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Generic Apartment problems with Neighbors thread


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alright, this past week i came home to a notice saying our apartment (it didnt specifically name anyone in particular) had violated noise restrictions...if they continued we all risk a 100 dollar fine and eviction..


so to clarify, im a pretty quiet guy, and im in graduate school plus 30 hr./week internship.....im only in my house at night from maybe 7 to 7am...the only noise i make is playing music through my computer speakers....so i cant figure that one out



secondly, i come home tonight and see that people have complained about me cooking stuff and it fucking up their ventilation/////what the fuck i cook maybe once a week.....two nights ago i cooked pizza and i cant see how the fuck that would smell up MY apartment, let alone the apartment above me.


all this stress from graduate finals, im at work or class during the office hours so i cant fucking talk to them....i want to destroy something.

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i wouldn't worry about the $100 fine part, seems like an empty threat, no judge at least in California would grant a landlord the right to fine a tenant like that. but the eviction is definitely a serious threat. depending on where you live a landlord can evict you for any reason (even without warning or for absolutely no logical reason) as long as he gives you 30 days to vacate.


If you genuinely don't remember anytime you make noise , i would talk to the apartment manager and be extremely nice about it or talk to the neighbors who you think might be complaining. Usually its not common for someone to just put a note on your door as a very first warning. When i was an apartment manager who lived on site if someone complained about noise (while it was happening, otherwise its just his word against someone else's with no proof) i would just go over to that particular apartment knock on the door, see if the noise level was disruptive and if it was ask them to turn it down. I never had someone refuse in this situation, but if someone had refused then i would put a warning of eviction on their door.


It sounds like your on site manager is the non confrontational type who cant just talk to the residents face to face about issues. If this is the case i would be the one to do the confronting but be very non threatening and super nice ass kissing in the process. Tell them your situation as a student and that youll do anything the management wants to comply you just don't understand why you are getting these complaints.

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i wouldn't worry about the $100 fine part, seems like an empty threat, no judge at least in California would grant a landlord the right to fine a tenant like that. but the eviction is definitely a serious threat. depending on where you live a landlord can evict you for any reason (even without warning or for absolutely no logical reason) as long as he gives you 30 days to vacate.


If you genuinely don't remember anytime you make noise , i would talk to the apartment manager and be extremely nice about it or talk to the neighbors who you think might be complaining. Usually its not common for someone to just put a note on your door as a very first warning. When i was an apartment manager who lived on site if someone complained about noise (while it was happening, otherwise its just his word against someone else's with no proof) i would just go over to that particular apartment knock on the door, see if the noise level was disruptive and if it was ask them to turn it down. I never had someone refuse in this situation, but if someone had refused then i would put a warning of eviction on their door.


It sounds like your on site manager is the non confrontational type who cant just talk to the residents face to face about issues. If this is the case i would be the one to do the confronting but be very non threatening and super nice ass kissing in the process. Tell them your situation as a student and that youll do anything the management wants to comply you just don't understand why you are getting these complaints.


word. definately sounds like good advice...but factor in that I cant really spare time at this point in the semester to talk to her face-to-face during office hours....would an email work?


the thing that pisses me off is that im sure the noise is coming from the apartment on the 2nd floor. the cops have come upstairs on a domestic disturbance, and the second time, i had a police officer knock on the door, waking me up at 4am 3 hours before i have work, he looks at me dumbfounded..."Is this the (apartment number")?" and i said "Yessir...what is the problem?"


"You didn't call me?"


"Ok then.."


somethin shady is goin on here.

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I constantly hear people having sex



see, that wouldn't even be a problem for me as long as its not deafeningly loud, everyone does that , its all good



i just dont get how im involved in this "noise" dispute....i cant even conceive what I have done to cause a noise violation.

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i wouldn't worry about the $100 fine part, seems like an empty threat, no judge at least in California would grant a landlord the right to fine a tenant like that. but the eviction is definitely a serious threat. depending on where you live a landlord can evict you for any reason (even without warning or for absolutely no logical reason) as long as he gives you 30 days to vacate.


If you genuinely don't remember anytime you make noise , i would talk to the apartment manager and be extremely nice about it or talk to the neighbors who you think might be complaining. Usually its not common for someone to just put a note on your door as a very first warning. When i was an apartment manager who lived on site if someone complained about noise (while it was happening, otherwise its just his word against someone else's with no proof) i would just go over to that particular apartment knock on the door, see if the noise level was disruptive and if it was ask them to turn it down. I never had someone refuse in this situation, but if someone had refused then i would put a warning of eviction on their door.


