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Switzerland votes to ban Mosque Towers


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This is fucked up beyond belief... what complete fascism


it's funny that you call it facism, because it's what the people voted for.


"Fascist governments forbid and suppress openness and opposition"


It doesn't matter if one leader decided this or a majority (57% in this case) supported this... this law specifically suppresses the celebration and cultural growth of a minority living in the country. It's racist and its goal is clearly to prevent a muslim community from ever growing in the community. It's like saying I don't like the way black people look, so I am going to ban black people.


I find the argument of this purely being based off architecture to be absurd as well... it's like banning a certain form of art.


Here are some examples of Mosque Towers currently in Switzerland...




i was just saying that the people voted for it, so they got it. i still don't see how that's facist at all. sure, it's racist as fuck and it's oppressing a minority, yeah, but it's not a dictator saying, "muslims? gtfo." it's really nationalist, yes. but not fascist. maybe i've got my definition wrong :wacko:

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also keep in mind that only 53% of the population voted, it might have been different if lazy left-wingers weren't so stoned that they couldn't be fucked to vote.


but let's have some more svp posters, shall we?




if anyone can translate it'd be good for a lol. I can't imagine anything like that existing in australia without massive public backlash.


heh, i agree to limiting immigration in australia. We have very little water left per person and what small amount of arable land we do have is being lost to drought, people keep forgetting that we're a giant desert. And so we invite hundreds of thousands in every year, further pushing up property prices in the limted centres anyone can live in and down the quality of life. Something will give at some point, and we'll see posters like this.


The problem at the moment is that business on the right likes immigration for the unskilled labour that will limit wage growth and the bargaining power of labour. Also it helps to push growth (obviously). I'm sure they also harbour dreams of becoming some kind of super state, whilst hoping that science will green the desert that they'd never themselves leave melbourne or sydney to live in even if it was made somewhat cultivatable as you'd never rid it of the extreme heat and the flys.


Then you've got the bleeding heart crybabies on the left that want to let every poor breeder in. So they can go to sleep and dream of rainbows and unicorns unencumbered by the fear that they might not have helped someone that day. More ignorance of reality.


Eventually though the "fuck off we're full" sign will go up.



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Thank you switzerland. This was a sign against the islamisation of europe. Maybe this is no a problem in the US and the UK, but it is, and will be a big problem in germany, austria, switzerland, the netherlands and the scandinavian countries.


i´d like to quote Tayyip Recep Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey.

The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our spears, the believers our soldiers


These people are not our friends. The scariest thing about all this is, that the demographics are working for the muslims. They produce children like crazy. In certain parts of germany you have entire schools without a single native-german speaking child.

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Guest Conor74



also keep in mind that only 53% of the population voted, it might have been different if lazy left-wingers weren't so stoned that they couldn't be fucked to vote.


In fairness, I think the 47% was busy weighing up Nazi gold...

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Thank you switzerland. This was a sign against the islamisation of europe. Maybe this is no a problem in the US and the UK, but it is, and will be a big problem in germany, austria, switzerland, the netherlands and the scandinavian countries.


i´d like to quote Tayyip Recep Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey.

The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our spears, the believers our soldiers


These people are not our friends. The scariest thing about all this is, that the demographics are working for the muslims. They produce children like crazy. In certain parts of germany you have entire schools without a single native-german speaking child.

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also keep in mind that only 53% of the population voted, it might have been different if lazy left-wingers weren't so stoned that they couldn't be fucked to vote.


In fairness, I think the 47% was busy weighing up Nazi gold...


I knew that was a fallacy and indeed it is:


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there is only one thing you have to understand. the moment muslims are no longer minorities in western societies (look at the demograohics in countries like germany and wait 40 or 50 years) we won´t have western societies anymore.


we will have to deal with the sharia then. just look what happened to dutch film-director Theo von Gogh...google it if you don´t know what i mean.


they don´t need to be extremists, terrorist etc., they do not need bombs. all they have to do is to produce more and more children and laugh at us and out so called "tolerance". they´re muslims, they want to spread their primitive, medieval, culture. i don´t want my grandchildren to be muslims.

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Guest Conor74

there is only one thing you have to understand. the moment muslims are no longer minorities in western societies (look at the demograohics in countries like germany and wait 40 or 50 years) we won´t have western societies anymore.


we will have to deal with the sharia then. just look what happened to dutch film-director Theo von Gogh...google it if you don´t know what i mean.


they don´t need to be extremists, terrorist etc., they do not need bombs. all they have to do is to produce more and more children and laugh at us and out so called "tolerance". they´re muslims, they want to spread their primitive, medieval, culture. i don´t want my grandchildren to be muslims.


This is a wind up, right?


I mean, the Theo Van Gogh reference, you do know that Christians kill people too? Like when they lobs bombs at abortion clinics. As for the idea that Muslims go around like daleks with some 'procreate, exterminate' mantra, you are being funny, right?

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Guest Conor74

Um, that it's 100% bullshit of the highest order? That we have to watch out for Muslims cos once they killed a Dutchman, which is so much worse than the millions that were killed by Christian leaders like Blair and Bush with their determination to do 'God's work'? That Muslims procreate with some idea of taking over the world? That their aim is to subject his garndchildren to Sharia law?


It is offensive, if it is serious...but I am hoping it is a wind up.

