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Insurgents Blow Themselves Up


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Guest AOOproductions

sometimes i toy with the idea of just making a non narrated video of every single one of these types of videos cut together to make a one hour movie



u rly should. it'd have potential to be brilliant( no joke)

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back in the days of ogrish when i was going through a dark spell i have every one of the beheading videos - must have been 30 or so. If you strung those back to back and looped them you'd pretty much have the ability to break anyone's psyche down in a matter of hours.

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there's a particular one of those where they actually saw through the guy's head with a steak knife looking thing...the whistling noise he made as he tried to scream through what was left of his throat....



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yeah. Truth be told I only ever watched about five of them, and even then i usually turned it off as soon as they made the first cut. The first one I saw all of the way through was the "chechclear" one from the chechen conflict, before all the iraqi stuff hit. Then I saw the one of the guy (Daniel something?) getting beheaded in Afghanistan, it was bearable. But then I saw one of the ones you're talking about, where the guy starts struggling and whistling, and it was too much. All the gore I ever saw during that period in my life didn't get close to having the same effect on me as those videos.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

back in the days of ogrish when i was going through a dark spell i have every one of the beheading videos


i did the same thing, used to watch beheadings, fatalities, stonings (yikes). completely desensitised

if there was something shocking to be seen, my morbid curiosity flaired

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yeah, I was going through a tough period in my life - lost someone very close to me - and somehow diving deep into that death subculture helped me cope and get through it. Interesting process in hindsight.


The stonings I saw were weird. Bad quality video of someone hidden under a white sheet and planted in the ground (either waist deep or just bound on bent knees) with a circle of dozens of guys standing around tossing rocks until the sheet slumps over. More shocking for what you don't see.

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the one stoning video i've seen was pretty bizarre. as lumpenprol said, it's just guys standing around throwing rocks at a white sheet in a hole. didn't even seem to have any ritual involved, it was just pick up a rock and toss it at these guys until the sheet is covered in blood. what a fucked up way to die.

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sometimes i toy with the idea of just making a non narrated video of every single one of these types of videos cut together to make a one hour movie



u rly should. it'd have potential to be brilliant( no joke)


it would be the most graphic document of war ever compiled into a film. i could fill the entire thing with clips from afghanistan and iraq alone and it would leave you cold and dripping by the end no doubt. The first clip it would show is the american soldier throwing the puppy dog off a cliff and right after the camera man says 'aw that's mean' the title would come up! Ogrish was a great resource for that type of stuff. I saved a lot of it back when it was around mostly just the from the insurgent's perspective videos, those alone are really psychotic to watch.

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there's a particular one of those where they actually saw through the guy's head with a steak knife looking thing...the whistling noise he made as he tried to scream through what was left of his throat....





was this the Chechnyans beheading the russian video? I was tricked in to watching this once. The guy asked me to come in to the room to look at something and immediately started playing it. Ruined my week.

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