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Russian Woman Butchers Her Own Dog


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Guest Iain C

Actually, yes. I intend to donate my body to medical science anyway (after organ donation), but that's kind of besides the point - the point is that I consider the body just to be an empty vessel. I don't buy into the idea of the soul, not at all, but I believe that once you're dead you cease to be "yourself" in any meaningful sense. Treating a corpse with due respect is of course important in certain situations, but it's important for the people left behind. The ritual of funeral and burial, and their associations of dignity for the dead, are important to certain people and there's nothing wrong with that if it helps them move on. But objectively, they're just burying meat. This dog, if we're assuming that it was provided by her veterinary school, is unlikely to be mourned by anybody. Sad but true. It's definitely sad, but what's sad is that the dog died in the first place. You can't even begin to compare it to her dissecting her own child, because it's not even her own dog. Dissection isn't sad. It's necessary and correct. Was she being a bit of an idiot with her facetious poses? Yeah, but that's not evil. That's just being immature. But gallows humour is a pretty inherent feature of the medical professions (as I'm sure XXX will back me up on) and it's a natural way to deal with the unpleasant features of the job.

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Guest Georges Bataille

if the child was dead, and she was a med student, then why not? nothing wrong with autopsies.

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Guest zaphod

the only weird thing is her laying next to it in a similar pose. i have no issue with dissection or anything like that or even her taking photos with it, it's her happiness that's kind of creepy.

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man, it was sick when she posed in that pic where smiled as she stuffed the dog carcass in her vagina



i mean what the hell? is there anything that you can't stuff in russian vagina?






ps: i still didn't see the pics... i'm a big pussy i guess


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I've eaten dog before on several occasions. It's not bad, but just like anything it depends on the skill of the person preparing it.


Also full on lol at the people who actually are upset over these. Yeah it's a little weird doing it in your living room and posing next to it in the same position, but she's a veterinary student (someday, undoubtedly, there will be a picture of her with her arm shoulder deep in a cow's ass) in a day and age where the sharing of activities to a broad audience is commonplace.

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Guest zaphod

full on lol at people acting like it's perfectly normal to cut open a dog in your living room and pose next to it in a variety of positions.


i mean duh guys it's pretty obvious she's a veterinary student can't you tell from the pics lol i'm so open minded

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full on lol at people acting like it's perfectly normal to cut open a dog in your living room and pose next to it in a variety of positions.


i mean duh guys it's pretty obvious she's a veterinary student can't you tell from the pics lol i'm so open minded




i'm also not sold on the "meat is meat" position: i personally do not feel comfortable nullifying the distinctions between heaps of human bodies in a mass grave (say in a nazi death camp) and, like, a bunch of cheeseburgers.

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Guest thanksomuch

not the same girl as the first one of the girl in the car nor is it the same dog.


not to mention you can buy whole dogs in Russia in the china town area and in Izmailovsky...

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Guest zaphod

i'm sorry how is it contrarian to say this is a bit fucking weird? if anything you're the one being contrary.

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i'm sorry how is it contrarian to say this is a bit fucking weird? if anything you're the one being contrary.


obviously you have somehow interpreted my post the opposite of how it was intended. i am loling at people acting totally hardened to it as if there is absolutely nothing weird with it at all.

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Guest Iain C

i'm sorry how is it contrarian to say this is a bit fucking weird? if anything you're the one being contrary.


obviously you have somehow interpreted my post the opposite of how it was intended. i am loling at people acting totally hardened to it as if there is absolutely nothing weird with it at all.


That's a bit rich coming from this forum's most vociferous mouthpiece for half-baked contrarian ideas...

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That's a bit rich coming from this forum's most vociferous mouthpiece for half-baked contrarian ideas...


i'd say its quite a lot more generic teenage ego driven angsty style contrarianism to have your reactions in this thread. imo ;)

it seems like you read the initial sensitive reactions and every single following post has been something to prove how 'hard' you are. it just comes off as trying to prove something about yourself that i personally do not believe to the extent you try to portray

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Guest Iain C

I know what those words mean individually...


In response to your edit: Those weren't reactions, they were overreactions. I've justified my reasoning for every comment I've made. If you think I'm being contrary, that's fine. I suppose your initial reaction was that the corpse is a holographic projection devised by Jews, Barack Obama and Black Moth Super Rainbow.

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