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the singularity is upon us...


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This must be a sign of something. Small, cheap laptops and internet enabled phones are changing the prostitution industry overnight. I've already come across my first QQ-hooker-con-artist (she's basically running a 419 scam involving getting johns to send money to her bank account, pretty brilliant and worth a separate thread). Then tonight I see one of my friends get on QQ, I flip on video mode and it turns out she's on the internet from her work! This is really going to shake things up. You'll have girls doing stripteases for johns during their downtime and who knows what else, it's going to be crazy. Not to mention the fact that anything you do will leave a log and potential evidence trail for police. This is still a pretty secret world so it's interesting to see how it'll react to being popped open. I'm both blown away and creeped out by how instant communication is changing everything...

















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But Lump, you are seriously one of the most fascinating guys I "know" and I think that thinly-veiled fiction or even a movie deal concerning your exploits as a gwei-lo in the Big Red would be a big hit. At least with me. Fuck, can you imagine getting Herzog on you?


"This stranger, in a land of forbidden plehzhuh, does de bidding of his American home through his workplace. But one wonders...did anyone consider vere his sowel (soul) vaz?"


oh man, I'm so carried away--I could go on this for days.



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yeah I'd like to write something but i never have the time, and things change so quickly...I really need to just quit my job and take a far less time consuming job like teaching English that would give me the time I need to write and explore (but as Chen said it wouldn't pay enough to cover the extracurriculars). I'd like to think it's interesting to read about, at least I find it to be a really interesting world...I think if I wrote about it though and actually wanted to make money from the story, I'd have to do what that sociology student who wrote "Gang Leader for a Day" did, which is come up with a distancing technique like "legitimate research" that allows middle class housewives to justify their prurient interest to themselves. Don't know if you've read that book, it's a good read about a young Indian student who spends almost 10 years inside a black gang. But he always puts himself in the role of observer, he never says he smoked crack or beat someone up or slept with a hooker. I don't really have any interest in faking that sort of distance from things so I think anything I'd write would have limited appeal.


I still like the idea of "hooker movie reviews" and hope to make that reality some day. Imagine this room of girls all watching and sharing their thoughts on "Synechdote: NY" or "Avatar"...

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yeah I've thought of that, but it's like filesharing, does anyone really want to pay for something they got for free? Seems to me that the people who buy books are a somewhat different crowd than those who read stuff online anyway. It'd be fun to self-publish at some point just for the hell of it...curious to hear your thoughts though...


edit: re the underage thing, the vast majority aren't, but lots of 18, 19, and 20 yr olds...the one with the combed over hair is actually my semi-gf now, I did a photoshoot with her this past Sun:






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yeah I'd like to write something but i never have the time, and things change so quickly...I really need to just quit my job and take a far less time consuming job like teaching English that would give me the time I need to write and explore (but as Chen said it wouldn't pay enough to cover the extracurriculars). I'd like to think it's interesting to read about, at least I find it to be a really interesting world...I think if I wrote about it though and actually wanted to make money from the story, I'd have to do what that sociology student who wrote "Gang Leader for a Day" did, which is come up with a distancing technique like "legitimate research" that allows middle class housewives to justify their prurient interest to themselves. Don't know if you've read that book, it's a good read about a young Indian student who spends almost 10 years inside a black gang. But he always puts himself in the role of observer, he never says he smoked crack or beat someone up or slept with a hooker. I don't really have any interest in faking that sort of distance from things so I think anything I'd write would have limited appeal.


I still like the idea of "hooker movie reviews" and hope to make that reality some day. Imagine this room of girls all watching and sharing their thoughts on "Synechdote: NY" or "Avatar"...


You could always go the Ulillillia route and self-publish with Lulu.


Hell, I'd buy a copy.


Most of those girls look undera-:pedobear:




under 14?




they're in China


cultural relativism yeah




live fish etc


u mad?

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Guest abusivegeorge

Most of those girls look undera-:pedobear:




under 14?




they're in China


cultural relativism yeah




live fish etc


Fuckin LOL, yeah that really got me too. I think I'll put on a diaper and demand insanity/alzheimers.


Cultural relativism and all that.

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Most of those girls look undera-:pedobear:




under 14?




they're in China


cultural relativism yeah




live fish etc



lol. I love you LUDD. I mean that. I really want to dock with you in a loving familial way.

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