It sounds like your on site manager is the non confrontational type who cant just talk to the residents face to face about issues. If this is the case i would be the one to do the confronting but be very non threatening and super nice ass kissing in the process. Tell them your situation as a student and that youll do anything the management wants to comply you just don't understand why you are getting these complaints.


word. definately sounds like good advice...but factor in that I cant really spare time at this point in the semester to talk to her face-to-face during office hours....would an email work?


the thing that pisses me off is that im sure the noise is coming from the apartment on the 2nd floor. the cops have come upstairs on a domestic disturbance, and the second time, i had a police officer knock on the door, waking me up at 4am 3 hours before i have work, he looks at me dumbfounded..."Is this the (apartment number")?" and i said "Yessir...what is the problem?"


"You didn't call me?"


"Ok then.."


somethin shady is goin on here.


well the office should have a phone number to reach a live person, if no one picks up id leave a very calm detailed message about your situation. email would work too, i think a direct form of communication would work best though

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Guest JW Modestburns

I used to have neighbors that blasted gospel on a system that sounded like it belonged at a dubstep show every Sunday morning starting at around 8:30am. It was pretty bad but they never complained about our late night shenanigans.


There were a few times that the volume actually rattled shelves and whatnot.


I witnessed gods wrath when his bangin' basslines smashed my favorite electrostatic globe. I was pretty angry but, God was like fuck that shit. Complaining to an apartment manager would have been useless...

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no luckily, but i did deal with an increasing drug dealing problem out of one apartment. luckily i quit before the situation came to a head. I was honestly pretty frightened at what would happen if i was there for longer. i backed against a wall by 4 dudes after i told them they weren't allowed to idle in a residents reserved parking space waiting to buy drugs


edit: not as bad as the guy i had to work with there for a year, he had just gotten out of prison and was a full blown alcoholic who would take a double shot of tequila while still in bed and on top of that was addicted to meth.

eventually of course he started stealing from tenants apartments and then graduated to stealing construction equipment and kidnapping/armed robbery. he is now currently in jail

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Two of the neighbors downstairs started dating each other. So now I get to listen to loud fucking and arguing. They don't argue downstairs in their apartment. No, that would disturb their roommates, so they argue out front. My room faces the front. Joy.

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Guest hahathhat

I used to have neighbors that blasted gospel on a system that sounded like it belonged at a dubstep show every Sunday morning starting at around 8:30am. It was pretty bad but they never complained about our late night shenanigans.


There were a few times that the volume actually rattled shelves and whatnot.


I witnessed gods wrath when his bangin' basslines smashed my favorite electrostatic globe. I was pretty angry but, God was like fuck that shit. Complaining to an apartment manager would have been useless...


we got a similar situation going on. the neighbors blast christmas carols year round, they got an army of kids that stomp and jump and throw balls on the walls and dance on the piano.... but they've never complained about venetian snares at 4 am.

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27 years Hathathat has been on planet earth and he matures a little more each day. Still.. cringeworthy as fuck reading his posts when he was 24, lol, what a major doofus.

He had a bad spell back then, series of posts which didn't work on ANY LEVEL WHATSOEVER.

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Braintree, you should lean out the window during one of the dating-neighbors' fights and scream, "Could you please just skip to the make-up sex? I have (insert employment and/or educational excuse here) in four hours, you dysfunctional jackasses!"



You're getting noise complaints, but you aren't noticing any neighboring tenants making too much noise? That seems really odd. Maybe one of your neighbors just doesn't like you, and they're trying to get rid of you, in which case, a LOT of communication with your management office will help, especially if you appear willing to comply.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

if you play loud music late at night when it disturbs other people you are a prick and you need to sit down in the shower with your clothes on and think about how to fix yourself

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Braintree, you should lean out the window during one of the dating-neighbors' fights and scream, "Could you please just skip to the make-up sex? I have (insert employment and/or educational excuse here) in four hours, you dysfunctional jackasses!"



You're getting noise complaints, but you aren't noticing any neighboring tenants making too much noise? That seems really odd. Maybe one of your neighbors just doesn't like you, and they're trying to get rid of you, in which case, a LOT of communication with your management office will help, especially if you appear willing to comply.



well, i think ive figured it out...im almoost positive the are putting the pressure on the apartment on the second floor, but involve the whole apartment to make it look like they aren't pointing fingers maybe?


i found out recently that the complex is getting fairly desperate for tenants, therefore i would highly doubt theyd kick out 4 apartments worth of people to get rid of one apartment worth of troublemakers.


im going into the office on monday and explaining to them about the apartment upstairs.


i think my first month there, i awoke at 4-5 am to a coupe upstairs yelling really fucking loud and suddenly HUGE bumps against the floor, like someone was getting beaten with a bat...anyway...some dude comes running down the stair well(i can hear from my door) saying "YOU BITCH YOU BIT MY FUCKING FACE OFF"....and hes drunkenly threatening to call the cops on the bitch, i dunno whats goin on, but i think they need to go.

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I have a neighbour that occasionally walks around on his back patio striking a cricket bat with a hammer .. i think it's to harden the wood so that it deflects balls further ... but still what the fuck you bastard i'm trying to sleep .. this isn't an area isn't zoned industrial sweatshop ..

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