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does anyone else not have a life on weekends?


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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i'm working as i managed to get really busy the entire january and i couldnt be arsed to work yesterday.


glad i don't study no more for sure,

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Guest JohnTqs

all my closest friends are either going to ex-boyfriend's parties, traveling, or studying. I hate being home on the weekend

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Guest peaches

depends. sometimes me and some friends will either gamble, get high, or go snow-mobiling, or any combination of those 3. I'm content staying home this weekend though, it's brutally cold and I just bought Mass Effect 2.

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Guest ezkerraldean

oh my lol earlier today i bumped into an old friend i haven't met in ages and found out that he lives on the same road as another friend of mine. i got pissed then wandered to the other friend of mine's house so we could watch Come And See and get high, but i knocked on the wrong door for quite a while before realising that it was the wrong door. the people inside looked as terrified as you can look through frosted glass. i went to the right door and got in, and watched Come And See and got more pissed and high. just got home, and the old friend of mine chirps up on MSN and asks me if i knocked on his door earlier in the night. i said no lol it must have been some random mentalist lol

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and the old friend of mine chirps up on MSN and asks me if i knocked on his door earlier in the night. i said no lol it must have been some random mentalist lol


Well you told half of the truth.

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my weekends are generally quite uneventful these days. but I kind of like that....I just mooch about, get stoned, tinker with music and play WoW...my girlfriend works on the weekend and most of my mates have moved out of london so I just hang out with myself.

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I work freelance so I basically have no real sense of a "work week". Sometimes I'll have a whole week off and then be required to do a job over the weekend. Sometimes I'll have 2 weeks of nothing but masturbating and listening to NPR and then have to work for 3 weeks straight with no days off. I never know what my work schedule will be like or who I'll be working for until I'm on the job.

I don't mind it so much. The only thing that sucks is when I'm not working and I make plans to do something fun and then I get a job and have to cancel my other plans. Also, my days can be endless and will often screw up things. That sorta stuff happens a lot but I'm pretty used to it by now.

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