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That Muslims procreate with some idea of taking over the world? That their aim is to subject his garndchildren to Sharia law?


i don't think that muslims intend to do this. like, they don't go to secret meetings where they plot the downfall of their western enemies. but it could happen that the immigrant population would take over the native population in some european countries because they do have a higher birth rate. it's also happening in the united states. that's what happens when the native population has a stagnant birth rate, just enough to replenish those people who are dying, and then massive amounts of people start immigrating there.

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Guest Conor74

but it could happen that the immigrant population would take over the native population in some european countries because they do have a higher birth rate.


And is that not part of the natural rise and fall of populations and changes in demographics that has happened throughout history? Like


it's also happening in the united states.


You mean white settlers are killing off the native population? Or is the country being swamped by European immigrants from Italy and Ireland and Poland? Or are you referring to another change?

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This is a wind up, right?


I mean, the Theo Van Gogh reference, you do know that Christians kill people too? Like when they lobs bombs at abortion clinics.


yes christians (retarded, american fundementalists) kill people too. it´s a shame. it only shows, that we should get rid of religion as soon as possible (not going to happen, i know). for a european like me, it´s very irritating to see what´s happening in large parts of the US. it´s a huge step back for humanity. abandon reason and science and all that stuff for faith and stupidity. not good.


islam is exactly that and even more. barbaric laws, intolerance, blind and stupid faith over reason. why should we import that medieval lifestlye? the western world went through the age of enlightenment (i hope it´s the right term...), we´re still waiting for the islamic version of such an age of enlightenment...


until then we should not tolerate intolerance.


i wish we germans had someone like geert wilders (dutch guy):

"Take a walk down the street and see where this is going. You no longer feel like you are living in your own country. There is a battle going on and we have to defend ourselves. Before you know it there will be more mosques than churches!"


my english is not that good, i hope i made my points clear :biggrin:

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i admit that its a difficult question but your statements seem quite harsh, panz0r. (at least they fit to your nickname ;))


you know that there is freedom of religion, opinion, speech etc. in germany and europe? as a product of the "aufklärung" btw...


and the muslims i know are not as bad as your generalising view tries to make them. in the end germany needs immigration, needs foreign workers and taxpayers.

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i admit that its a difficult question but your statements seem quite harsh, panz0r. (at least they fit to your nickname ;))


hehe, but i´m not a right-wing goon, just to make that clear.


you know that there is freedom of religion, opinion, speech etc. in germany and europe? as a product of the "aufklärung" btw...


yes, the freedom of religion, freedom of everything else is a huge achievement. but i am afraid we will lose all this if our societies shift towards the islamic culture. the islam is not about tolerance. we should not tolerate intolerance.


and the muslims i know are not as bad as your generalising view tries to make them. in the end germany needs immigration, needs foreign workers and taxpayers.


i also know nice muslims, but that´s not the point. i´m not saying they are all extremists /terrorists/ bad people. and yes, we need the paxpayers, but two things:


i´m sure you know, that especially this group of people (arabs, persians, turks - unlike like eastern european, asian, etc. foreigners - i´m sure you read the stuff thilo sarrazin said in that "lettre" interview a few weeks ago, "kopftuchmädchen" etc.) are recipients of social security benefits. they do not pay into the social security system (don´t know the correct english term, you know what i mean), they mainly receive this money. so, we really don´t need "these" people. again this sounds very harsh, but it´s a fact.


and even more important: don´t you think the native people of a country should be the masters of their own house? shouldn´t they make the rules in their country? just like the swiss people did in a very democratic way?

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islam is exactly that and even more. barbaric laws, intolerance, blind and stupid faith over reason. why should we import that medieval lifestlye? the western world went through the age of enlightenment (i hope it´s the right term...), we´re still waiting for the islamic version of such an age of enlightenment...

yes, all of the billion muslims around the world follow the ultra radical form of islam. a big reason many of the islamic countries are "medieval" is the western influence, who rather keep the countries in turmoil as a mean of control.

until then we should not tolerate intolerance.

unless the intolerance is towards people who look, speak and act differently than ourselves.


i wish we germans had someone like geert wilders (dutch guy):

"Take a walk down the street and see where this is going. You no longer feel like you are living in your own country. There is a battle going on and we have to defend ourselves. Before you know it there will be more mosques than churches!"

how exactly is this tolerant? sounds like nationalistic bullshit. which unfortunately keeps rearing it's ugly head up around europe.

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Guest Conor74

i wish we germans had someone like geert wilders (dutch guy):

"Take a walk down the street and see where this is going. You no longer feel like you are living in your own country. There is a battle going on and we have to defend ourselves. Before you know it there will be more mosques than churches!"


my english is not that good, i hope i made my points clear :biggrin:


You can quote chapter and verse from a man who is so racist that he was banned from even entering the UK?


You have made yourself abundantly clear. You like his version of intolerance...

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how exactly is this tolerant? sounds like nationalistic bullshit. which unfortunately keeps rearing it's ugly head up around europe.


it is not tolerant.


i just really think, that it is more important to conserve the western values, the achievements of the age of enlightenment, the freedom of religion (sic!)(before you react to that, make sure you understand what the swiss referendum was about - it was not about hindering the muslims praticing their religion)/ speech etc. than to let a violent and dangerous culture influence our societies.

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