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they got me good...

Guest Helper ET

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Guest Helper ET

ive got the bug, ive got it good. sometime in the last week i must have let my guard down and downloaded some deceptive file because my pc is swamped with viruses, adware, and just plain evil. i have absolutely NO idea what to do


check this out:


i cant open ANY program...so i cant go and download an antivirus program, because i wouldnt be able to even open the installer


the only way i can even get on the internet, is when this fake ad pops up and asks me if i want to evaluate some anti-virus software...if i click evaluate, it will open up firefox, and i can go on the internet. otherwise, clicking on the firefox icon or internet explorer, or ANY other program, just opens up this little black box for a quick second, and on the top of the box, its reads C:/WINDOWS/system32/desot.exe. so theyve got into my system files and are fucking shit up from the inside. also when i start up winodws, about 30 of these black rectangular system boxes flash all over my desktop


sometimes my computer will just freeze, and not unfreeze...and my computer isnt one to ever freeze


i had imagined that i solved the problem, when i tried to do an online virus scanner from the kaspersky website...but it told me i had to uninstall my old kaspersky software, before it would allow the scan. but remember how i cant open any program? well, that includes the add or remove program in windows


i am fucked here and have no idea what to do...im in need of serious help. i cant open ableton live to write music, not foobar to listen, and to go online i have to wait for the fake ad to pop up



any advise would be GREATLY appreciated guys!


thanks watmm...i know i can count on you...youve never let me down

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Guest Helper ET

well thats it folks! its dead! its fucking dead! over! gone! zip! im on the laptop now...my desktop pc is officially fucked. it will not open windows (properly). all i see is the taskbar at the bottom of the screen and no amount of cling does anything at all. controlaltdelete does nothing. cant press start. windows button + r (for run) doesnt work either. it wont open in any of the three safe modes, and it wont "open windows with the last settings that worked"


unless there is some super safe mode that preceeds even normal safe mode or something...this is completely beyond me


oh man, its worse than i had imagined....


anyone? anything? thanks for the help so far guys, but i think this just got real technical....oh boy...ive got music on here that isnt yet backed up...what the fuck do i do?

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1. use friends computer


2. put HD in the computer


3. mount the harddrive


4. run virus scan




1. use a boot disc that has virus software on it, You could hack together some sort of BartPE disc or use a linux disc or find some torrent that has what you need, I don't really know cause i never let my shit get that bad.




1. Back up your documents using boot disc and external drive


2. reformat


3. install XP again


4. copy files back.

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Guest Helper ET

1. use friends computer


2. put HD in the computer


3. mount the harddrive


4. run virus scan




1. use a boot disc that has virus software on it, You could hack together some sort of BartPE disc or use a linux disc or find some torrent that has what you need, I don't really know cause i never let my shit get that bad.




1. Back up your documents using boot disc and external drive


2. reformat


3. install XP again


4. copy files back.


wow...sounds like youve probably got it solved somewhere in there. thanks man! sounds a bit too technical for tonight...gonna get drunk now. thanks man. if you dont mind i might be pming you in the near future



anyone have any thoughts on bubbas advise? the first recommendation i wonder about, as my songs are saved on my c drive by default, and isnt the c drive part of the motherboard? the second recommendation i dont understand, but it sounds right. the third...well i just dont know what boot disc is...other than when the computer looks like its in the 80s



thanks guys! youve done it again!

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Guest Helper ET

lol sorry calx, i just went back and reread your posts...i totally misinterpreted them. by ipod and mp3 player you mean as a backup, gotchya. sorry bout that. and no, i will not get a dog. :sorcerer:

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1. use friends computer


2. put HD in the computer


3. mount the harddrive


4. run virus scan




1. use a boot disc that has virus software on it, You could hack together some sort of BartPE disc or use a linux disc or find some torrent that has what you need, I don't really know cause i never let my shit get that bad.




1. Back up your documents using boot disc and external drive


2. reformat


3. install XP again


4. copy files back.


wow...sounds like youve probably got it solved somewhere in there. thanks man! sounds a bit too technical for tonight...gonna get drunk now. thanks man. if you dont mind i might be pming you in the near future



anyone have any thoughts on bubbas advise? the first recommendation i wonder about, as my songs are saved on my c drive by default, and isnt the c drive part of the motherboard? the second recommendation i dont understand, but it sounds right. the third...well i just dont know what boot disc is...other than when the computer looks like its in the 80s



thanks guys! youve done it again!


No, C drive isn't part of the motherboard, its just the drive that windows has to put its kernel and all of its system files on, but it can also hold user files. Open up your computer and look for a hard drive. It should look like a little box about yay tall, and 3 inches wide or so, and like, 5 inches long. Unplug the power from it, as well as the part that talks to the computer. If your friend's computer is decent, then it should have a spot for your hard drive. how many hard drives do you have by the way?


heres the problem: your computer is probably so fucked up, a virus scan isn't going to fix anything. most of your system files are probably totally blasted, your documents are probably embedded with garbage, you settings are mangled, and the viruses have probably also downloaded kiddy porn to your computer without you even knowing it. Best bet is option number 3. options 1 and 2 are for people who are nerdy enough to find out what exactly is going on, and will probably end up being more trouble in the long run for you. Just back important stuff up, re-install windows plus the drivers and the programs you use, and then run a virus scan on your documents and settings before copying them back to your computer. Once you get a nice, clean base image, take an image of it using a program like ghost, or the opensource partimage(a little bit complicated). That way, it will be really fast to install windows with all of your programs and drivers again if anything goes wrong again.

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what I mean by boot disc is some kind of linux live CD, its a little more complicated than you probably want to deal with. I'm sure there are some good user friendly linux based ones though that have easy backup tools for this exact purpose, so play around, google, just don't do anything stupid like write zeros over the whole drive. Basically you need to take a tarball of the documents you've got and put them on a free drive, or a new partition on the drive if you have no external hard drive. Or Look for a winPE or windowsPE or BartPE torrent image on the pirate bay or something, and make sure it has backup tools installed. I don't really know what the good ones are though, I only have experience using linux cds to do this kind of thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Helper ET

hey guys. im back to trying to fix my computer again


see, my problem, is that i dont know what the fuck bubba69 is talking about. read above for the inside scoop. basically, i got a virus, its fucked with my shit, and now i cant open windows. the main priority at this point is to safeguard my files/documents that arent backed up, but an ideal situation would be to get windows up and running so i can at least copy all my files to an external hardrive, and be able to get some antivirus software up and running


the above info from bubba69 exceeded my understanding of a computer, so if you can help, please try to keep it simple


they may or may not be a certain skateboard for someone who helps

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