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drug[s] of choice

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probably a few of these threads have been made, but fuck it. name your poisons


gonna break it down based on what I've tried or made a habit out of


psychedelics- haven't tried many or to any extreme, but what I have dwelt with in the past is shrooms and salvia. former made life funny.. then profound, had quite a few insights that I probably would have laughed at if I had written them down. Salvia was intense, something I may explore further in the future


prescription- have tried a few general painkillers and sedatives, none that I found particularly effective. have tried to get a legit xanax prescription that never worked out.. don't see the benefit in buying it from shady characters if I could get a similar effect cheaper with a few shots. only medication I have been prescribed on was long term antidepressants but the side effects are shiiiiity. missed dosages giving you that floaty strung-out dizziness not to mention other dysfunctions


alcohol- personal drug of preference. calms the nerves and just negates everything. effective for blurring that exaggerated interpretation (that becomes an agitation in everyday occurances). I have blacked out a few times which tends to bring out a very (self)destructive side so I try to avoid binge drinking or free flowing hard liquor


nicotine- a habit, but I smoke less then most people around me. I usually make my own cigs with a cheap tube injector to save cash and smoke better quality tobacco. smoking is enjoyable but not something I find necessary


MJ- love it for its sensory uplift. nothing makes music and art more enjoyable then a nice spliff. don't consider this one of my more social drugs as I tend to become even more introverted. something I like to enjoy in my own time to reflect, create, and appreciate things


caffeine- not something I rely on, but I do drink it when it's available. beneficial for work I guess but then you crash afterwards. for some reason if I mix this with tobacco I tend to pass out? too much stimulation I suppose


other things (ie coke)- granted I have never been heavy on this, but so much peace of mind comes after a few lines.... everything I know becomes precious, similar to MJ but pushed further. something I indulge for myself on a semi-annual basis due the expensive and addictive nature

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Guest Barricade

Only Drukqs for me.


Other than that I never ever use drugs. Just the occasional alcohol. Fuck I don't even drink coffee.

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When younger - acid was my heroin

Now - marijuana and/or Bombay Sapphire & tonic


with the occasional hit of salvia or a mushroom brownie to keep things on an even-keel.



failing all those, the vaginal fluids of a lovely 18 year old Korean girl will do nicely


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i'm into that shit batman was dropping in the himalayas.


na i smoke weed and drink on occasion. sometimes i order the odd entheogen like salvia or lotus. i ate some shrooms at the beach but it was the first in years i did that.

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edit: lol i'm just kidding. look it up. be and my boy used to joke about this 10 years ago when I 1st heard about it.

space base


crack (freebase cocaine) and PCP (angeldust). mixed together and smoked usually in a blunt


fucking lol

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I used to do a lot of acid, speed and e's in my younger days...now I just smoke weed and drink heavily. funny enough, I'm in much worse shape since I gave up the class a's... it's the booze....booze is the worst drug of all.

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Acid/Mushrooms: I've tripped a good 20-30 times I would say, and some of my trips have been the most beautiful, life changing and magical experiences I have ever had, and some of the trips have been some of the WORST, mind-shattering, traumatic adventures into horror and hatred that I would never wish on another human being, and one really bad trip in particular (2 pills of E laced with meth + 2.5 hits of strong acid) fucked me up so badly it almost hurts to think about it. Turned me into a total social wreck, couldn't talk to people comfortably, couldn't go to parties, did not enjoy being around other people very much and it took me over 6 months to work myself out of that rut. Maybe some day I'll delve into the psychedelics again when my mind is fully formed and solid but not until I'm older.


DXM: Had some of the most enjoyably slurred times on this shit. Really I can't say much besides it fucks you right the fuck up.


Ketamine: Probably my favorite while it lasted but the novelty wears off. Feels like a beer and a joint at a low dose, complete out of body experience with full open eye visuals, illusions of motion (roller-coaster esque) and extreme auditory hallucinations. Probably THE most bizarre drug I've ever tried and I seriously doubt anything will ever top it. Eventually it just got boring though.


E: Many a swell time on E. Its probably the most fun socially, and I would do it more often if it wasn't so effing bad for your memory and brain, and if the crash wasn't so shitty


Opiates: A few dabblings with these taught me not to play with fire. Specifically I bought a bottle of Oxy off a buddy for cheap to sell expensive, and tried 1 pill just for fun and ended up doing all 30 of them within 1.5 weeks


Bezos: Holy shit I love benzos. Completely kills all anxiety and awkwardness and replaces everything with serene feelings of calmness, acceptance, relaxation, pleasure, I dunno. Very nice drugs. Never had problems with addiction although I didn't do them much.


Coke: Had some of the greatest times ever but I hate how it turns me into a complete animal. I fucking FIEND for coke when I come down, and I get the teeth grinding and twichy cracked out feeling that some drugs give me that I fucking HATE. I would probably do it once a year on new year's but thats it


Nitrous: Fantastic drug. Laughing gas. Lasts about 30 seconds but its an incredibly euphoric feeling, very strong buzzing body high and very strong feelings of dissociation, but the medical effects are virtually negligible.


Sally D: Always have a bad time on this drug but always get drawn back because I forget how awful it is. It is very bizarre which attracts me but the high is INCREDIBLY uncomfortable in just about every possible way.


Weed and alcohol have always been my friends and are always my drugs of choice. Weed is great because of the artistic appreciation as someone here said already, but it often makes me overthink alot of things and makes me paranoid around people I don't know well. Alcohol is always a good choice though and has a small and less intense sampling of all the good (and bad) effects of all the drugs I've tried to date.


I think that's it for my list. Maybe there's more but I'll spare the tl;dr

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ideally, good opiates; oxymorphone, or dillies

tolerance & physical dependance spoils that shit tho


so, some good ol' hash + drink once in a while will do

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