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Chiastic Slide / Envane EP


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the psychedelic connection makes a lot of sense considering how long some of the tracks are. Nuane has one of the longest outros i've ever heard in a song

funny, i always thought amber was their most psychedelic album. it seems to be the one that 'clicks' with me the most when tripping.

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i've been on an envane tear lately and fuck if i don't love it to bits. i'll have to give chiastic slide another listen!


note: nothing makes me giggle more than forum elitists. it's like the biggest loser but no one's losing weight...

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Cipater - amazing stuff. I love the mechanical, rythmic beats. Then the switch halfway through; spellbinding stuff. One of the best opening tracks to any album.


Rettic AC - When I first heard it 10 years ago I didn't think much of it, but now I love it. It carries on perfectly from Cipater; the beautiful synths under amazing noise which sounds like someone walking through thick snow.


Cichli - One of my favourite tracks of all time. Have never grown tired of listening to it; I seem to hear something different each time.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

this cycle has been following the weather patterns here perfectly. this albums goes well with cold rainy days, and winter is approaching

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this cycle has been following the weather patterns here perfectly. this albums goes well with cold rainy days, and winter is approaching


Not to discredit what you're saying but considering the length of the periods (1 week) and the entire cycle (10 weeks) It would seem to me that we would have inevitably run into the idea that the cycle is perfectly following the weather progression, unless we happened to start right at the beginning of winter or summer where 10 weeks might not change all that much.


That being said, the fall-winter transition is definitely the most appropriate for autechre's musical metamorphosis

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Guest Calx Sherbet

i was lucky enogh to have really rapid changing weather. it was like 80's and sunny a couple weeks ago, now it's been in the 40's and really rainy. it will all be freezing within two weeks i bet

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Done listening to Chiastic Slide all the way through (even the noise at the end of Nuane). This is the point where Autechre start to get really, really good. This album has a distinct feel to it which sets it apart from any other album, even later albums by Autechre. IMO, this is the peak of Autechre's early discography before the sudden change in style of LP5. I haven't written about each track individually, just the ones that I fell deserve special attention.


Cipater is an amazing opening track with a killer rhythm. Can any other artists create a track that's suddenly taken over by a completely different sound, and make it part of the same track? And can they make it WORK, and flawlessly execute it the way Ae have? I don't think so.

And I think I'm totally in love with Cichli. It starts with the most exquisite pounding beats with a complex pattern I have yet to fully understand, before an amazing melody begins. I love this tune. I've tried to re-create this melody with score writing software, and I've gotten nowhere. I think the time signature's supposed to be 5/4, but that doesn't really help. Cichli spends a lot of time developing, and towards the end, when that divine chorus can be heard all by itself, I always forget my troubles and live in a world of harmony for two minutes and fifteen seconds.

Is it just me, or does Cichli kinda sound like it's always changing tempo, switching between fast and slow all the time? It's a great illusion.

Pule. Ah, Pule, you beauty. This is probably the first time I've concentrated fully on Pule's shifting, ongoing melody. Again, I don't fully understand it, but it's definitely not random. As it evolves over the course of eight minutes, something wonderful happens. Towards the end, a very special kind of feeling pours out of organic chords and drones. It makes me think about caves. Swamps filled with pools of bacteria. Robotic lifeforms singing and digesting their surroundings. This is a very niche, unexpected world of beauty. I've seen it depicted in several computer games, particularly Planet Orxon from the original Ratchet and Clank. Even if these places seem strange and ugly at first glance, they have a natural, organic beauty that is almost tear-inducing.







You guys know the feeling I'm trying to describe, right? Anyway...

Nuane is fucking awesome. Easily one of the most powerful tracks Warp Records have ever released. So many little tunes and rhythmic details are working hard here, cramming emotion down one's ears. The beats alone are absolutely mind-blowing. It's such an overwhelmingly strong piece of music that it takes eight minutes to give it a proper ending. Pretty soon, all you can hear is randomly generated quantum noise, which still sounds pretty awesome.



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holy shit dragon awesome post and good pictures too.


I figured Calbruc out tonight.


It seems to me that the beat is initally tricking you into counting it at a 2/4 beat which is really slow, but after the second bass drum comes in at about 2:10 it completely changes the speed and signature of the track to 4/4 upbeat. Its actually really cool how it manages to pop up into the higher pace by only changing that one TINY little element.


My god that felt good, I did not think I'd ever figure Calbruc out.

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holy shit dragon awesome post and good pictures too.


I figured Calbruc out tonight.


It seems to me that the beat is initally tricking you into counting it at a 2/4 beat which is really slow, but after the second bass drum comes in at about 2:10 it completely changes the speed and signature of the track to 4/4 upbeat. Its actually really cool how it manages to pop up into the higher pace by only changing that one TINY little element.


My god that felt good, I did not think I'd ever figure Calbruc out.

*shrug* i've always been able to figure out the time signature! same with cichli, mostly. it's definitely 5/4! in fact i love the weird time signatures/timing changes on this album, particularly the 9/8 of hub.

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I think the really cool thing about this experiment is that as the time passes we forget alot about the tracks we haven't heard until their round comes up and then they really hit alot harder.


Has anyone else noticed that they are enjoying each album substantially more than if they were just listening to it out of the blue?

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Guest extherium

I think this was the first time I've given Chiastic Slide a good listening too. After reading this thread it wasn't all that surprising it wasn't that much of a solid album, and that held true after hearing it. I like it for what it is - the album that bridges more tacit releases to a more technical style, but at least I now know why I didn't get into it so much before.


However, I'll give some kudos to Recury. That track as a real funky sound to it. If it were less full-on it could really get a crowd moving... maybe in a lounge bar, hah!

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Guest Calx Sherbet

I think the really cool thing about this experiment is that as the time passes we forget alot about the tracks we haven't heard until their round comes up and then they really hit alot harder.


Has anyone else noticed that they are enjoying each album substantially more than if they were just listening to it out of the blue?


i definitely am


btw extherium, awesome avvy

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not that it makes a difference, but i always hear cichli as 6/4 then 4/4. same as drane

same thing really. all depends on how you divide it. i just used 5/4 for simplicity.

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where in melbourne are you, zagg?


I love Chiastic Slide. Have listened to it about 10 times already this week.

awesome. you should come along to the big watmm meetup/warp20 listening party (if it ever arrives, haha!). it'll be super geeky and full of beer, idm, krautrock and possibly psychedelic substances!

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can sydney watmmers come?

i know sydney and melbourne are sworn enemies but this thing sounds rad man. i'll be on my most melbourne behaviour if you like. i'll even wear an indie scarf and tight jeans.

lol, you're welcome to come if you can make it! and hey, i'm less melbourne than you, i'm originally from perth!

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Guest bitroast

can sydney watmmers come?

i know sydney and melbourne are sworn enemies but this thing sounds rad man. i'll be on my most melbourne behaviour if you like. i'll even wear an indie scarf and tight jeans.


you'd trek it to melbourne for warp20 listneing party! :O :D

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Guest bitroast

i used laughing quarter in an animation i did for school few years back. a few people verbally expressed their confusion (i just picked the most kick ass/awesome song i could think of) :D


ACTUALLY. listened to envane just the other day. waiting for the train. looked down at my feet and an ant was walking just infront of my shoes. the comparision in size was ridiculous, i felt so incredibly large. then a pigeon walked by the ant as well and i realised, he'd be incredibly large, i'm just a blur the ant wouldn't even realises exists. envane complemented this little experience rather nicely !!!!!!!!!!!

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