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Guest ryanmcallister

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Well I don't know you from adam, as you are pretty much a non-entity on this board. Saying this, I had an extremely odd "knowing" sensation. To put it simply, I KNEW I was going to like this track for some reason. I can't explain it. It took a sec to get going, but goddamn that is some groovy muthafuckin shit. Fuck. Too short though. Post moar! This is seriously splendid.

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Guest ryanmcallister

i lurk in the shadows...using watmm as a resource but giving nothing back...muahahahaha!


seriously though, thanks for listening. i know it's too short, i want to do something at the end, drastically change it from incredibly intense to incredibly minimal or something. i'm just waiting until i write something else that i can mash into the tail end then it'll be complete. just thought i'd post a work in progress for now.

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Guest Alex0112

Hey man- you listened to my track- I had to listen to yours.

Diggin it for sure. Like the melodies a lot- and the beats are definitely well programmed. But build the track up more before you release the full-out aural assault- make the transition seem organic- keep increasing the tension and then let all hell break loose. Maybe throw a pad in over the top or something to really bring it to a climax.

Usually I don't like those old school drum sounds too much( what is that a 909??)- but they work pretty well here.

Keep it up.

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Guest ryanmcallister

thanks for listening bro. honestly the point of this piece was more a tension and release kind of thing, instant changes from insanely instense to ultra laid back. i've done the linear squarepusher thing where you add another loop every 16 bars or whatever and just kinda ramp up towards climax, but it's not really what i wanted for this piece. the vocal sample captures it perfectly "the amount of energy generated by a nuclear bomb is enormous..." then BOOM full on aural assault. it shouldn't be organic. does a country expect to be have a bomb dropped on them and prepare for it to make the transition from peace to chaos smooth, or is it an instant change of state? that's what i was going for at that part.


simply differences of opinion, totally understand where your head's at, just not what i want for this one. i agree it's not finished though, needs something more along the lines of duration.


and ya there's a 909 in there, the beginning is a 707, then the 909 comes in and glitches over top, then finally there's an 808 in the breakdown.

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Guest Alex0112

Ahh it all makes sense now..guess I should have listened to what the sample said...

I see where you're comin from, but I still think you could have more of a lead up to the sample and climax, which would make it that more effective.

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Looooove that synth line, but not such a fan of the drums... too plain sounding to my taste, I prefer glitchier sounding samples I guess.


Still the second wave of annahilation after the vocal sample was wicked!!! And I like the sudden change into it.


If I were to improve it I might weaken the first wave of fast beats, just to accentuate the second lot that little bit more :D

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i like the sudden ending so i'm not sure i would want to carry it on further. if it needs to be longer i would probably lengthen the build up to the first change where the 909 kicks in. maybe have a longer synthy intro or something so you can keep the sudden switchup after the sample. pretty good so far i reckon

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Guest ryanmcallister

i like the sudden ending as well that why if i were to do anything after it it would be something very drastic. think like really abstract sound art that uses that very pure sine technique, maybe have a sub with some high pitched tone or something. just get really abstract and absolutely minimal. maybe, maybe not i dunno.


i agree a bigger buildup before the 909 part would be good, add a little more duration in there, then drop it back to the 808 beat, then vocals, then insanity. thanks for the tip and listening.

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your track is fucking ace! great job working out the TR's man.


kinda short and the nuclear explosion thing was abit too sudden, regardless of your concept behind it.


looking forward to hearing more!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ryanmcallister

So did you ever work on this more? I want to drop it in a mix. What do you want to go by?

not yet man...soon though...feel free to use it as is in a mix if you want though. what do you mean by "what do you want to go by"?


Is that a bcbox modded x0xb0x?

don't even know what that is, but no, there's no actual xoxbox in this tune, just d16 phoscyon for the 303 emulation.

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So did you ever work on this more? I want to drop it in a mix. What do you want to go by?

not yet man...soon though...feel free to use it as is in a mix if you want though. what do you mean by "what do you want to go by"?


artist name?

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Guest ryanmcallister

oh haha, you tell me...i can barely come up with titles to my tracks let alone such a major commitment as an artist name! honestly i got nothing right now, just my real name. perhaps i should start a charity thread and people could help me come up with a pseudonym?

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Guest ryanmcallister

"The BJ Queen"


"Prolapsed Infant Snatch Scrapings"

I love them all...i guess either combine all three into one somehow or just go with my slave name.





I submitted this track for critique at http://www.audiotuts.com in one of their weekly workshops and, as suspected, I'm getting very negative feedback from the close-minded fools that probably classify it all as "techno". If anyone's feeling generous feel free to come fight the good fight, or if you are feeling mischievous come anonymously troll the comment section and pick a fight with me.

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