4 hours, with the thing regenerating its body parts


edit: later i found out that was just the first part of the boss..


edit 2: funny thing is, this kid at school used me as his FF7 guide.. because i was always a bit ahead of him, lol

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Guest olson

FFX was the best one actually.


but yeah VII is fucking incredible


X is the only one i reaaallly got into. the other ones just didn't do much for me, and i know i'll be considered a blasphemer for this but i liked VIII more than VII. i haven't played anything past X and don't really plan to, i'm pretty well over RPGs.

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Tauboo is right...if you didn't know how to get KOTR like I did when I was a kid, Sephiroth was a damn beast...shit I remember getting properly pwned by Hojo and Diamond Weapon...


so many things to love this game for...


I just always hated the beginning part when you were stuck inside Midgar...

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My PlayStation 3 gets hot after about half an hour even with adequate ventilation, and since the Audio/Video cable connects right next to where it gets the hottest, the video quality degrades with these banding lines going up and down, and the sound develops this noticable buzzing sound.


I'll stick to playing FF7 on my PS2, the last good PlayStation console, or on my computer.


First, I hope to fuck you're not using the red/yellow/white composite video cables with your PS3 - at least, at the very least, use the component cables red/green/blue, or an HDMI cable. Do you even have it hooked to an HDTV?


Second, how about MOVING the cable away from one of the heat vents? Seems pretty simple solution, dontcha think?

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It should leave you saying "wow, holy shit, how the fuck am I supposed to beat that?!"



Did you try to beat Ruby Weapon? Side quests should have the hardest bosses in any proper RPG.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

First, I hope to fuck you're not using the red/yellow/white composite video cables with your PS3 - at least, at the very least, use the component cables red/green/blue, or an HDMI cable. Do you even have it hooked to an HDTV?


What practical use would I need an HDTV for? I'm more fiscally responsible than to buy something new in replacement of something I already own that already functions properly. Unless my existing television breaks down, I don't need to buy a new one.


Second, how about MOVING the cable away from one of the heat vents? Seems pretty simple solution, dontcha think?


Because I don't own a factory that produces PlayStation 3 units where I would otherwise be able to design the hardware better where the plug isn't located directly next to the hot spots.


You can touch the cable plug itself and it will hurt your finger tips. This isn't from heat that's already exited the PS3 on the middle of the cables, it's heat from the PS3 itself transferring over to the cable's connection.

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First, I hope to fuck you're not using the red/yellow/white composite video cables with your PS3 - at least, at the very least, use the component cables red/green/blue, or an HDMI cable. Do you even have it hooked to an HDTV?


What practical use would I need an HDTV for? I'm more fiscally responsible than to buy something new in replacement of something I already own that already functions properly. Unless my existing television breaks down, I don't need to buy a new one.


Second, how about MOVING the cable away from one of the heat vents? Seems pretty simple solution, dontcha think?


Because I don't own a factory that produces PlayStation 3 units where I would otherwise be able to design the hardware better where the plug isn't located directly next to the hot spots.


You can touch the cable plug itself and it will hurt your finger tips. This isn't from heat that's already exited the PS3 on the middle of the cables, it's heat from the PS3 itself transferring over to the cable's connection.


OK, let's ask it this way - why'd you buy a game console, which runs exclusively in HDTV resolutions, to play on (I'm assuming) a standard 480i television? Seems your purchase of the PS3 doesn't fit in with your 'fiscally responsible' buying habits. In short - you're not getting your money's worth out of the pS3 (for games or Blu-Ray) by running it on a standard SDTV.


