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i'm top 10 drunk

Fred McGriff

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yo i'm top 10 drunk right now. i decided about an hour ago that i felt like pulling an all nighter so i'm going to go drink all night and play poker and then my colllege hand egg team is going to pee in some butts tomorrow and i'm just oing to get fucking stupid top five drunk because it's going to be the last meaningful game for me for quite a while we had some friends over tonight and we drank so much fucking booze we have to call the city recylcing center for a special pickup of all the bottles of booze we drank i dont even know white from black right now and it's a miracle my puke reflex is in total check and i'm coasting on sublime intoxication so i just wanted to say hey watmm i'm about to pee on your tv right now


top 10 drunk


p.s. i love you all, i mean, i really do, juss saying. i know i go apeshit defending my fav foods but you know that's all fun and games right because i'd take a bullet for you when it comes down to it


i'm about to go have sex brb

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Guest abusivegeorge

Lol, I love you too Fred. I miss the days of being where you are now, but alas, I wore mine out to soon. Have a drink for me son!

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

lies, I know you resent me after all the expectations you created for boobytron inc., I let you down, I let you all down and you still make me feel guilty for it.


enjoy your drunk rageAthon, cant say Im not jealous, I havent drank for almost a month now too quit smoking cigs... I miss getting bullet proof drunk

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I'm so fucking jealous -- sommelier wine and port! My gf & make basically enough to get by. I think about getting out of philosophy so often. It's just being a student, you don't have any money. I want really awesome beers with dinner every night, and to be able to drink special liqueueuueuuuurs afterward and sip on some sizurp, it's really hard to see most people my age actually have a decent salary and a house and a little wee one and get to buy whatever they want from teh grocery store every week FUUUUUUUUUUUUU--

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You drink pretty regularly fred. So you don't get to bad hangovers then. Back when i used to drink, the more frequently it occurred the more dulled it's impact. Even for like 'top 10' pisstraviganzas.

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Guest Franklin

there's nothing i dread more than reading these threads the next morning. i mean, nothing. and i wouldnt take a bullet for anyone btw.





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i was pretty wasted as well last night from seeing tycho. it's probably best i didn't try to post on watmm


currently i'm still sick from wine flu

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ive cut my alcohol down to two nights a week now, but in the time period a month or so ago where i was drinking a 70 of vodka + ciders every night, hangovers actually cease to exist, you can drink whatever you want and wake up with nothing worse than an insane thirst.

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it cant lay down a sick fucking 303 bassline thats for shure








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Guest abusivegeorge

Lol, Fred. I love the way you had a rigorous pact not to touch the wine untill the evening last night, coz teatime was too early. Went out the window today that principle huh? Also, please have another one for me, and damn well fucking enjoy it.


You too essines.

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dude, saturdays are a free for all for me. i started at 10 am this morning, popped open teh bottle and made a zucchini (sp), basil and mushroom frittata. i drink all day on saturdays and watch hand egg until i black out. this next swig is for you, george.

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Guest abusivegeorge

dude, saturdays are a free for all for me. i started at 10 am this morning, popped open teh bottle and made a zucchini (sp), basil and mushroom frittata. i drink all day on saturdays and watch hand egg until i black out. this next swig is for you, george.


Lol, thats awesome, Saturdays used to be much the same for me except I would watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Thanks Fred, enjoy that swig, make it long!

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