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Anyone else into trekking, scrambling etc?

Guest Conor74

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Guest Masonic Boom

I can't drive (well, UK stylee anyway.) :(


So I'm kinda dependent on 1) places that are accessable by rail (which are actually quite a lot more than you'd expect, we did some great walks on railcard discounts) or 2) going to visit people with cars. (I've been on some lovely walks in woods around Northampton/Rugby area - I never knew the midlands could be so beautiful! Or maybe that was those fresh mushrooms Carruthers kept rooting out.)


And man, never trust those lying weasly stoat bastards. You'd ask to get to Devon and end up in the Peak District if you followed their directions.


Ed's back in town next week, I'll try and round him up to do a spot of megalith hunting and psychogeographical rambling.

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Guest Masonic Boom

Used to do quite a bit of that, with my mate and with my ex - who was well into the whole Subterranea Britannica scene and all. I mean, there's a lot of really interesting walks to be done in London and I do enjoy doing those. We did like, the River Fleet walk and tracing the routes of electrical substations (and some day I will do the whole Circle Line walk, even though there no longer is a Circle Line.)


Abandonned sites are great fun, but you really need to be with people. It's not exactly safe doing it on your own.


It's just that walking in actual NATURE with, like, no humans and no buildings around is a very different feeling from walking around a city - even a great city like London. It's like the difference between a shopping mall and a cathedral.


When the weather picks up I'll go to Epping Forest which at least gives the feeling you're in an old growth (even if it's just Medieval) wood and not a potted plant like Hampstead Heath. That's always pretty great! And on the Tube.

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Love going to Malham in north Yorkshire. Big climb up the waterfall here




Walk takes hours but its lovely round there, we go twice a year usually.



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Guest Conor74

Heard about Malham, and stayed in North Yorkshire, in Richmond, a few years back, but was a couch potato in those baaaaad days...

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Guest ezkerraldean

Love going to Malham in north Yorkshire. Big climb up the waterfall here



fucking yes, i climbed that beast once on a field trip. forgot what the place was called.


i'd strongly recommend the Isle of Arran, walking around the edge and across the middle is goddamn amazing.

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  • 4 months later...

Went on a hike up in the Santa Monica mountains here in coastal California and it was awesome. Not quite the lush green views you guys have over there across the pond... more desertscapes over here. Oversteps would have made a nice soundtrack.


The little pod-like things on the plant produce white blooms



Like this



Saw a few rock-climbers out there



Ended up at a small creek where ladybugs are in abundance



Stopped to rest, have some snacks and enjoy a nice Boards of Canada moment... (looking up)




looking down. hi guys :)




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Guest theSun

yeah looks very nice out there. i went backpacking in the adirondacks for a few days earlier this year (before black flies) and i camp in other various local places. recently got some kayaks too, those are a ton of fun, can't wait to take them out for a multi-day trip.

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Guest disparaissant

i hiked a good chunk of the appalachian trail when i was 17. it was great. lots of weird people out on the trail, but nice-weird, not rape-weird. thankfully.

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Guest theSun



holding on to invisible support structure.


on the way home



the water you see is a part of lake george, everything looks so small in the pics....

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holding on to invisible support structure.


on the way home




the water you see is a part of lake george, everything looks so small in the pics....


Wow, those are great pics! Cool dog. What is the cabin?


Yeah, I can't ever seem to capture on camera the immensity of some places. Or the saturation of rainbows either. Just have to be there, I guess. :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest theSun





holding on to invisible support structure.


on the way home




the water you see is a part of lake george, everything looks so small in the pics....


Wow, those are great pics! Cool dog. What is the cabin?


Yeah, I can't ever seem to capture on camera the immensity of some places. Or the saturation of rainbows either. Just have to be there, I guess. :emotawesomepm9:


it's a leanto. most places there (that i go to anyway) are primitive camp sites (basically a marker that says you can legally camp there and maybe a fire pit if you're lucky), but leantos are also scattered around certain trails/ponds/mountains. if we had found this on the first day it would be our camp, but we set up our tent about a half mile down that trail and didn't want to break camp and lug our 50-80 lb packs all the way up.


anyone who happens to be in the NE US and might be interested in camping ADKs i'd love to set up a trip.

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Guest Masonic Boom



Lake George! I recognise that view!


I spent a lot of time hiking around that lake during my teenage years. Some absolutely stunning country round there, upstate NY has some of the most beautiful scenery on earth.

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Guest theSun

yes it really is. it's about 5-6 hours away from me, making it just a tad too inconvenient for an overnight. if you know where you're going though, it's totally worth it!


whenever i come back from trips out there i get really claustrophobic, anxious and distant when thrown back into my dying urban city of buffalo

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Guest 277: 930-933

It's always a tragedy when something lovely like walking around falls victim to enthusiasts who insist on coming up with all kinds of terminology and products surrounding the activity.

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Guest theSun

i'm assuming that's directed at the OP but i just describe my tent-camping-in-the-woods as backpacking. trekking seems like a long trip, scrambling seems like trying not to fall off a mountain.

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