Second, I call bullshit on the 'so hot it hurts your fingertips' bit - unless you have your PS3 sitting on a carpet or inside an audio cabinet/rack without adequate ventilation, I have never felt heat coming from the pS3 (from the vents or by touch) that would be considered 'hot enough to hurt your finger tips'. At worst, you might have a defective PS3 if what you say is indeed true. I certainly hope you turn it fully off between uses, as it does draw a lot of electricity, even in 'standby' mode. That little tip is free of charge from me, to fit in with your 'fiscal responsibility'. Fuck.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

First, I hope to fuck you're not using the red/yellow/white composite video cables with your PS3 - at least, at the very least, use the component cables red/green/blue, or an HDMI cable. Do you even have it hooked to an HDTV?


What practical use would I need an HDTV for? I'm more fiscally responsible than to buy something new in replacement of something I already own that already functions properly. Unless my existing television breaks down, I don't need to buy a new one.


Second, how about MOVING the cable away from one of the heat vents? Seems pretty simple solution, dontcha think?


Because I don't own a factory that produces PlayStation 3 units where I would otherwise be able to design the hardware better where the plug isn't located directly next to the hot spots.


You can touch the cable plug itself and it will hurt your finger tips. This isn't from heat that's already exited the PS3 on the middle of the cables, it's heat from the PS3 itself transferring over to the cable's connection.


OK, let's ask it this way - why'd you buy a game console, which runs exclusively in HDTV resolutions, to play on (I'm assuming) a standard 480i television? Seems your purchase of the PS3 doesn't fit in with your 'fiscally responsible' buying habits. In short - you're not getting your money's worth out of the pS3 (for games or Blu-Ray) by running it on a standard SDTV.


I made the incorrect assumption that it would have at least one or two good games out by its second year. I remembered how much of a disappointment the PlayStation 2 was when I got it at launch, but it had tons of good games by the time it was as old as the PS3 is now, in fact I would say the PS2 was the only system to live up to the legacy of quality of the Super NES in that respect. So it was a reasonable expectation that it would eventually be worth having. And nothing else looks remotely interesting when I look at the available games out now. Alas, I've so far been disappointed by the three games I did buy, and I pretty much only use it now to stream porn from my PC so I can whack off in my living room.


And no, I don't give a shit about the very forced HD marketing craze, and you sound like the type of gullible consumer that they've been targeting, the type who is easily convinced that they'd be missing out on something pretty and shiny they "need" if they don't have it. It's one thing to WANT it, but you literally sound like you've convinced yourself that it's a necessity, which is as amusing as it is tragic. I can shoot cops and steal cars just fine without seeing Nico Bellic's sweat glands. I also yawn and fall asleep to Metal Gear Solid 4's lackluster gameplay and boring cut scenes as equally effectively in 480i as I could otherwise in HD.


Second, I call bullshit on the 'so hot it hurts your fingertips' bit - unless you have your PS3 sitting on a carpet or inside an audio cabinet/rack without adequate ventilation, I have never felt heat coming from the pS3 (from the vents or by touch) that would be considered 'hot enough to hurt your finger tips'.


So how much fucking ventilation does it need? It has an entire shelf all to itself in an openly-constructed TV cabinet (front and back have no boards or doors, and the sides are made of wooden posts, so even they're open to air flow), with at least half a foot of open space on both sides, and a good two feet away from the wall from its back.


And couldn't they have designed it to be much smaller than it is? Just like the original PlayStation 2, the insides are mostly hollow. They could have easily made the as-is PlayStation 3 a slimline design, but Sony, for some reason, felt they had to compete with the XBox 360's features of being a big fat hog. That's a tell-tale hint, a sign of what happens in any tech company when the marketing department has more authority over a product's design than the engineers do.


At worst, you might have a defective PS3 if what you say is indeed true. I certainly hope you turn it fully off between uses, as it does draw a lot of electricity, even in 'standby' mode. That little tip is free of charge from me, to fit in with your 'fiscal responsibility'. Fuck.


That tip depends on where you live, really. Where I live, you can go a month without using any electricity at all and Puget Sound Energy will still find a way to jew you out of a hundred dollars.

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Guest my usernames always really suck


He'th saying things about our favorite videogame console!


Let'th get him, girls!

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